Communication For Various Purposes

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Communication for

Various Purposes
Informative speech

 isa type of speech that aims to inform the

audience and not to advocate a cause or influence
people to act and think as you want them to do.
 The information that you will convey will be
judged based on accuracy, completeness, clarity,
and meaningfulness
Types of Informative Speech

 Speech About Objects:

 An object is something that is visible, tangible,
and stable in form that can be experienced
through physical senses.
 Speech organization about objects can be
chronological, spatial, or topical.
 Examples:
 Iron Dome
 Mayon Volcano
Speech About Processes
 Process speeches involve sequence of actions or steps
that lead to a specific product or income.
 Yourgoal in this type of speech is for the audience to
understand how to perform the process.
 Process speeches are generally chronological.
 Examples:
 How a tornado develops
 How to develop COVID vaccine
Speech About People
A speech about people is similar in form to speech
about objects.
 Thistype of speech allows the speaker to describe
how people look, act, think and feel as well as
what they have experienced or achieved.
 Examples:
 The Sacrifices of Mother Teresa
 The Legacy of Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
Speech About Events:
 An event refers to anything that has happened or might
happen in the future.
 These speeches can be presented chronologically, by
cause-effect, or by category.
 Speeches about events often also include objects,
processes and people covered above.
 Examples:
 COVID 19 Pandemic
 The Historical Conflict of Palestine and Israel
Speech About Issues:

 An issue refers to a point or matter of discussion, dispute,

and public concern. To clarify such an issue, a speech may
be delivered.
 Examples:
 Truancy among students
 Professional and political conflicts
Speech About Concepts:
A concept refers to beliefs, theories, principles, and
ideas. One characteristic of a concept is its abstract
state. A speech about concepts can be arranged by
topics or by comparison and contrast.
 Examples:
 Financial Freedom
 Leadership
Ways to Organize Informative Speech

 Chronological:
 involves sequencing of events or steps.
 Examples:
 How to print a document from a computer
 How to cook spaghetti
A speech is organized according to physical
space and relationships between and among
locations, which allows the audience to
visualize locations, appearance, distances,
and arrangement of objects.
 Examples:
 Cagayan’s best tourist spots
 Regions of the Philippines
Categorical or Topical
 Ifyou intend to show the audience the classification of
subjects, consider using this approach which allows the
audience to see how the subject is divided into
subgroups or subtopics.

 Example:
 Types of virtual learners
 Body systems (i.e., circulatory, digestive, respiratory)
Cause and Effect:
 Ifyou intend to show reasons why a
phenomenon occurred and/or what the
outcomes are, consider using the cause-
and-effect approach. It allows the audience
to see the causal relationship of events.
 Examples:
 Dangers of alcohol drinking
 Dangers of online gaming / ML
Comparison and Contrast:
 toshow the differences and similarities of
an event, place, person, things, and other
concepts and objects
 Examples:
 Modular vs. online class
A comparison and contrast between face to
face and distance learning
Additional Tips for an Effective Informative Speech

 Use plain language. Avoid jargon, overly complex language, and legalistic terms unless it
is totally necessary.
 Relate to the audience. Talk to or with them.
 Do not overestimate or underestimate your audience’s knowledge about the topic. Your
main purpose is to inform.
 Use active and concrete language over abstract. Be clear in what you want your readers
to understand.
 Try not to read your speech. Use note cards with key words and phrases.
 Enlighten and entertain your audience simultaneously. A happy soul absorbs more
 Practice makes perfect! And you will have more confidence when you present your

 Directions: Choose one type of Informative Speech.

 Record your speech and it should be not longer than
3 minutes.
 Remember the tips for an effective Informative

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