2015-2016 Pebble Smartwatch Advertising Campaign: Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange

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2015-2016 Pebble Smartwatch

Advertising Campaign
Robert W. Jellicorse

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Jellicorse, Robert W., "2015-2016 Pebble Smartwatch Advertising Campaign" (2015). University of Tennessee
Honors Thesis Projects.
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In light of kick starting theSummary
smartwatch industry, We developed “The Smartwatch That…”
Pebble autochargeable Smartwatch campaign based on our primary and secondary
research, which suggested that it would be best to
is in need to further raise product and brand emotionally appeal the Pebble brand to the target
awareness to a broader market audience by showing them the multiple ways that they
can use a Pebble Smartwatch throughout their day.
segment, increase its annual sales and level of brand We decided to utilize television, magazine, digital radio,
engagement among live event sponsorship, outdoor bus wraps, alternative
media, sweepstakes, and social media outlets
consumers, while also differentiating itself from throughout the campaign in order to achieve the
competing smartwatch brands. objectives. For full campaign integration, each medium
used pushes the target to Pebble’s website.
This auto-charging smartwatch is powered by solar
plate. It has the lightest and strongest solar plate cases
Sequent has ever created.Solar-powered indices that
illuminate in the dark have been added to the watch
faces, giving the watch great readability and a
futuristic vibe.The watch includes the most up-to-date
activity monitoring technology, as well as heart rate
sensors and the ability to record your athletic
This solar charging technology not only brings about
an overall improved power performance, it also
reduces carbon emissions by up to 59 percent
compared to other smartwatches due to the reduced
power charging frequency. With the enhanced battery
life, added sports activities and comprehensive health
data monitoring, Garmin hopes to motivate and
inspire users to continue their outdoor adventures and
explore infinite possibilities together.

Benefits of having smart watch


The autochargeable Smartwatch has not

only kickstarted the smartwatch
industry, but has also been named by many
as the best smartwatch on the
market. Pebble Smartwatches have a
variety of features that trump many
of the competing brands, including
affordability, water
resistance, and multi-platform

Pebble Smartwatch Models

Tweets Via People on Twitter
Consumer Insights
• In order to determine an appropriate target audience for the
• Smartwatch campaign, we first proposed three research
• questions that served as a basis for what we needed to learn
about potential smartwatch users.
• 1) What do consumers know about smartwatches and
• wearable technology?
• 2) Which smartwatch functions/apps appeal most to
• consumers?
• 3) Which media are consumers most likely to utilize when lo
oking for smartwatch information and sharing smartwatch
• experiences?

• This analysis revealed that consumers like using smartwatche

s for
• a variety of reasons. We found that a lot of people like to re
motely control
• the music they play from their smartphone, track various fitn
ess levels, as well
• as quickly access smartphone app information and notificatio
ns via their
• smartwatch


Autochargeable smart watch using

solar plate

Almost every PERSON Want a long battery

life as a key feature. Battery life was
especially important for those who viewed a
smart watch as a potential extension of their
Target Audience
Target audience of males and females, ages 18-34, who live in india currently active
smartphone and social media users, and who also use their smartphones in multiple ways to
obtain information. Their activities, beliefs, occupations, and backgrounds are very diverse and
vary from physically active students, to couch potatoes
within the working class, to artists, musicians, geeks, cooks, athletes, pop-culture addicts,
engineers, soldiers, dancers, movie buffs, and more. Our research shows that there were around
23,472,000 consumers within this target audience in 201940. Approximately 11,833,000
Multifunctional Millennials are iPhone users, while 9,389,000 of them use an Android device40.
Our consumer insight findings are consistent with the insights we gained from our
research, which suggest that Multifunctional Millennials
are interested in utilizing multiple smartphone related apps. Such apps include
productivity apps like those that measure various fitness levels while exercising, allow users to
easily check weather updates, quickly access text and social media notifications, allow them
to have turn-by-turn GPS directions close by, and more. Although our findings suggest that
many of those within the target audience are somewhat unfamiliar with the smartwatch
product category (specifically the Pebble autochargeable Smartwatch), as well as many of the
available smartwatch functions, most of the target audience is still interested in owning one.
This target is the best target to utilize the multiple functions and apps featured on the
Pebble Smartwatch that are already used via smartphone. The autochargeable Smartwatch will
not only allow the target to sport a stylish wristwatch, but will also allow them to utilize the
supporting smartwatch functions that will make their fast paced daily routines easier and more

increasing brand awareness

the target audience’s interest

increasing its intention to

purchase a Auto chargeable Smartwatch.
Marketing Objective

•To sell 2,000,000 Autochargeable Smartwatch

units by dec 2021.

Advertising Objectives

•To increase the target audience’s awareness of

the autochargeable Smartwatch brand by 75%,
by dec 2021.
•To increase the target audience’s interest in
Pebble Smartwatch features and apps by 50%,
by dec 2021.

•To increase the target audience’s intention to

purchase a Pebble Smartwatch by 25%, by

Sales Promotion Objective

•To have 5% of the target audience

participate in autochargeableSmartwatch
sweepstakes by dec2021.

Social Media Objective

•To increase the target audience’s interaction

with Pebble on all available social media
platforms by 25%, by dec2021 11
Media Plan
All are active smartphone and
social media users who use their
smartphones in multiple ways to
receive updates and information. In
addition to using social media, this
target audience also uses a variety of
traditional media, including television,
magazines, and outdoor, as well
as alternative media like live events.
There are 3,325,000 Multifunctional
Millennials who rely on television as
their main source of entertainment,
while 1,692,000 of them enjoy reading
ads in magainzes. 3,285,000
Multifunctional Millennials pay a lot of
attention to outdoor ads,
including bus ads, and 9,971,000 of
them enjoy attending live events, like live
music concerts40. By combining
these types of media (broadcast, social,
mobile, outdoor, and alternative) 14

throughout the United States,

Millennials will be reached
In order to accomplish the advertsing and
marketing goals, INDIA Advertising will heavily depend
on TV to reach the majority of potential consumers
within the target audience. The insights we gained
from our primary and secondary research justifies why
we allocated the majority of our campaign budget
Television 1
Television 2

India Advertising developed three magazine print ads that
demonstrate how versatile Pebble autochargeable Smartwatches can be in
keeping the
target up to date with notifications that are important to them, as well as an
example of the various fitness levels and activities that Pebble
Smartwatchescan measure.

Game Informer Magazine Ad Weekly Ad

Mobile Radio & Live Event

Outdoor: Bus

Bus Wrap Bus Wrap

3 4

Alternative Media &
In addition to utilizing various forms of traditional, digital, These “Giant Pebbles” will be life size representations of a Pebble
alternative, and social media throughout the 2015-2016 campaign, United Smartwatch that will feature a large sign, directing people to press a button
Advertising will also integrate an additional form of alternative media that will begin playing a video on the touchscreen, explaining the
combined with sweepstake rules and also allow people to view information on Pebble
a sweepstakes that will not only be a cost effective way to raise functions that are featured throughout the campaign. Participants will have
brand awareness, but will also increase the target audience’s interaction a chance to be randomly selected to win a cash prize of $500 for the
with the Pebble brand over social media. This form of guerrilla marketing holidays. In order to enter the sweepstakes, contestants will be asked to
will consist of five interactive “Giant Pebble” smartwatches that will be take a selfie with the giant Pebble and upload it to any of the various social
placed within populated areas throughout the top five DMAs that media outlets Pebble utilizes, along with the hash tag
contain the highest concentrations of Multifunctional Millennials (e.g. #TheSmartwatchThatPays. While the sweepstakes will begin in November
Times Square in New York) during the 2015 holiday season. and end before Christmas, United Advertising will promote the contest
through its social media outlets, website, and blog.

Social Media

Sample Facebook Post Sample Instagram Post Sample Vine Post


Pebble challenged indian Advertising

to develop a campaign that was geared
towards the target audience most likely to
purchase a Pebble autochargeable
Smartwatch within the next year, thus
increasing annual Pebble Smartwatch
sales by 2 million smartwatch units. Our
strategic thinking in research has led to
well-crafted creative work that best
represents the many reasons why
Multifunctional Millennials would want to
purchase a Pebble Smartwatch over any
other available smartwatch brand.

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