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Active Learning in Mathematical

Subjects through Workbooks

Presentation By:

Mr. Piyush Patel

Head, General Dept.
Asst. Prof. (Mathematics)

4 Faculties are
3 Faculties have attending English
1 Faculty has
attended IFDP (In- Training Program
attended STTP
house FDP)
(In-house FDP)
• Mathematics underpins all science and engineering
degrees, and this may cause problems for students
whose understanding of the subject is weak.
• Introduce each topic very gently, beginning with simple
examples that bring out the basics, and then moving on
to tackle more challenging problems
• Help them to develop their skills and understanding
• Explain the tricks of the trade and also shortcuts
• but be careful to explain common errors allowing
students to anticipate and avoid them.
• Active learning is not anti-lecturing   
• Active learning is not necessarily a physical activity
• The “active” refers to the mind being actively engaged. 
• Active learning is not easier than Teacher cantered
 forms of teaching.
•  ask a question, pose a problem, or issue some other
type of challenge; tell your students to work
individually or in small groups to come up with a
response; give them some time to do it; stop them, and
call on one or more individuals or groups to share
their responses.
• Worksheets are an effective tool in ongoing efforts encouraging
our students to engage their brains during class. 
• Worksheets used in class can also help direct students' learning
• Worksheets can provide an excellent means of teaching
mathematical concepts that are somewhat algorithmic.
• Workbook provides some structure to the thinking for certain
types of tasks
• Worksheets provide the structure to thinking which should be
new for students
• Worksheets avoid large quantities’ solo-work
• Worksheet “results” should involve making decisions, drawing
conclusions or comparisons, or similar “products” that benefit
from discussion or debate.
Worksheet Effects
• Focusing students’ attention
• "bridging the gap“ between watching and doing
• Helping students focus on an underlying big picture
• Delivering and/or summarizing content efficiently
• Teaching students how to learn from their textbooks
• Connecting new material to previously-covered material
• Encouraging students to communicate their mathematical ideas
•  Entry Ticket to Class
• Think Pair and share exercise
• Match the following (For formula remembrance)
Differintial Equation Example.doc





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