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S J C Institute Of Technology

Presented By:
Radhika G 1SJ07CS064
Shruthi Shekar 1SJ07CS091
Shwetha D N 1SJ07CS094
Spurthi M 1SJ07CS095

Co-ordinator: Guide:
Aravind Thejas Chandra Manjunath S

In existing social networking sites:

Results can’t be checked.
Quizzes can’t be attended and question can’t
be asked to admin.
Profile matching is not done.
Group chatting is not possible.
The Critical Modelling
Analysis and Design
Once the site is open, login has to take place. Either client or the
admin can log on to the page using there username and password.

If the user is a client, then client home page will open where he can
perform different operations like chatting, attending quiz, checking
results, etc provided by the website.

If the user is an admin, admin will be directed to his page where he
can perform operations like uploading results, responding to users
request, etc.
myprofile.php(display own profile)

chatbox.php(For Group Chat Home)

chatuser.php (Secret Chat or individual


mailwin.php(You can Send Mail)

quest.php(You can play quiz)

imgup.php(U can Upload Image)

prosearch.php(We can search profile base on pattern matching or search by name

forum.php(You can write some comment to


showfriend.php (It will display friend list for particular user)

GetResult.php(You can search result by USN or Name if only if Admin upload result)

Logout.php(logout from Home page and destroy session and delete entry from logged table)
Modules overview
function ValidateForm(){
var emailID=document.f2.mail

if ((emailID.value==null)||(emailID.value=="")){
alert("Please Enter your Email ID")
return false
if (echeck(emailID.value)==false){
return false
return true
I. Search Profile
i. Search by username-
 Enter “username”
 If username=“”
 Alert (“enter username”)
 Else
• Connect to database
• Search the database for entered name
• Display the profile details according to the search results.
I. Search Profile
ii. Search by Pattern Matching
Enter “search key”
Connect to database
• Search the database for entered key
• Display the profile details according to the search

Once the profile is matching, it can be added to our

friends list using “Add friend”
II. Exam Practice:
Once the page is open, timer will be started.
Admin would have provided with certain number of
questions with 4 options.
User has to select the answer from the dropdown list,
and can check the answer using “ CHECK
It will check for the database for the correct answer.
Finally the result will be displayed showing no. of
questions attended, no. of correct answers, no. of
wrong answers with total percentage.
III. Upload Exam Question:
Enter the question
If question=“”
Alert “ enter the question”
Enter 4 options along with the correct answer.
An “ADD” button is used to enter the data on the

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