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Various steps to prevent and C) Science and technology

control air pollution need to be

taken in order to reduce its - Use unleaded petrol and
harmful effects. The steps include: low-sulphur petrol.
-Use hybrid vehicles.
-Install electrostatic filters in
A) Law enforcement
-Introduce environment quality act factory smokestacks and build
and laws in Malaysia. to at least 30 metres tall.
-Impose fines on individuals who -Install catalytic converters in
practise open burning, smoke in
restricted areas, and those who do
all motor vehicles.
not abide by the rules of vehicle -Use biological methods to AIR POLLUTION
emission standards. control pests
-Prohibit construction of factories
in residential areas.
In this topic, we will learn about:
B) Education i)Definition of air pollution
-Educate the public on the
practices to reduce air pollution ii)Definition of air pollutants, examples,
especially in schools. and sources of air pollutants
- Participate in local utility energy
conservation programs such as iii)Causes and effects of air pollution
‘Love our environment’ and ‘No
smoking’ campaigns.
-Limit driving by carpooling using
iv)Ways to prevent and control air
public transportation, biking, and Prepared by: pollution
walking which can help in Dayanitha a/p A
conservation of energy.
-Adopt the 3Rs of solid waste Supavamaniyam
management; Reduce, reuse, and 1 Pasteur
C) Plants and animals
Causes and effects of air pollution:
Definition of air pollution: A) Human health
-When acid rain flows into the water systems
,it turns water acidic which is not suitable for
This causes the greenhouse effects and global
Air pollution is indicated by the presence of -Smoke and soot irritate the lungs and cause breathing
pollutants in the atmosphere. Air pollutants are aquatic plants and animals. -Global warming, the rise in Earth’s temperature
difficulties. -Acid rain causes soil to be acidic and
any chemical substances, particles, or may results in the climate change. Certain
microorganisms in the air. -Nitrogen dioxide affects the respiratory system and causes infertile. places may experience droughts.
itchiness and redness in the eyes. -Smoke and haze decrease the penetration -The increase of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in
Air pollution occurs when the atmosphere -Carbon dioxide reduces the amount of oxygen carried by of sunlight to the surface of the Earth and the atmosphere causes depletion of ozone
contains an increased level of pollutants such as the blood and causes headaches and brain damages. this, in turn, reduces the rate of
gases, smoke, smog, and dust. These substances layer. This allows more harmful ultraviolet (UV)
-Radioactive substances are cardiogenic. photosynthesis by green plants.
are very harmful to human beings, animals, and rays to reach the Earth surface.
B)Buildings and infrastructures D) Climate
-Dust makes buildings dirty -Smoke and dust from factories, vehicles and
-Sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen of nitrogen dissolve open burning cause haze.
in rain water to form water to form acid rain. Acid rain -The increase of greenhouse gases such as
corrodes concrete and limestone structures, and accelerates carbon dioxide trapped in the atmosphere
the rusting process. prevents heat from escaping from space.
Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Sources: Source:
Combustion of fossil Industrial emissions Open burning, Agricultural activities Aerosol sprays, refrigerators, and air Nuclear power plants Construction sites,
fuels in vehicles cigarettes and forest conditioners asbestos factories and
fires limestone quarries


Air pollutants: Air pollutants: Air pollutants: Air pollutants:

-Smoke, dust and -Smoke and soot -smoke and soot -pesticides
soot -oxides of nitrogen -dust -chemical fertilisers
- Carbon monoxide -sulphur dioxide -carbon dioxide
-Sulphur dioxide -carbon dioxide Air pollutants: Air pollutants: Air pollutants:
-Hydrocarbon -carbon monoxide -chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) -radioactive substances -dust particles

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