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• Take a short history from this patient and examine e

yes with pen torch.
• What is your diagnosis?
• Patient is diabetic
• Patient has a family history of chronic HTN
• He is currently using timolol eyedrops
• He is a retired farmer
• Patient is on treatment for nephrotic syndrome wit
h corticosteroids
• He has had cataract extraction in the past

Examine this patient's
• Diagnosis
• Predisposing factors
• Treatment
• Prevention of recurrence
• Picture of ophthalmoscope/slit lamp
• label its parts
• 5 diagnoses that can be made with it
• Examine this patient's ear
what is your diagnosis?
• what level of LN is present?
• The left ear was the affected ear
• There's a left pre-auricular sinus
• there's left ear tenderness
• Is there discharge?
• 10 ENT instruments
• their names and 1 function each
• 8-yr old boy with fever, pallor, swollen and painful l
eft knee with WBC-40,000 neutrophils-89%
• Diagnosis
• Two differentials
• What in the history supports your diagnosis?
• Other investigations you'd request for
• Treatment
• Radiograph showing internal fixator
• Describe what you can see
• 5 orthopaedics instruments- what are their names
• Austin-Moore prosthesis
• anhydrous Calcium sulphate (POP)
• Tourniquet
• plate and screw
• skin traction
• Radiograph showing a round, smooth, radio-opaqu
e structure in the region of the bladder in a wheelc
hair-ridden paraplegic.
• Diagnosis
• What is this type of bladder called?
• Causes
• Treatment
• Complications
• Take history from this patient
• Pneumaturia
• haematuria
• smoking
• chronic cough
• swimming in ponds
• dysuria
• use of anticoagulants
• trauma
• 10 surgical instruments-name and function
• towel clip
• artery forceps
• sponge-holding forceps
• Examine this patient's breast
• Location of the lump
• Diagnosis
• Risk factors
• Was there supraclavicular LNpathy
• Examine this patient with enlarged thyroid
• Describe
• Diagnosis
• CT scan of CSDH
• describe
• Risk factors
• treatment
• Someone that was trapped in a burning room
• How much %age burns?
• What other injury is there?
• Signs of No. 2 question
• Management of the diagnosis in question 2
• Diagnosis
• Classify
• Complications
• Treatment
• What is this?
• 5 functions
• Examine this child's groin
• Has Left cryptorchidism
• The swelling is reducible
• has epispadias
• the swelling transilluminates
• has features of T21
• Right testis is atrophied
• Evaluate this result
• PaCO2-65mmHg
• PaO2-40mmHg
• HCO3-10mEq/L
• pH-7.2
• O2 sat- 89%
• What investigation is this?
• Comment on the above result
• Diagnosis
• Description
• Mention 3 differentials
• Estimate the volume
• Immediate intervention

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