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Article Reading and Writing Criticism

Article critique
A genre of academic writing can be called as an article
By means of intensively analyzing an article, it provides
a critical evaluation.
Article critique

Just by evaluating and identifying the weakness

and strengths of the article, an article critique is
critically reading a piece of research.
Critique Vs. Summary
The summing up of the key points of the article is the summary of a
research article. From this, the reader will have a clear picture about the

The main focus can be shown on the analysis and evaluation of the
research so that a critique may include a brief summary.
Purpose of Article Critique
In what way of manner does the critique want to express his or her
ideas for describing the main ideas of the author.?.
Tries to develop and analyze the explanation of the article
Always, the author’s intention will be interpreted
The critique has to state whether he or she agrees or disagree with the
author with supporting evidence for evaluating and summarizing the
value of an article.
Steps before writing a critique
One must need to take some necessary steps to get ready for
being a critique, before he or she starts writing
To understand its main ideas, one must read the article.
 To make a note of the key points, one you may re-read or read
the article once again.
Related to the article, one may also can jot down his or her
opinions and observations
Parts of an article critique
For giving an outline of your argument resume with a
great introduction
 An introductory paragraph should not exceed two
The introductory paragraph should include the
The title of the article and the author’s name(s)
The author’s main point
A thesis statement that previews your analysis
Discuss the following in your own words, after the
The main points of the article
The arguments presented in the article
The findings of the article
Critique Writing
Sooner summarizing the article, critique must critisize the article by doing
the following:
While critically reading the article, discuss the strengths and weaknesses
of the article that you observed or noted.
By using specific examples from the article for supporting your
statements, state your informed opinions about the relevancy, clarity,
and accuracy of the article
Critique Writing
Although called a ‘critique’, an article critique does not only give
critical ideas but also give negative feedback on an article.
For specific work, a good critique must include both negative
criticism and positive praise.
Critique Writing
Always provide convincing and reasonable arguments.
With supporting arguments, back up your assertions and
An impartial tone must be used and be sure about it.
Critique Writing
On author’s work, better to use direct quotations
wherever need for avoiding accusations of plagiarism.

Write the critique in the third person.

Aspects to avoid
Throughout the paper, do not express your personal opinion or bias.
Shun presenting unsupported arguments.
To much of summarization can be avoided.
Informal language need not be used.
Do not plagiarize.
Finally, when you deduce, you may complete your article
criticism with a conclusion which does the following:
From your own analysis, summarize the key points in the
article, including the key points
Close with a comment about the significance of the research
or a statement of future research needed in the field.
 Thank You

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