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m Digestion of dietary CHO

m Storage of temporary excess of CHO as glycogen.

m Conversion of glucose to other molecules
m Control of these metabolic pathways.
m áhe principal sites of CHO digestion are
M douth &
M Small intestine

Dieatary CHO consists of

M Digestion starts in mouth
M Enzymes present in saliva is alpha amylase (ptyline)
M Amylase acts on alph 1- 4 glycosidic bonds.
M Requires Netural pH and Cl
M Cannot act on alpha 1,4 glycosidic bonds found in branch
point of glycongen and starch
M Alpha amylase hydrolysis strach
a Disaccharides ± maltose
a árisaccharides ± maltotriose
a Oligosaccharides - dextins
m Carbohydrate digestion halts temporarily in the
stomach because the high acidity inactivates the
salivary alpha amylase.
m ¦uther digestion ± small intestine - pancreatic
m Secretin & cholecystokine released by mucosal
cell of duodenum.
m Secretin stimulate release of bicarbonate
m CCK stimulates release of digestive enzyme like
pancreatic alpha amylase.
m áhere are two phase of intestinal digestion
M Digestion due to pancreatic alpha amylase
M Digestion due to intestinal brush border membrane

Pancreatic alpha amylase

- degrades dextins further

- fromation of maltose, isomaltose and alpha limit dextrin
- Alpha limit dextrin are smaller oligosaccharides contain 3
± 5 glucose units
M Digestive enzymes are
located in brush border
M áhese are disaccharidases
± hydrolyzes alpha 1 ± 6
M áhe ezymes are
a daltase
a Sucrase
a Lactase
a Dextrinase
a Isomaltase
a trehalase
m End products of carbohydrate digestion are glucose,
fructose and galactose
m Which are readlyy absorbed through the intestinal mucosal
cells into the blood stream.
m áwo mechanisms ± for absorption of

M Active transport ± against concentration gradient

M ¦acilliative transport ± with concentration gradient

M Energy requiring process that requires a specific
transport protein and the presence of sodium ions.
M SGLá -1 ± sodium depened transporter binds both
glucose and sodium.
M Sodium is transported down its concentration gradient &
glucose against its concentration gradient.
M V     
M Active transport of glucose is inhibited by cardic
glycoside   ± an inhibitor of sodium pump
M ’     inhibitor of glucose reabsorption in the kidney
m ¦ructose and mannose are transported across the
brush border by Na independent diffusion process
by glucose transporter Glutn- 5.
m ¦acilitative diffusion from higher concentration to
lower concentration.


Glut ± 1 Brain, kidney, colon and Uptake of glucose


Glut ± 2 Liver, Beta cells, Small Rapid uptake of release

intestine and kideny of glucose

Glut ± 3 Brain, Kidney, placenta Uptake of glucose

Glut ± 4 Heart, skeletal muscle Insulin stimulated uptake

and adipose tissue of glucose

Glut ± 5 Small intestine Absorption of glucose

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