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Spatial interpolation

Prepared by

Md. Ismail Firoz

Dept. Of Geography & Environmental Studies(RU)

what is spatial interpolation?
 A process of filling in data between the
sample points is therefore required.

 process of using points with known values to

estimate values at other unknown points

 predicts values for cells in a raster from a

limited number of sample data points.

 Finally, create a continuous surface from a

set of points.

Spatial interpolation is the procedure for estimating the value of properties at un-
sampled sites within an area covered by existing observations (Waters, 1989).
Spatial interpolation examples:
It can be used to predict unknown values for any
geographic point data:
 terrain
 elevation
 chemical concentrations
 noise levels, and so forth.

In geographic information systems (GIS) we also work with the statistical surface.
Statistical surface includes:

 precipitation
 snow accumulation
 water table and
 population density.
Problems with interpolation

Accuracy problem

z Visual representation

Edge effects (extrapolation)

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