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 Tend to (v): to be likely to behave in a particular way or have a particular
Many people tend to eat more in winter.
Children tend to feel uncomfortable if their routines change.
 Tendency (n)
*** tendency to do sth.
She has a tendency to exaggerate things.
*** tendency for sth.
There is a tendency for unemployment to rise in summer.
 Treat (v)
My parents treated us all the same when we were children.
You should treat your parents with more respect
 Treatment (n)
She gets special treatment as she is the daughter of the manager.
Prisoners were subjected to inhuman treatment.
Rely on (v)
Children rely on their parents for good
You shouldn’t rely on the weather- it’s
always changing.

Reliable (adj)
Not all the information you find on the
Internet is reliable.
She is a reliable employee; she always
does what she is asked to do and is
always on time.
Explore (v)
The best way to explore a city is on
Exploration (n)
The exploration for new sources of
renewable energy is vital for the future
of our planet.
imitate (v)
Children tend to imitate their parents.
That’s why, we need to be careful with
our behaviors.
imitation (n)
It’s not real leather- it’s just an imitation.
She does a great imitation of her teacher.
 Avoid (v)
*** avoid doing sth.
You should avoid eating junk food if you want to lose weight.
*** avoid sth.
You cannot avoid traffic in Istanbul since it is very crowded.
*** avoid smb.
I think he is trying to avoid me, he hasn’t called me for a week.
Forbid (v)
*** forbid sth.
The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to
people under the age of 18.

*** forbid smb from doing sth

Strict parents forbid their children from
going out at night.

*** forbid smb to do sth

I forbid you to marry him.

Forbidden (adj)
Smoking in public areas is strictly
 Find out (v)
How did you find out about the party?
She found out that he had been cheating on her.
First, I need to find out how much the holiday will cost.
 Behave (v)
We should teach our children how to behave in public.
She always behaves badly when her grandparents come.
She behaved as if nothing happened.
 Behavior (n)
Many people complained about the behavior of the fans.
intense (adj): of extreme force,
degree, or strength Dominant (adj): having power
 She felt an intense pain in her and influence over others.
shoulder. The gene for Brown eyes is
 This job demands intense dominant.
concentration. Dominate(v)
The countries with the strongest
economies dominate the World.
independent (adj)
She is very independent- she does everything alone even though she is
80 years old.
independence (n)
Mexico gained its independence from Spain in 1821.
Parents should allow their children some independence.
Answer the following questions in a meaningful way

1. Give one example to what children tend to do when they are alone?
2. People treat boys and girls differently. Do you agree / disagree? Why?
3. Do you rely on newspapers? Why / Why not?
4. How can you explore a city?
5. Who did you imitate when you were a child? Why?
6. How can you avoid talking to people that you do not like?
7. What would you do if you found out that your best friend stole from you?
8. What would you forbid your children to do? Why?

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