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Name – Nikita Kishor Nimse

Where is Chernobyl ?
• In Northern
• Near the border of
Belarus .
What happened?
• Chernobyl disaster – The worst nuclear disaster
in History.
• 100 times more radioactive than Hiroshima.
• 231 people were hospitalized .
• 31 of them eventually died.
• Most of the people were workers in the plant .
The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
• 11 miles north of the city Chernobyl
•  It consisted of 4 reactors
• Produces 10% of Ukraine’s electricity.
• Construction began in the 1970’s
• Reactor #4 was completed in 1983
• At the time of accident, reactor #5 and #6 were in
Reactor plant
1. As the reaction occurs, the
uranium fuel becomes hot
2. The water pumped through the
core in pressure tubes removes
the heat from the fuel
3. The water is then boiled into
4. The steam turns the turbines
5. The water is then cooled
6. Then the process repeats
Long term Impact
1. Radioactive release
2. Fauna and vegetation – Pine forest in the
10km2 turned “Red Forest”.
3. Socio Economical impact – A total of
784320 hectares of agricultural land was
removed from service.
4. Health Effect – Mental health and
psychological effect
5. High level of stress, anxiety
6. Reproductive and hereditary effects
Long term Impact
7. Health Effects –
released of high level of
radioactive iodine which
was deposited in pastures
eaten by cows and that
milk was drunk by
children which leads to
thyroid cancer.
8. Cardiovascular
disease, Leukaemia
Chernobyl Memorials
A memorial to the A memorial to all those
firefighters who died at Chernobyl
Lessons Learned
• The accident told the world the importance of
 basic safety principles and techniques for NPPs.
• Continuous safety analysis of nuclear power plant
and of their early upgrading in order to eliminate
deviation, of active study and the introduction of
leading world experiences, and of taking through
account of human factor.
Lessons Learned
• The financial losses in mitigating the
consequences of the Chernobyl accident
provide evidence of the extremely high price
of errors and shortcomings when ensuring the
safety of the nuclear plant and of the need of
strict compliance with international safety
requirements during their design, construction
and operation
• There is need to establish and support a high-
level national emergency response system in
case of man-made accident.

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