Vedic Maths Edited 2

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Vedic Math
3 4 1. Opening quotation
2. What is Vedic Math?
3. Why should you know
5 6 Vedic math?
4. Applications
5. Multiplying no. by 11
6. The base method
7 8 7. Square of numbers
8. Cessation quotation
Welcome to the wonderful world of

“ Mathematics is the only thing that gives us

This mathematical equation
itself says to LOVE Math.
so, all you need is to
enjoy and learn
what is Vedic Math?
• It is the collection of ancient tricks and techniques to
execute arithmetic operations quickly and more efficiently.

• It is an ancient system of Math.

• Bharathi krishna Tirthaji rediscovered

techniques from Adharvana veda(one of the 4 vedas).

• There are 16 techniques in Vedic Math and it is very easy

to learn.
Why should you know Vedic Math?

• Makes elementary calculations 10-
• In recent times most of the students 15 times faster.
are afraid of learning Mathematics Helps in accurate guessing
• Useful for all classes
• Vedic Math teaches easy • Reduce burden
methodology to learn It and provides
answers in one line unlike other latest • Magic tool to reduce finger.
methods. • Counting and rough work
• Reduce silly mistakes
• The beauty of Vedic Math lies in its Increase concentration
simplicity, creativity and promotes • Even recurring decimals and
auxiliary fractions can be handled
by Vedic mathematics
For Example:
Let us do a sum using Vedic math trick.

• Write the numbers

• Multiply 3 with first digit ie. 9.
• We will get 27 and split it as 2 and 7
and put 99
• between both the numbers.

• Final answer is 2997.

• Likewise do the same for other numbers
Now, I will give you a sum try it by yourself
9 X 999 = ?
Multiplying numbers by 11
The Base method
• This is used to multiply numbers very close to the
paths 10,100,1000 and so on…..
• We have a sum here, 99*97
99 is less than 100 by 1. 99 -01
97 is less than 100 by 3. 97 -03
do cross subtraction 99-3=96 and 96 03
vertically multiplied 03*01=03
so, the answer is 9603.
• Now try it by your self….98*96
Square of numbers
square of two digit number ending with 5…
(25)2 = 625
* (35)2 =1225 the first thing is all of its square

(45)2 =2025 numbers will end with 25.

(55)2 = 3025 put 25 at last.
(65)2 =4225 then multiply first consequent
(75)2 =5625 numbers like…. 2*3=6,3*4=12…
(85)2 =7225
(95)2 =9025
(105)2 =11025
The cessation
Life+Love =Happy
Life-Love =Sad
2 Life=Happy+Sad
Life=Happy + Sad
Therefore, Therefore, Life=1/2 happy + 1/2 sad

Life=Happy + Sad
Therefore, Life=1/2 happy + 1/2 sad
So the only way to learn mathematics is to do

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