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Good Citizenship Values and

Youth Moral Recovery Program

for Nation –Building



According to Com. Teresita D. Baltazar
” Good governance is not enough to let
work on being good citizens.”
 > “If we have to build a better nation
we have to demand from ourselves,
each of us to be a good citizen that is
value-based and values-driven.
 Sen.Leticia R, Shahani(1993) asserts that there is a
need to change structures and change people.
 “Building a people means eliminating our
weaknesses and developing our strengths and this
start with analysis, understanding and appreciation
of these strengths and weaknesses, we must
change and understanding oneself is the first step.”
 To enhance the strengths and overcome the
weaknesses of the Filipino, she propose the
following goals for change:
1. Developed in the Filipino a sense of patriotism and
national pride
2. Developed a sense of the common good
3. Developed value and habits of discipline and hard
work , self-reflection and analysis, along with the
internalization of spiritual values
The Good
Citizenship Values
A. Pagkamaka-Diyos
 Faith in the Almighty
 Respect for life
 Order
 Work
 Concernfor the family and future
1.Faith in the Almighty

 Be God-fearing and live

according to His will
 (Learning Outputs:
 •To enable the students to
recognize their unique Faith
in God
 •To affirm the students
unique gift and illustrate to
them how they can continue
to live a life of faith in God.
2.Respect for Life
 Respect for life – Recognize the
absolute value of human life
and the human dignity of every
person. Do not inflict harm on
 Learning Outputs:
 •To enable students to realize
the relevance of human dignity
in their lives
 •To inspire students to be
stewards of life
3. Order (pagsunod sa mga
 “Order is the sanity of the mind, the health of the body, the
peace for the City, the security of the State. As the beams
of the house, as the bones of the body, so is order to all
things( Robert Southey)

 Learning Outputs:
 • To identify the significance of the value of order in the
lives of the students and in nation-building
 • To apply orderliness in health of body and mind of the
people for unity and peace of the community
4. Work

 “If a man will not work, he shall

not eat.”
 (2 Thessalonians 3:10)
 “Give fish to a man and he will
have food to eat a day; Teach him
how to fish and he shall have food
to eat throughout his lifetime.”
 Learning Outputs:
 • To appreciate the value of work
 • To identify the significant of
work and labor in one’s life
5. Concern for the Family
B. Pagkamakatao
 “Love is patient… It never
fails, its eternal… There are
faith, hope and love and the
greatest of these is love.”
 (1 Corinthians 13)
 Learning Outputs:
 •To illustrate the real
essence of love and how can
truly be applied
 Freedom consists not in doing
what we like, but in having the
right to do what we ought.”
 (Pope John Paul II)
 Learning Outputs:
 •Toraise the interest and
appreciation of the value of
freedom in our life.
 “Glory to God in the highest
and on earth peace to men of
goodwill” (Luke 2:14)
 Learning Outputs:
 •To identify ways by which
the people can promote the
value of peace in their
homes, workplace,
communities and country.
 “If it is not right do not do it;
if it is not true, do not say it”
 (Marcus Aurelius)

 Learning Outputs:
 •To highlight the basic
importance of truth in one’s
life, its role in national
development and in building a
more just and humane society
 “Treat others the way
you want to have them
treat you.” (Matthew
 Learning Outputs:
 •To identify the
relevant social issues
that highlight the value
of justice.
Respect for the law and government
Promotion if the common good
 Worktogether and share with one

 Let
us work together to attain the
common good for our community
people...´SJ Lee 2004
 Learning Outputs
 •Torealize the importance of the
value of unity in nation building and
 •Toidentify relevant implications
when value of unity is either present
or absent in the community.
 Thatall men are created
equal; that they are
endowed by their Creator
with inalienable rights...
(Thomas Jefferson)´
 Learning Outputs
 •Toidentify the relevance
and implications of the
value of equality.
Respect for Law and Governance

 Obeythe laws of the land and support government

 The law is not meant to curtail freedom; it is meant to
ensure that every citizen acts responsibly while exercising
his freedom.´
 •Todevelop a sense of appreciation of law and
 The Filipino is worth dying
for. (Ninoy Aquino)
 Place the good of the
country above one’s own.
Promotion of the Common
 Put the welfare of the greater
number of people over one’s
own. Do not be greedy and
 Learning Outputs
 •To identify ways by which we
can promote the common good.
 •To awaken our interest in the
promotion and protection of the
interests of the common good
D. Pagkamaka-kalikasan
Concern for the environment
Concern for the Environment
 Respect for the environment,
Care of creation,
 Balance of ecology

 •Tosave our environment

and nature relative to its
present state of degradation.
 •To identify concrete ways of
caring the environment on a
daily basis.

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