Group 3

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Material Design

Material writing is one of the most characteristic features of ESP in practice. In

marked contrast to General English teaching, a large amount of the ESP teachers’ time
may well be taken up in writing materials.
1. Defining objectives
There are some principles that must be considered in writing of the materials :
a. Materials provide a stimulus to learning.
b. Materials help to organise the teaching-learning process, by providing a path
through the complex mass of the language to be learnt.
c. Materials embody a view of the nature of language and learning
d. Materials reflect the nature of the learning task.
e. Materials can have a vary useful function in broadening the basis of teacher
training, by introducing teachers to new techniques.
f. Materials provide models of correct and appropriate language use.
2. A materials design model
The aim of this particular model is to provide a coherant framework
for the integration of the variuos aspect of learning, while at the same
time allowing enough room for craetivity and variety to flourish.

The following elements of model, namely :

a. Input
b. Content focus
c. Language focus
d. Task
3. A materials design model : sample materials
The starter plays a number of important roles :
• It creates a context of knowledge for the
comprehension of the input.
• It activates the learners’ mind and gets them
• It arouses the learners’ interest in the topic.
• It reveals what learners already know in terms of
language and content.
• It provides a meaningful context in which to
introduce new vocabulary or grammatical items.
4. Refining the model
5. Materials and syllabus
There are two types of model. They are :
a. Predictive. This kind of model provides the
generative framework within which creativity can
b. Evaluative. This kind of model acts as a feedback
device to tell you whether you have done what you
6. Using the models : a case study
there are some stages must be considered in creating the
materials as follow :
• Find your text.
• Go to the end of the model. Think of a task that the
learners could do at the end of the unit.
• Go back to the syllabus. Is the task the kind of activity
that will benefit your learners?
• Decide what language stuctures, vocabulary,
functions, content of the input contains.
• Think of some exercise and activities to practice the
items you have identified.
• Go back to the input.
• Go through stages 1-6 again with the revised
• Check the new materials against the syllabus and
amend accordingly.
• Try the materials in the classroom.
• Most importantly, revise the materials in the light
of classroom use.

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