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Discussion of

Lesson Objectives:
• At the end of this module, you can:

1. Draw a conclusion from research findings.

2. Formulate recommendations.
Discussion section: defined
• gives more comprehensive account of the results
• gives clarification to the main points that you have
indicated in your introduction
• you confer your findings with the statement of the
• must thoroughly explain how the findings answered
your research questions or hypotheses
• use your literature review to support your explanations
Discussion section: defined

• may point out the relationship of your research to

previous studies and explain their similarities and
differences with your current research
• highlight additional knowledge and probably new
discoveries that your findings may have contributed
to the field of study it caters
• state the boundaries through which your results
were obtained and to whom it may be applied
Discussion section: Elements that have to
be included
• Good discussion?
…reflect your understanding and
comprehension toward the object of your study
…give you an opportunity to explain the
meaning of your findings and share its benefits to
those who are concerned
Discussion section: Elements that have to
be included
1. Major findings of your study
–refers to the answers of your research questions or
to the hypotheses
–should directly state whether or not you have
achieved the purpose of your study
–begin by pointing out the main results
Discussion section: Elements that have to be included

2. Explanation of the meaning and significance of your

–be able to comprehensively detail the gist of your
results along with its potential value
Discussion section: Elements that have to be included

3. Relationship of your findings to previous similar

–associate your findings with that of other studies
with similar results
–will increase the heuristic value, or the
testability of the phenomena being considered
Discussion section: Elements that have to be included

4. Consideration of other explanations of your results

–justification of your findings should be inclined to
show what you have discovered rather than what
you have proven
–be more objective in clarifying your findings by
widening the scope of your explanation and not just
focusing on the claim that you have proven
Discussion section: Elements that have to be included

5. Relevance of your findings to the respective field of

–must clearly state the application of your results
to the improvement of a particular area in the
discipline concerned
–also include new discoveries that would advance
the knowledge in your field of study
Discussion section: Elements that have to be included

6. Acknowledgment of the limitations of the study

–reiterate the scope in which your study was
conducted for the generalizability of the results
–must identify the factors that were not considered
in the research to be able to have more
understanding of the context in which it can be
Discussion section: Elements that have to be included

7. Suggestions for future researchers

–although you have generated answers to your research questions, there
will still be opportunities for further investigation

–opportunities for further investigation are needed

to be pointed out for the generation of additional
knowledge related to your focus of study
Conclusion of the Study
• you have to summarize the main points of your
research through your own interpretation and
- go beyond the result
• as you write down your comprehension of your
study ---you are drawing conclusions from the
Conclusion of the Study

• based on the empirical data --- you are expected

to mention the insights that you have drawn from
• your insight from the result will comprise your
“new” discovery; it will include the implications of
the results
• emphasize the value of the findings to the respective
field that it is inclined to
Recommendation of the Study
• must include your suggestions to the beneficiaries of
your study, which come from the results that you
have obtained
• will comprise the application(s) of your findings
• may mention other studies that could be conducted
in relation to the one that you have just completed
• may suggest other studies that would address the
scope and limitations that you have mentioned
Recommendation of the Study: Suggested Elements to
be Included
1. Suggested course of action --- mention possible
ways for improvement

2. Prediction --- state possible causes and effects that

may arise as warranted by your results
Recommendation of the Study: Suggested Elements to be Included

3. Proposed solution to a problem --- be able to draw

out ideas that could lessen, if not totally resolve, an

4. Judgment, or the speculation on the implications and

consequences of your ideas --- give an evaluation of
the conclusions that you have drawn from the results;
discuss the effectiveness of following your suggestions
Recommendation of the Study: Characteristics
1. Logical – suggestions listed should stem from the
2. Relevant – suggestions should be identified with the
objectives and limitations mentioned in the
3. Feasible – suggestions should be realistic, practical,
and workable to be considered
Recommendation of the Study: Guidelines in writing
1. It has to be brief and concise – avoid giving
unnecessary and unrelated suggestions
2. It must be clearly stated – should provide a clear
description of the ways in which it could be
3. It should be precise – include only those which can
be based from the conclusions

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