Question 5 Evaluation

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5: How Did You

Attract/Address Your
Audience ?
The different use of font means
that the same font is repeated The use of bright colours attracted the
and therefore isn't boring, also it audience attention as it is eye catching
allows your to know what are and the audience is drawn to the
the different parts etc, Masthead colours.
and different sub headings.

The layout is set in a certain way

where your attention is drawn to
the main picture as well at the
masthead, the writing is spaced out
around the main images with
enough white space for it to not
look to over crowded.

The language that I used

was informal as I
abbreviated certain words
although the language I used
was direct and straight to
the point.
I used this images and put it centre of the
page as it will draw the audiences
attention and it is the type of audience that
my magazine is aimed at.
The use of different
fonts, bold to have a
subheading of what it is
and the small text to say
about the information.

The use of bright colours on the page to

show the things that are to look out for
and most important.

The layout of the contents

of the contents of my
magazine is on the left
hand side with my picture The photos are used to show
and readers profile on the the artist but to also give you a
right hand side, this is brief idea of what that page is
organised. going show.
The masthead of the double
page spread is Bold and brief
therefore but also straight to Quotes from the
the point. interview.

The layout of this double page

spread is that all the writing is
either at the top of the page or
bottom and therefore my
pictures are there to break up
the writing.

I have put the images in the corner of the

pages to draw your attention away from
The type of language that I was used was the writing and the use of different
informal as the I was asking the questions manipulations and styles meant that they
on the spot, therefore the answers that he work against each other and draw your
gave were how he said it, ‘isn't’ ‘don’t’ etc. eyes to both types of images.
Summary and Feedback of Front
Cover, Contents and Double Page
What did you think of the images? I felt that the images used were good as it
represented the social group that the magazine was aimed at, its also good because the clothes
that he is wearing are fashionable and stylish.

 What did you think of the house style that was used? I thought it was good because
it drew my attention to it as the colours were bright and eye catching.

 Was the information that was given relevant? Yes, I feel that on all the pages it was
good as it let me know about the new artist that is making his name worldwide and it is easily as
good as any magazine that is out now if not better.

 Did the magazine appeal to you? Yes it did as it is all about the music that I am into and I
was also informed about some information I didn't know about already.

 Was the layout easy to follow? Yes it was because it was organised, which meant it was so
easy to follow, the writing was like any other ordinary text, from left to right although I feel on the
contents page there could have been more pages with information on.

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