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• Agriculture is an important source in the economic development of India. About 70% of
Indian economy relies on agriculture. Hence, damage to the crops would lead to huge
loss in productivity and would ultimately affect the economy.
• Leaves being the most sensitive part of plants show disease symptoms at the earliest. The
crops need to be monitored against diseases from the very first stage of their life-cycle to
the time they are ready to be harvested.
• Initially, the method used to monitor the plants from diseases was the traditional naked
eye observation that is a time-consuming technique which requires experts to manually
monitor the crop fields. In the recent years, a number of techniques have been applied to
develop automatic and semi-automatic plant disease detection systems.
• Thus, this invokes researchers to deploy more intelligent technological systems for plant
disease detection which do not require human intervention.
Research Justification
• Citrus diseases cause economic loss in citrus
production due to long term tree damage and
due to fruit defects that reduce crop size, quality
and marketability.

• Early detection systems that might detect and

possibly treat citrus for observed diseases or
nutrient deficiency could significantly reduce
annual losses.
• Collect image data set of various common
citrus diseases.
• Evaluate the Color Co-occurrence Method, for
disease detection in citrus trees.
• Develop various strategies and algorithms for
classification of the citrus leaves based on the
features obtained from the color co-occurrence
• Compare the classification accuracies from the
Vision based classification
Leaf sample images

Greasy spot diseased leaf Melanose diseased leaf

Leaf sample images

Scab diseased leaf Normal leaf

Image acquisition and classification
flow chart
Color cooccurence method

• Color Co-occurrence Method (CCM) uses HSI pixel

maps to generate three unique Spatial Gray-level
Dependence Matrices (SGDM)

• Each sub-image was converted from RGB (red,

green, blue) to HSI (hue, saturation, intensity) color

• The SGDM is a measure of the probability that a

given pixel at one particular gray-level will occur at
a distinct distance and orientation angle from
another pixel, given that pixel has a second
particular gray-level

• CCM texture statistics were generated from the SGDM

of each HSI color feature.

• Each of the three matrices is evaluated by thirteen

texture statistic measures resulting in 39 texture features
per image.

• CCM Texture statistics were used to build four data

models. The data models used different combinations of
the HSI color co-occurrence texture features. STEPDISC
was used to reduce data models through a stepwise
variable elimination procedure
Intensity Texture Features

• I1 - Uniformity • I9 - Difference Entropy

• I2 - Mean • I10 - Information Correlation
• I3 - Variance Measures #1
• I11 - Information Correlation
• I4 - Correlation
Measures #2
• I5 - Product Moment • I12 - Contrast
• I6 - Inverse Difference • I13 - Modus
• I7 - Entropy
• I8 - Sum Entropy
Neural networks

“ A neural network is a system composed of many

simple processing elements operating in parallel
whose function is determined by network
structure, connection strengths, and the
processing performed at computing elements or
nodes ”.
(According to the DARPA Neural Network Study (1988, AFCEA
International Press, p. 60)
“A neural network is a massively parallel distributed
processor that has a natural propensity for storing
experiential knowledge and making it available for use. It
resembles the brain in two respects:

1. Knowledge is acquired by the network through a

learning process.
2. Inter-neuron connection strengths known as synaptic
weights are used to store the knowledge.

[According to Haykin, S. (1994), Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, NY:

Macmillan, p. 2]
A Basic Neuron
Multilayer Feed forward Neural
Back propagation
• In the MFNN shown earlier the input layer
of the BP network is generally fully
connected to all nodes in the following
hidden layer
• Input is generally normalized to values
between -1 and 1
• Each node in the hidden layer acts as a
summing node for all inputs as well as an
activation function
MFNN with Back propagation

• The hidden layer neuron first sums all the

connection inputs and then sends this
result to the activation function for output
• The outputs are propagated through all the
layers until final output is obtained
Mathematical equations

The governing equations are given below:

u   wi xi
i 1

y  f (u   )
Where x1,x2… are the input signals,
w1,w2…. the synaptic weights,
u is the activation potential of the neuron,
is the threshold,
y is the output signal of the neuron,
and f (.) is the activation function.
Back propagation

• The Back propagation algorithm is the

most important algorithm for the
supervised training of multilayer feed-
forward ANNs
• The BP algorithm was originally developed
using the gradient descent algorithm to
train multi layered neural networks for
performing desired tasks
Back propagation algorithm

• BP training process begins by selecting a

set of training input vectors along with
corresponding output vectors.
• The outputs of the intermediate stages are
forward propagated until the output layer
nodes are activated.
• Actual outputs are compared with target
outputs using an error criterion.
Back propagation

• The connection weights are updated using

the gradient descent approach by back
propagating change in the network
weights from the output layer to the input
• The net changes to the network will be
accomplished at the end of one training
BP network architecture used in the

Network Architecture:
2 hidden layers with 10 processing elements each
Output layer consisting of 4 output neurons
An input layer
‘Tansig’ activation function used at all layers

 The main advantages of CNNs are feature learning and providing

unlimited accuracy rather than traditional machine learning and vanilla
neural networks which may be achieved by increasing training samples
and therefore leads to a more robust and accurate model.
Process of implementation undergoes in 5 basic steps.
• 1. Image Acquiring.
• 2. Pre-processing
• 3. Segmentation
• 4. Feature Extraction
• 5. Classification.


• Convolutional Neural network is a deep learning technique which is feed
forward artificial neural networks that are applied to visual images. These are
also called as CONV NETS. These are combined set of layers that can be
worked on group functionalities.
Image acquiring

• The Primary Phase is acquiring images. After the Images

collection, the obtained images have to be prepared with a

wide range of vision. First capture the input images from

available source with uigetfile and imread mat lab functions.

Pre Processing

• The images which are collected are subjected to preprocessing. In

Pre-processing stage basic steps are image resizing and applying
Gaussian filters for a perfect input clear image for easy
identification of an image.

1. Segmentation

In this stage of implementation, Pre-processed images will be

segmented digitally into various pixels. We do this segmentation
for an image is to modify its representation to have more clarity to
study and analyse the images.
Feature Extraction

• In the feature extraction process, we can

implement the effective texture operator which
labels the pixels of an image. Here we extract
the features and characteristics of Images for
easy detection of brain tumor.

• In Classification stage, Convolutional neural networks

algorithm is used for classification of brain images. It is a non-

parametric method which is used for both classification and


 MATLAB 2015 a
Phase 1
• Leaf disease is calculated with machine
learning technique called Support Vector
Machine Learning.

Phase 2

• Leaf disease is calculated with Deep

learning technique called cConvolutional
Neural Network.
• The research was a feasibility analysis to
see whether the techniques investigated in
this research can be implemented in future
real time applications.
• Results show a positive step in that
direction. Nevertheless, the real time
system involves some modifications and
tradeoffs to make it practical for outdoor

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