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Topic : Ring , Integral Domain and


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Course : BSc. Physical science + Cs
Semester :3nd
Subject : Algebra
A ring is a set R with two binary operations addition(denoted by a + b)and
multiplication(denoted by a . b).
1.R is an abelian group under the operation addition (+) and also having an associative
multiplication(.) that is Left and Right distributive over addition.
2.The operations satisfy the Distributive Laws:
For ∀ a, b, c ∈ R then ( a + b).c = (a . c + b . c) and a.(b + c) = a . b + a . c .
The additive identity is called the zero of the ring and is written as 0.
Such that 0.a = a.0 = 0 for all a ∈ R
3. Sometimes the ring has a multiplicative identity. If it does, we call it a Ring with
identity and write the multiplicative identity as 1 then R is called unity.
a.The operation multiplication (.) is not necessarily commutative. If a .b=b . a then, we
call R a commutative Ring .
 *Theset of even
4. Inverse property(+)
 1.Closure property(+) a-a=e
a,b #2-2=0
# a=2,b=4 ; 2+4=6 5.Commutative property(+)
2.Associative properties(+) a+b=b+a
a #2+4=4+2
# 2+(4+6)=(2+4)+6 6 =6
12 =12
3.Identity properties(+)
# 2+0=2
# 4+0=4
 6.Closure property(.)
# a=2,b=4 ; 2.4=8
7. Associative properties(+)
# 2(4.6)=(2.4)6
48 =48
8. Left Distributive law(+)
56= 56
9. Right Distributive law(+)
#(6+8)4 =(6)4+(8)4
56 = 56
An integral domain is a commutative ring with an identity (1 ≠ 0) with no zero-divisors.
That is ab = 0 ⇒ a = 0 or b = 0.
1) The ring of integer is an integral domain.
Let a , b and c belong to an integral domain
if a ≠ 0 and ab=ac then b=c.
Proof.. From ab=a c, we have a(b-c)=0
Since a ≠ o
We must have b-c=0
A field F is a commutative ring with identity (1 ≠ 0) in which every non-zero element has a
multiplicative inverse.

The following rings of number
(Q,+,x), ( R,+,x ), (C,+,x)
Are field because each is a commutative rings with unity and multiplicative inverse1/a of every non
zero element of a ring exists
Every field is an integral domain.
Proof.. If a, b are elements of a field with a ≠ 0 and ab = 0
so we can multiplying both sides of last expression by a-1
a-1 ab = a-10
b= 0
Every finite integral domain is a field.
Let D be an finite integral domine with unity 1. Let a be any non-zero element of D.
We must show that a is a unit . If a =1, a is its own inverse, so we may assume that
a ≠1.
Now consider the following sequence of element of D ; a , a2, a3….
Since D is finite , there must be two positive integers i and j such I >j and
ai + a j
Then by cancellation
ai-j =1.
a ≠1,we know i-j.>1 and so ai-j -1. the inverse of a
Thank you

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