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1 Warsame Diiriye Warsame C119012
2 Mohamed Hassan Abdulle C119769
3 Fowsiyo Abdirizak Dahir C119930
4 Abdikhaliq Mohamed Aden C119066
5 Aisha Da’ud Mohamed C119927
6 Faduma Abdinasir Abdullahi C119041
7 Mohamed Abdirahman nor C119013
8 Sa’id Mohamed Abdi C119044
Description of the project
This project is a new , is used to collect a data from
taxation of government.
The problem is that when the time of taking taxation
came , the police will come to every one’s home and
tell them to go the nearest center that he will paid
the money.
The project will solve this problem by facilitating the
people to paid the tax without going the nearest
center. Also it facilitates to collect every one in the
country a tax in the same way and to know whether it
has paid or not.
The reason of system Project
We make a research a bout how the government
take a taxation from the people.
The output of that research is, when the time of the
collecting the tax come the police will come to every
one and tell them to go and paid to the nearest
central of every distinct.
And not have a data entry to register the people and
know the people paid and not paid.
Mostly the people will not give the tax for the
Project Management Tools
2.C# Programming
The opportunity of this
The government need many employees to
work this system , for registration of all
people in the country. So that many
people will be recruitment for themselves.
Task Pattern
Task No Description Duration Days Predecessor Tasks
1 Registration 1080 ~~~~
2 Collect taxation 30 1
3 Registered District 90 1
4 Registered cars 90 1
5 Registered villages 1080 2
6 Registered 2 3
7 Registered Port 1 4
8 Registered Airport 1 5,6,7
Network Diagram
Registered District Registered Companies

Start:1081 ID:3 Start:1171 ID:6

Finish:1170 Dur:90 Finish:1172 Dur:2

Registration Collect taxation Registered villages Registered Airport

Start: 1 ID:1 Start:1081 ID:2 Start:1111 ID:5 Start:2191 ID:8
Finish: 1080 Dur:1080 Finish:1110 Dur:30 Finish:2190 Dur:1080
Finish:2191 Dur:1

Registered Cars Registered Port

Start:1081 ID:4 Start:1171` ID:7

Finish:1170 Dur:90 Finish:1171 Dur:1

Calculating The Critical Path
Path one: 1080+30+90+2+1 =1203

Path two: 1080+30+1080+1=2191

Path three: 1080+30+90+1+1=1202

Therefore the longest critical path is path two.


Registration Degmada Vilages

Collect Tax Villages Homes

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