3.1 Preparing For Your Oral Assessment

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Preparing for your Oral

Grade 7
SL1. Express ideas and feelings, and
communicates information in a wide range of
SL3. Speak using a range of vocabulary,
complex grammatical structures and
3 conventions; when speaking, uses intonation
Assessment and fluency
SL4. Communicates with a sense of register,
Points purpose and style

You will get a Huili Grade out of 9 for each of

these three points. 
The Basic Requirements
Developing your skills
Achieving a 7 means hitting ALL these
points, as well as the previous points
An 8 or 9 Requires all the points from level 7,
in addition to a range of these points
• Focus on MAIN IDEAS and avoid DETAILS. As
you may have noticed, 3 minutes is
remarkably short.
• Only mention something if it directly helps
support an idea you are trying to express.
SL4: Main • To do this, I suggest you keep your
Ideas vs summaries relatively short - approximately 4
sentences for summarising main points, and
details about 2 sentences for the conflict.
• You can then go on to discuss the theme in
more detail, depending on how important it
is to your text.
• 1. Read the story summary handout, out
loud, at a normal speed and time how long it
takes to read it.
• 2. Read through the summary and
TASK underline/highlight any sentences that
contain unnecessary information or which
Main Ideas are details.
vs details. • 3. Use a different colour to identify any
spoilers that you should remove from this
• 4. Read out the edited version, as before,
and time how long this version takes to read.
Main Ideas vs details
The Hound of the Baskervilles begins with Sherlock Holmes receiving a visitor who tells him
about a mysterious family curse, which may put Henry Baskerville, the heir to the family fortune,
in danger. The man’s name is Doctor Mortimer and he tells Sherlock all about the family history
and how Charles was the first Baskerville to die after kidnapping a woman, who also died.
Holmes discovers that family members appear to be killed by an evil hound who lives upon the
moor. Sherlock meets Henry Baskerville and they are followed by a strange man with a beard,
who tells others his name is Sherlock Holmes! Sherlock goes to Baskerville Hall and investigates
the crime scene and feels the police have made a lot of mistakes. He begins interviewing many
people to understand why anybody would want to kill members of the Baskerville family. Holmes
dismisses the idea of a ghostly hound as superstition and begins investigating a range of strange
clues, including stolen shoes and strange figures appearing on the moor during the night. Then
he tells Watson he will go back to London but he secretly stays and observes the actions of all of
his suspects. Holmes sets a dangerous trap to find out what is really killing the Baskerville family
members, and the secret of the hound surprises even Sherlock Holmes! In the end, we find out
the hound was a special breed of dog, that Mr. Stapleton bought from Brazil, and it was painted
with phospherous to make it appear to glow. Mr. Stapleton dies after getting lost in the moors
while trying to escape and the hound is shot dead.
RED = Details BLUE = Spoilers
The Hound of the Baskervilles begins with Sherlock Holmes receiving a visitor who tells him
about a mysterious family curse, which may put Henry Baskerville, the heir to the family
fortune, in danger. The man’s name is Doctor Mortimer and he tells Sherlock all about the
family history and how Charles was the first Baskerville to die after kidnapping a woman,
who also died. Holmes discovers that family members appear to be killed by an evil hound
who lives upon the moor. Sherlock meets Henry Baskerville and they are followed by a
strange man with a beard, who tells others his name is Sherlock Holmes! Sherlock goes to
Baskerville Hall and investigates the crime scene and feels the police have made a lot of
mistakes. He begins interviewing many people to understand why anybody would want to
kill members of the Baskerville family. Holmes dismisses the idea of a ghostly hound as
superstition and begins investigating a range of strange clues, including stolen shoes and
strange figures appearing on the moor during the night. Then he tells Watson he will go
back to London but he secretly stays and observes the actions of all of his suspects. Holmes
sets a dangerous trap to find out what is really killing the Baskerville family members, and
the secret of the hound surprises even Sherlock Holmes! In the end, we find out the hound
was a special breed of dog, that Mr. Stapleton bought from Brazil, and it was painted with
phospherous to make it appear to glow. Mr. Stapleton dies after getting lost in the moors
while trying to escape and the hound is shot dead.
The Hound of the Baskervilles begins with
Sherlock Holmes receiving a visitor who tells
him about a mysterious family curse, which may
put Henry Baskerville, the heir to the family
A more fortune, in danger. Holmes discovers that family
concise members appear to be killed by an evil hound
who lives upon the moor. Holmes dismisses this
summary: idea as superstition and begins investigating a
range of strange clues, including stolen shoes and
30-40 strange figures appearing on the moor during the
night. Holmes sets a dangerous trap to find out
seconds what is really killing the Baskerville family
members, and the secret of the hound surprises
even Sherlock Holmes!
• Visitor tells Holmes about a
mysterious Baskerville curse
• Henry Baskerville may be in danger
from an evil hound on the moor
• Sherlock investigates and has many
Key events clues: shoes and strange figures on
the moor at night
• Sherlock traps ‘the hound’
• Unexpected ending!
• Use more varied grammar
structures. We have done a number
of writing activities to get you to
practice using different sentence
SL3: styles, in order to create effect -
Effective review this exercise.
• Think about what grammar
Grammar structure would be most effective
for different things you want to tell
Use the audience.
• Your grammar use is part of your
grades, so be sure to plan how you
will use it well.
• Here is a suggestion: Use relative clauses to connect a number of
ideas together, and so save time by using more complex

TASK Turn these 5 sentences, into ONE sentence.

Relative • The protagonist is Waverly Jiang.

Clauses and • She is a chess champion who is winning a lot of matches.
• Her mum is always bragging about her to her friends, which
Complex Waverly hates.
Sentences • Waverly wants more freedom but her mum is really bossy and
always putting pressure on her.
• Her mum always wants her to win every game and it is making
Waverly start to dislike her.
The protagonist, Waverly Jong, is a promising young
chess champion who is finding it hard to become
independent due to her bossy and proud mother
putting so much pressure on her winning every game.

Sample NOTE: Make your conflict and theme relatable to the
Answer: audience. Help the audience members understand
what the protagonist is facing and how they may
Conflict recognise this challenge in their own lives.

What else could be added to this description of the

conflict to make it more suitable for your audience?
• The protagonist, Waverly Jong, is a promising
young chess champion who is finding it hard
to get along with her bossy and proud
mother, who is putting too much pressure on
her winning every game.
Stronger • Like many teenagers, Waverly is finding it
Conflict hard to develop her independence and
identity, whilst also gaining respect and
appreciation from her mother.
• The theme of the story makes us question,
‘Should parents love us for who we are, or
Theme do we need to earn it from them?’

What’s the • Waverly starts to believe that without chess,

message/meaning her mother would think she is a
behind this disappointment, and feels resentful. As you
story/film? can imagine, she is afraid of being a failure
and starts to rebel when the one thing she is
good at - chess - becomes a chore for her.
When preparing for your assessment, be sure
to use the correct ‘terminology’ (literary
words), wherever possible.
Remember: These include protagonist, antagonist, conflict,
cliffhanger, theme, figurative language,
Vocabulary imagery, characterise, genre, publication date,
Use author (use their last name, not first).
There are many more that you can use - this
list is just to get you started.
• Instead of ‘author’, say ‘director’
• Instead of publication date, say ‘release date’ or
‘it was released in’ / ‘it came out in’
• Optional things to mention for a film:
If you • CGI
choose a • Soundtrack
• Visit
film https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/truman_s
to see the details for the example we did on
‘The Truman Show’. Then search for your own
• Time management. Rehearse constantly - it
is better to do three 10 minute practices
each day, than one 30 minute rehearsal. It is
FAR better to do daily practice than wait
until the last few days spend a whole
weekend on it.
Use your ppt to help support the sequence
Thoughts of your ideas and include suitable images
and key points. Remember text short be kept
VERY short and you shouldn’t be reading off
the board. The only exception is if you use a
quote - and if you do - keep it SHORT.

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