Lect 3 - Sampling

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Lec-3 Research Methodology

Mr. Islahuddin Jalal
MS (Cyber Security) – UKM Malaysia
Research Title – 3C-CSIRT Model for Afghanistan

Learning objectives
Upon completion of this chapter, you will know the following:
1) Meaning and concept of sampling
2) Population and sample parameters and estimates
3) Types of sampling
4) Calculating sample size
• Recently, we discussed the data and its collection sources (i.e. primary
and secondary), in this chapter we mainly focus on how to collect
data from primary sources.
• Surveys are the most popular and widely used method of collecting
data directly from the intended and random respondents with regards
to a specific research study.
• Though, there are several approaches in collecting primary research
data from respondents, the mostly used term “survey” is more
applicable in research studies.
Research Population
• A research population is the entire number of people, groups, events and
objects of interest to a scholar for the purpose of his/her research.

• In other word, the research population is the total number of investigable

objects that a researcher intends to make inference.

• For example, a company wants to know that what Security strategy do the
production companies adopt in Afghanistan. So, the entire production
companies located in the country refers to as the “population”.
• Sample is the fraction of a population.
• Sample is a subset of a population (Bougie, 2003).
• A sample is a subgroup of a population (Frey, et al., 125)
• A sample represents some selected elements of a population in a
given time.
• For instance, the total number of production companies in
Afghanistan round to 1000, a researcher may not study all of the
1000 due to time, cost and other limiting factors, but he studies 200
out of it. The 200 is the sample of a 1000 population.
• As we agreed that a sample a subset or fraction of population, then we can
statistically express them as:

Sample Population

Statistics Parameters

𝑋=𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛   μ= Population Mean

) ( )

( 𝑆=𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

𝑆 =𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒
σ = Population Standard Deviation
σ = Population Variance

•  The characteristics of a population are called the parameters of a

• The characteristics of a sample are called the estimate of the parameters.

• We use the measure of central tendency to measure the parameters of the

population and the estimates of the sample.

-Split into research teams

-Each person take a ‘sample’ of Smarties

-Each group record the total number of

Smarties and the number of red Smarties


Sample (n)
• Effective Sampling produces a n which is representative of N
• Note: n is only ever representative of the N it was drawn from,
i.e. not necessarily the general population.


The dependent variable can be

generalised from n to N
Sampling Methods
• Random- All members of N have an equal chance of selection

• Stage- Randomly select a group, then take sample

• Cluster- Select a natural group to sample from

Types of Sampling

Probability Non-Probability
Sampling Sampling

Simple Random Stratified Convenience

Quota Sampling
Sampling Sampling Sampling

Systematic Cluster Snowball Judgmental

Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling
Probability Sampling
Simple Random Sampling
Is a method of sampling in which, every member of the population (N) has
an equal chance of being selected for the sample (n).

Stratified Sampling
This is a method in which, the whole population is split into non-
overlapping groups (Strata) then simple random sampling is performed on
each group to determine the sample.
Probability Sampling
Systematic Sampling
This is a sampling method in which, every nth element or subject of the
population is selected for the required sample.
For example, to select a sample of 121 buyers from the whole population
of buyers from Finest Super Market. we set a criteria of nth (7th) that every
7 buyer will be selected for our sample till it gets to the required sample
size (121).
Cluster Sampling
In this method, the population of research may be of different section
from which the sample must be drawn. For instance, we may take our
sample that should represent the population from north, south, east, west
and central zones of the Afghanistan.
Non-probability Sampling
Convenience Sampling
Convenience sampling or Voluntary response sampling is the easiest
way to obtain individuals from a population to be placed in the sample.
Often, the individuals opt to be part of the sample.

Judgmental Sampling
Judgmental or purposiveness sampling is a method in which, the
sample is selected from a population on a certain and specific purpose.
Non-probability Sampling
Quota Sampling
Quota sampling is a type of sampling in which, the sample size (n) is
initially determined and quoted to be picked up from the population.

Snowball Sampling
Snowball or reference sampling is a method in which, the sample is
selected to represent to population on a matter of reference. For example,
one respondent may refer the researcher to another potential respondent
of the same nature so the sample size gets bigger till it comes to
Selecting Sample Size
•  Selecting sufficient – appropriate size of a sample that fairly represent a
population depends on how it takes place. For rationality, we use the
following equation to choose a sample size:

Where n stands for sample size, α is the 95% confidence interval, is the
population standard deviation and is the error squared.
Selecting Sample Size
•  Suppose we have the following information available on the
basis of which, we can compute the sample size:
α = 1.96, σ = 20 and E = 4, then we derive the sample size as

So, the sample size is computed to be 96. you should

remember that as much as the std. dev. Increases the sample
size increases too.
Selecting Sample Size
• Look at the following graph:
Sample Size

Sample Size = 216


Sample Size = 54

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Std. Dev.

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