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Topic: COVID-19
and Political Change
in South Asia

Rupkatha Nasrullah – 2021851620

Md. Tasnimul Hasan - 2014171630
Tasneem Khan -2021619630
Zarin Tasnim – 2013822630
Did Covid affect the political structure or political structure affected
the Covid of South Asian countries ? 

The actual answer is both. Covid is a phenomena that affected the

political structure of a few countries and as well made an opportunity for
some counties to make money out of it. On the other hand, politics has
also affected some Asian countries. 

Let’s see how…….

Covid- 19 and Political
Change In China
Zarin Tasnim
ID: 2013822630
China, a country where Covid affected the political system and as well got affected
by the political system. China is found to be the origin of Covid 19 virus which
entirely affected the political system of the country and severely affecting the
economic stability of the country. China is also among the first few countries to
come up with the widely needed coronavirus vaccine. 
Some U.S. experts do argue that the coronavirus has revealed the quality of being
easily broken or damaged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)  and could be
the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The government of China in the initials
days of the transmission delayed in confirming evidence of human to human
transmission and the remaining silence of the regional and local doctors who
actually tried to talk about the matter with their colleagues about the new virus
found, but due to the Chinese-style authoritarianism and the restrictions on
freedom of speech, the calls on the Chinese social media were asked to step down
These questions:

What is the politics behind the Covid - 19 vaccine in China ?  
Let's have a look at…… 

Among all, only two of the vaccines have received permission to be sold in China, four other distinct brands are
now available for Chinese people and all four are made within the boundaries of China. 

All four Chinese vaccines are proving to have similar efficiencies and effectiveness among the vaccinated
population. The Chinese vaccines are reported to have an effectiveness rate low than 50 percent and generally
within the 60 to 68 percent range.
But this is not the actual agenda of talking. Moving forward to the politics behind the vaccine trade in the
international market. 
The vaccines produced by the American pharmaceutical companies, Modern and Pfizer both are reported to
achieve efficiency and effectiveness of 95 percent effective. Yet, China has not approved them.  Mostly because
China wants to grab the international market with their 50 percent effective vaccines to earn some foreign money.
The Chinese vaccines are not only limited within the boundaries of China but as well selling and donating in the
foreign countries. China is playing a big game in the name of vaccines through a sugar coating. They are actually
competing in the international market with their domestically produced vaccines with the American companies
with the motive to drive the American companies out of the market. The Coronavirus itself became a topic of
• Does China have the right to speak ?

The efforts to successfully halt the spread of virus

news beyond Wuhan and Hubei has built domestic
violence and international claims to hide the news.
Some U.S. officials have declared with hope that
the coronavirus will bring an end to the Chinese
Communist Party.  

Tasneem Khan
ID: 2021619630
• The COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on
Bangladesh's politics and economy.
• The healthcare system and corruption worsened
the situation.
• Poverty is estimated to have doubled and
vulnerabilities in the middle class have been
• Covid-19 and domestic politics
• China-India relationship with Bangladesh
• Conservative Islamists, led by Hefazat-e-Islam, an Islamist
advocacy party, reappeared on the political scene by the
end of 2020.
• Hefazat-e-Islam’s influential leader among hundreds
arrested over deadly protests against visit by the Indian
leader in March 2021.

• Health workforce
• Health information system and e-health
• Medical products and technologies
• Health financing
Prepared by: Md. Tasnimul Hasan
COVID-19’s First Wave and its Impact on Political

 Myanmar is facing a surge in the spread of COVID-19.

 Government-introduced restrictions and public health measures had,

until now, been widely praised for the relatively limited impact of the
disease on Myanmar.

 In states where the institutions and norms of democracy have yet to take
root, there is a risk that crisis might be used to justify the restrictions on
the freedom rights.

 Civic rights and civic space were already in decline in Myanmar before
the arrival of COVID-19.

 The government’s response to COVID-19 has impacted on civic space,

peace process, election, political rights and vulnerable populations in
The Covid-19 crisis has mixed impacts on Myanmar’s disparate conflicts and the
ongoing peace process

 The Covid-19 crisis has not unfolded in Myanmar as catastrophically as many

had anticipated, with only 350 confirmed cases and 6 deaths as of 28 July 2020,
although rates of testing are comparatively low

 The Covid-19 response has highlighted deep fragmentation across Myanmar

society, in particular along ethnic lines.

 Many international funders in Myanmar, who ordinarily target a variety of

issues including peace-building, have pivoted toward public health and
humanitarian support.

 Some useful cooperation between state and non-state institutions on the

pandemic response points to the potential for new and ongoing relationship-
building or reconciliation.
Using COVID-19 as a justification for the
arrest of civilian leaders and to limit public
demonstrations undermines trust in
government measures worldwide to tackle
COVID-19. It effectively reframes these
measures as potentially sinister tools to
increase government control, rather than as
necessary public health controls. In doing so,
Myanmar’s military has not only damaged
the country’s progress towards democracy,
but also arguably undermined global efforts
to tackle the pandemic.

Covid-19 and its Political
Effects on India

Prepared by: Rupkatha Nasrullah,

Expansion of State Power

• The impact of the pandemic might be felt most in the expansion and reach of the
state and the centralization of power. States which have struggled will see an
erosion of their power and greater central intervention. 

• State surveillance increased enormously. Over 40 technology rights and civil

society organizations have written to the Prime Minister’s Office, protesting
against the mandatory use of the ‘Aarogya Setu’ app, a COVID-10 digital contact
tracing initiative that has been criticized for was launched to help stop the spread
of COVID-19. In the absence of a legislative guarantee containing a sunset clause,
sensitive personal data could be misused for profiling and mass surveillance even
after the COVID-19 outbreak is over.

• Apart from this, the BJP government has been blocking out any sort of opposition
power. The opposition activists, many of whom have been arrested on sedition and
antiterrorism laws, claim that once the authorities detain them they have little
access to legal counsel or ability to contest charges because of restrictions put into
place due to COVID-19.
Effects on International Relations

• Slower economic growth in India may boost Chinese influence in

the region. India struggles to maintain its military strength as China
quickly develops its power. China’s military superiority and close
ties with Pakistan already allows it to freely move in and out of
India’s backyard, including the disputed border area where clashes
recently erupted between Indian and Chinese forces.

• India reassured Bangladesh it will prioritize the supply of Covid-19

vaccines to its South Asian neighbor, part of its vaccine outreach to
counter China’s rising influence in the region.

The countries of South Asia must act collectively to address their challenges and
favorable conditions for economic recovery. As many in South Asia fall into or re
the political fallout of the pandemic will keep the region tilting away from democ
political, economic, and humanitarian problems in South Asia will continue to oc
international community even after the corona crisis. Despite criticism about the
the crisis, which all governments in the region face, they will most likely emerge
before. Combating the pandemic will help the state to exert greater influence ove
Firstly, it can alleviate the greatest needs of the population and avert an impendi
disaster, and secondly, it can get economic life going again. Economic developme
suffer a marked setback in all South Asian states.

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