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Masan Food is one of Vietnam¶s

largest Food-and-Beverage (F&B)

companies, with a dominant market
share in the sauces and seasoning

Masan Food is one of Massan Group subsidiary companies.

Established in the late 1990s, headquartered in Ho Chi Minh
City, the Company has well-known by soya sauces, instant
noodles, chili sauces... Masan Food has focused on developing
products with food safety standards.
Masan Food¶s product innovation, focus on health, and deep
understanding of Vietnamese consumers¶ taste have allowed the
company to quickly capture market share. Tam Thai Tu and Nam
Ngu brands captured number one position in the sauce market.
For four straight years in a row, Masan Food was voted the head
brand in the sauce and seasoning category by Saigon Marketing
(Saigon Tiep Thi).

During operation, Masan Food has developed a domestic

distribution system is large, with nearly 120,000 sales points
throughout the 63 provinces of Vietnam. As of August 2009, Masan
Food has over 130 distributors, and five distribution centers in
Binh Duong, Tan Binh (Ho Chi Minh City), Da Nang, Hung Yen
and Hai Duong is located at strategy position.
hmachi is the first instant noodle
product made from potato of Masan
Food in Vietnam.

According to scientists at the Food Research Institute ,

@ @ substances in the potato make your skin beautiful,
treat eyes with dark circles, improve to your health, sleep
better and lower concentration of sugar in the blood. Potatoes
are also considered as a vaccine effectively prevent hepatitis B
and anti-influenza .
mo protect the health of
consumers, manufacturers have
used the technology for the
special fried noodles that are
cooked to ensure perfect quality.

mhis was eliminating a lot of arising substance from the stage of

fried noodles at high temperature often makes noodles fire,
burning odor, have a high oxidation.
Manufacturers also adjust reasonable of the oil during frying and
packets processing of soup, noodles taste so cool, customers
complete have peace of mind that omachi does not cause
ith a young and dynamic of
over 86 million people and
rising GDP per capita, Vietnam
has the fastest FMCG growth
rate in Asia and is a compelling
market for consumed

For instant noodle, there are many substitute products which is

equally convenient from extensive sales network such as pho,
soup, sticky rice, bread, rice plates, etc .
Perspective of consumers, it's very easy to use
instant noodle products but It is also critical that
eating much noodles will be hot inside body.

Pay attention to the health's consumers to

create product characteristics satisfied their
need is the challenge for brand positioning in
the middle and higher segment. mo research
this segment, hmachi have chosen potato
noodles to erased suspicions "are afraid of hot
" of consumers .
hmachi, by the clear and
powerful language, is offer
consumers a different note
"are not afraid of hot´
Messages are transmitted
easily to understand by the
simple video clip and well-
known stars . It makes
successful of manufacturers as
a name Massan Food .

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