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Presented By: M. Arlsan:
Supervisor Registration No BSCT01173078

Haseeb Faisal Shehzad Faisal Fareed
Ahmed BSCT01163114 BSCT01173113
Human have assumed a key part in the advance and management of human
development from old circumstances to the present.

The influence of highway transportation on the economic , social and political

fabrics of nations is far reaching and as a consequence.

Highway studied for decades as cultural , political and economic phenomena.

Highway are consider are backbone of country because it access for
INTRODUCTION acquisition for natural resources, industrial production, retail marketing and
population mobility.
Highway that carry higher volume of traffic with heavy axle load required
surface with asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete to withstand all
weather conditions and prevent deformation of highway surface.

There are basically four layers in road cross section 1- Wearing course 2-
Base Course 3-Subbase course 4-subgrade The main purpose of these
layers to distribute the traffic load on great area on natural subsurface soil.
Literature Review
Roads are subjected to many kinds of distresses cased by traffic loading and
moisture. In modelling the long-term behaviour of pavements, it is essential
to take into account the gradual accumulation of permanent strain with
number of load applications and the important role played by stress
condition. Perhaps the main objective of research into long- term behaviour Effect of Moisture Content on Unbound pavement:
Shearing or bearing failure resulting in Premature rutting due to the material
extensive cracking and shape loss. becoming unstable when too wet.
should be to establish a constitutive relationship which allows an accurate
prediction of the amount of permanent strain at any number of cycles at any
stress level. This section aims to present a brief state of the art on modelling
the permanent deformation behaviour based on the literature available to

Cement-treated base is an intimate

mixture of aggregate material combined
"Lifting", “blow-outs” or delaminating Embedment of the cover aggregate of Premature fatigue cracking of any Bleeding occurs when the asphalt binder fills the
with measured amounts of portland
of the road surfacing due to positive the chipseal or aggregate primer seal asphalt surfacing due to inadequate aggregate void during hot weather and then expands Cement-Treated Base
cement and water that hardens after
pore pressure. into the soft. pavement stiffness. on the pavement surface.
compaction and curing to form a durable
paving material.
Rutting Has remained one of most common
premature failure of flexible payment in the field of
payment construction all over the world including
Pakistan as well.

Problem Rutting is the move prominent in wheel path of road

vehicles specifically in heavy vehicles like trucks.
Stresses and moisture always damage pavements . It
is big deal for transportation engineering.
To study the variation in properties of unbound

To predict the behaviour of base course material

Main under different moisture content

Objective To study rutting behaviour of base course under

wheel loading

To study the performance of cement in base course

and non cemente base course
In order to study the effects of varying moisture and stresses on unbound pavement materials we have to do all related
tests in laboratory.

We performed all the related tests on the National Highway Authority (NHA) gradation class “A” and on class “B”. We
used the aggregates from the nearby source the source is called Margallah.

Margallah is that it is the common quarry which is used for fulfilling the most of the demand.

We took all the sizes of the material from the nearby source which are used in above mentioned gradation classes.The
list of different tests that we performed are given below as our analysis is for the base course layer of the road so we

performed all the tests on unbound material.

Sieve Analysis

Modified Proctor Test

Roller Compaction

Wheel tracting

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