Present Perfect Grammar Drills Grammar Guides 52622

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Present Perfect

have / has
Past Participle
In 2001, when Tomb Raider was shot in
Cambodia, Angelina Jolie saw some refugees.

saw refugees

2001 now


Since then she’s visited refugee camps in Asia and Africa.

has visited refugee camps

2001 now
2001- now
since 2001 / since then
Lewis Hamilton became Formula One driver in
became F1 driver

2007 now

2007 - now He has won 21 races since then / since


has won races

2007 now
We wrote an English test on Monday. Monday

wrote the test

Monday now

We have written three tests since Monday.

We have written three tests this week.

1 test1 test2 test3

have written tests

2 test?

this week
Monday now Monday

this Ha a mondatból kiderül, hogy a cselekvés

week 3 időpontja a múlt már lezárult szakasza,
akkor csak past simple-t használhatsz.
Have you ever …..?
Have you ever seen an action film?
Láttál már valaha akciófilmet?

Yes, I have already seen many.

Igen, már sokat láttam.

Have you ever met Bruce Willis?

Találkoztál valaha Bruce Willis-szel?

No, I haven’t met him, yet.

Nem, még nem találkoztam vele.
Have you ever..?
Ask the questions.
Where have you been?

I’ve already been to Budapest.

Már voltam Budapesten.

I haven’t been to Australia, yet.

Még nem voltam Ausztráliában.

Have you been to London, yet?

Voltál már Londonban?
Yes, I have already been there.
No, I haven’t been there, yet.
Your English teachers have heard these several times. 
Why? I haven’t done anything.
I’ve tried to send you my composition but
something has happened to my e-mail system. It
doesn’t work.
I’ve written my homework but I’ve left my
exercise book at home.
I’ve asked a lot of people, but nobody could inform me
about the homework.

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