Translating Terminology Sue Muhr-Walker

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Translating terminology:

which resource is best?

Sue Muhr-Walker
(met dank aan
Michel Verhagen, AVT-TD@
What are terms?

• ‘[…] linguistic expressions of concepts which are

typically used within a particular knowledge
domain, by particular members of the linguistic
community, and in particular situations’
(Martin & Van der Vliet)

• Language for Special Purposes

(cf Language for General Purposes)
Resources for the terminology
1. What resources are available?
2. What are the ++ and - - of each
3. What is the role of the domain expert?
4. Other constraints?
5. Which translation resource is best?
Term selection criteria

TL terms should:
• Be exact equivalents of SL terms
• Be authentic to the domain (= reliable)
• Be correct, current & appropriate
• Meet requirements of client
• Be easy to find
Knowledge Domain:

Development Cooperation

What is Development Cooperation?
• ‘Development is not only about the
supposedly predictable interaction
between concepts such as good
governance, macroeconomic stability
and participatory strategies. It is also
largely about the messy world of politics’
(Bert Koenders, Minister for Dev Coop,
Complex …

‘Today, development economics is a field on

the crest of a breaking wave with new
theories and new data constantly
emerging’ (Todaro, 2000:9)
• ‘The Netherlands does more than any
other rich nation to improve lives in
developing countries’

2008 Commitment to Development Index, by the

Centre for Global Development (CGD)

(News item, 8 December 2008, MinBuZa website)

1. Available resources?
2. ++ and - -?
• General Dictionary: Van Dale N-E (digital, 2002)
• Specialist dictionary: ??
• In-house term database: MultiTerm
• Translation memory: Trados
• In-house glossary Min BuZa
• Online glossaries: Jargon Verklaard
• EurLex
• Google
• Domain Expert(s)/Terminologist >
3. The domain expert

• Ideally, translator is a domain expert!

• If not, consult domain expert/terminologist
for conceptual and linguistic information
about domain
- Directly (e.g. by phone)
- Indirectly (via reliable resource)
• Translator acquires conceptual and
linguistic domain knowledge
4. Other constraints

• In-house requirements (e.g. hierarchy of

preference: check i-h glossary first, Trados
second etc.)

• Time

• Translator’s motivation (esp. affinity with

Example text
• b. De Parijse agenda voor effectieve hulp: de noodzaak van politiek
leiderschap en minder bureaucratie
• De noodzaak om op effectievere wijze hulp te geven wordt al lang
onderkend. De Verklaring van Parijs uit 2005, waarin OESO/DAC-
landen verregaande afspraken hebben gemaakt over afstemming
van beleid, eigenaarschap en meerjarige financiering, was in dat
opzicht een mijlpaal. De ontwikkelingslanden beloofden op hun
beurt ook beterschap met betrekking tot beter bestuur en het beheer
van financiën. Er werden afspraken gemaakt over grotere
betrokkenheid van parlementen en het maatschappelijk middenveld
bij het opstellen en uitvoeren van ontwikkelingsbeleid.

• (Bron: Een zaak van iedereen: Beleidsnotitie

Ontwikkelingssamenwerking 2007-2011.
De noodzaak om op effectievere
wijze hulp te geven

• Van Dale N-E to assist; to give aid

• MultiTerm (i-h) ------
• Trados (i-h) ------
• Glossary (i-h) to provide aid
• EurLex to give assistance
• IATE ------
meerjarige financiering
• Van Dale N-E ------
• MultiTerm (i-h) ------
• Trados (i-h) multi-year financing
multi-year funding
• Glossary (i-h) multi-year financing
• EurLex multiannual financing
distribution of financing
over several years
to fund on a multiannual basis

• IATE ------
• Van Dale N-E developing countries
underdeveloped countries
• MultiTerm (i-h) developing countries
• Trados (i-h) developing countries
• Glossary (i-h) developing countries
• EurLex developing countries
developing states
• IATE developing countries
developing states
beloofden […] ook beterschap met
betrekking tot beter bestuur
• > goed bestuur
• Van Dale N-E ------
• MultiTerm (i-h) better government
• Trados (i-h) to promote good governance
• Glossary (i-h) to improve governance
• EurLex better public management
better governance
improvement in the quality of
to govern better

• IATE -------
het maatschappelijk middenveld
• Van Dale N-E --------
• MultiTerm (i-h) civil society
community-based organisations
• Trados (i-h) civil society
community-based organisations
• Glossary (i-h) civil society
• EurLex civil society
civil society organisations
social partners
• IATE civil society
• community-based organisations
5. Which is the best resource?
Quantity? Quality?
• Van Dale N-E 2/5
• MultiTerm (i-h) 4/5
• Trados (i-h) 4/5
• Glossary (i-h) 5/5
• EurLex 5/5
• IATE 2/5
• Many available resources
• Check with domain expert / professional
• Best resource is
Authoritative (corpus-based)
Regularly updated

• Translator always learning!

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