Human Resources Slide 1: Human Resource Human Resource

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Human resources

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Human Resource
Human resources slide 2
• What Is Human Resource?
• What is Human Resource Management?
• Functions of HR Management.

• Significance/Importance Of HR

Case Studies:
• Indian Airlines Human Resource Management
• The Taj Hotel Attack Aftermath
What is Human Resource ?

Human resources are the people who make up the workforce of

an organization. It Includes Workers, Employees, Managers etc.

Human Resource refer to the individuals or personnel or

workforce within an organization responsible for performing the
tasks given to them for the purpose of achievement of goals and
objectives of the organization.
What is Human Resource
Management ?

Human resources Management refers to management of the

human resources of an organization. HR management is designed
to maximize employee performance through Programs and
techniques and the HR Department is responsible for this.

The HR Department specialize in finding, recruiting, training, and

developing employees, as well as maintaining employee relations
or benefits.
Functions Of HR
Human resources slideManagement
Key Functions Of Human Resource Management Are Shown

Employee Relations

Training And Hiring And

Development Recruiting

Legal Maintaining
Responsibilities Public Relations

Functions Of Human Resource

1. Employee Relations: The department maintains the relationship between employees

and management by promoting communication and fairness within the company. The
department also handles disputes between employees and management, as well as
disputes between the company and labor unions or employee rights organizations.

2. Hiring And Recruiting: One of the primary functions of the human resources
department is to Hire and Recruit new Employees. The department goes through
process like recruiting, screening, interviews and hires qualified candidates for open

3. Training And Development: It creates training programs and conducts training for
new as well as existing employees. They are also responsible for contracts with training
providers and monitoring training budgets.
Functions Of Human Resource

4. Legal and Responsibility: The human resources department is responsible for

interpreting and enforcing employment and labor laws such as equal employment
opportunity, fair labor standards, benefits and wages, and work hour requirements. The
department also is responsible for making sure that the actions of the company follow
the laws.

5. Maintaining Good Working Environment: It is the responsibility of the HR

Management to provide good working conditions to the employee so that they like the
workplace and the work environment. It is the fundamental duty of the HR department
to motivate the employees as a Employee without motivation becomes less efficient.
Significance Of
Human Resources
• Objective :- Human Resource Management helps a company to achieve its
objective from time to time by creating a positive attitude among workers.
Reducing wastage and making maximum use of resources etc.
• Facilitates professional growth :- Due to proper Human Resource  policies
employees are trained well and this makes them ready for future promotions.
Their talent can be utilized not only in the company in which they are currently
working but also in other companies which the employees may join in the
• Better relations between union and management :- Healthy Human
Resource Management practices can help the organization to maintain co-
ordinal relationship with the unions. Union members start realizing that the
company is also interested in the workers and will not go against them
therefore chances of going on strike are greatly reduced.
Significance Of
Human Resources
• Helps an individual to work in a team/group :- Effective Human Resource
practices teach individuals team work and adjustment. The individuals are
now very comfortable while working in team thus Team Work improves.
• Identifies person for the future :- Since employees are constantly trained,
they are ready to meet the job requirements. The company is also able to
identify potential employees who can be promoted in the future for the top
level jobs. Thus one of the advantages of HRM is preparing people for the
• Allocating the jobs to the right person :- If proper recruitment and
selection methods are followed, the company will be able to select the right
people for the right job. When this happens the number of people leaving the
job will reduce as the will be satisfied with their job leading to decrease in
Labour turnover. 
Case Studies
Indian Airlines Human
Resource Management

The Indian Airlines was set up under the Air

Corporation Act, 1953 with a capital of Rs. 32 billion and
started operations from 1 august 1953. It dominated the
Indian aviation sector during the 80’s and 90’s.
It started with about 99 aircrafts .
It is based in Mumbai and its primarily focuses on
domestic routes along with few international services.
There are a total of 75 destinations covered by this
airline, 59 within India and 16 abroad.
 The Pilots and crew members of Indian airlines were
forced by the management to agree to all of their
 They went for strikes, go-slow agitation and wage
 Job analysis was not done scientifically.
 Lack of government decision policy.
 In 1993, 46 days strike by pilots.
 Unethical (false) medical claims by pilots.
 Pilots didn’t overtime even though they got more
 Due to adamant behaviour of the pilots many of the
cabin crew had to be loaded off at the last moment from
How to solve these problems?
 IA should introduce some non monetary benefits
which could increase employee satisfaction.
 Government appoint a committee to look into the
matter and find the problem and suggest appropriate
steps which could resolve the matter.
 Involve Participation in :-
 Informative - Information regarding the balance
sheet , new technology introduction etc. Is shared
with the employees.
 Consultative - Joint management councils are
consulted on matters such as employees benefits,
employee welfare and work conditions.
 Administrative – the employees council is given certain
alternatives from which it can select the one it wants to
 Associative- the management to accept and implement
the unanimous decision of the employees.
 Decisive- At this level decisions are taken jointly on
matters relating to welfare, both the parties are obliged
by them and the decisions are successfully implemented.
The Taj Hotel Case
• The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, is a five-star, luxury hotel built in
the Colaba region of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, situated next to
the Gateway of India.

• The Hotel was constructed and was ready to be commissioned on

16 December 1903 by Tata.

• The Taj Hotel is very famous and has been Visited by Several
known Personalities and is a mark of success in itself.

• It was converted into a military hospital with 600 beds During

World War 1.

• The Taj Hotel was attacked by a terrorists in the MUMBAI 2008

ATTACKS which caused loss of lives and property and the hotel
was closed for about 18 months under this case study we are going
to study how the HR Department handled this situation .
• After the 26/11 attacks whole Mumbai was in terror, the schools
and offices closed, flights cancelled. Under such Chaos it was the
most challenging task to deal with Impacts that the deaths in the
tragedy had done to the lives of the victims and their families.

• The Management, the HR Department and other officials like

Ratan Tata came together and meetings were held to make plans
on how to deal with the aftereffects of the tragedy.

• It was decided that the Families of the victims will be provided

with Monetary Aid and the hospital bills of the injured will be paid
by the Company.

• The dependents and the other family members of the victims were
provided support for their Education, Studies and Medical
expenses for the rest of their lives and the whole amount of
education of their children too including the staff members, police
and other victims therby helping in maintaining good public
• The workers of the hotel fought to save lives of the people trapped
and even died protecting them which required great courage.

• Trust were formed by the Tata Group for the victims and their
Families and anyone who was affected by the tragedy can apply
for joining the trust and will be given support which is still

• The Hotel was to be build again and completely restored which

took about 21 months to complete….. The employees working in
the Taj Hotel were provided their Whole Salaries every month to
their homes without even working for it.

• The HR Department was Given the responsibility to rebuild the

image of the Hotel were such tragedy had occurred which would
be a great task as people visiting the Hotel will always be
Reminded of the Tragedy.
Reasons why HR Department could
handle the Taj Tragedy
 HR Practices: The HR practiced Theory of three pillars that
explained the courage and actions of employees during the attack:
• A recruitment system that hires for character and not for grades;
• Training programmes that not just mentor employees but also
empower them to take decisions;
• Reward programme that recognises employees on a real-time basis.

 Employee Relationship: The good image that Taj made by

providing the employees their share of salaries made them stay in
the hotel and not leave it to join somewhere else and enhanced
Employee relations.

 Employee Mind-set: The culture of employee-empowerment has

been always provided to the Taj workforce and the employees were
capable enough to take decisions .
Human resources slide 10

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