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Global Meltdown and itǯs Impact on INDIA
Presentatation on :

Global Meltdown and

itǯs Impact on INDIA

DzIn my adult lifetime, I donǯt think

Iǯve ever seen people as fearful,dz

ǥ super investor Warren BuffettDz

e worst financial crisis since t e great depression of 1930ǯs

It was triggered by a liquidity s ortfall in t e United States banking


In 2008, 81 public corporations file for bankruptcy in t e United States

Resulted in t e collapse of large financial institutions.

significant decline in economic activity, lead to a severe global economic

recession in 2008.


      quantity of bad debt
in t e system

Major banks ave landed in trouble after people could not pay
back loans.

United states Housing bubble t at burstǥ



In September 2008 , 159,000 jobs were lost due to crisis in US.

US demand for imports from ot er countries indicated a


Downturns in stock markets around t e world.

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A slowdown in t e US economy was a bad news for India.

Foreign investors did wit draw $12 billion from Indiaǯs stock markets.

India's exports to t e US ave also grown substantially over t e years.

US demand for imports from India declined.

Weakening demand led to producers cutting production w ic

resulted in increased unemployment.

e industries most affected by weakening demand were airlines,

otels, real estate.
Downsizing in I and Financial sector as companies cut costs.

e Indian Information ec nology industry accounts for a 5.19% of t e

country's GDP.

A weakening of demand in t e US affected our I and

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector

t e Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) started drying up and t is affected

investment In t e Indian economy

t e number of tourists inflow to india as come down.




Despite an unprecedented global recession, India remained t e second

fastest growing economy in t e world.

Indiaǯs GDP grew by more t an 6% t roug out t is period Ȃ

India is muc less dependent t an most countries on global flows

of trade and capital.

India relies on external trade for about 20% of its GDP .

e countryǯs large and robust internal market accounts for t e rest.

Indians continued producing goods and services for ot er Indians,

and t at kept t e economy umming.

o lift t e economy out of t e recession t e Government announced

a package of Rs 35,000 crores in t e first instance on December 7, 2008.


Most of t e stars of t e Wall Street collapse will continue.

ese will generate new opportunities for low cost ig quality services.

Many companies w o were not outsourcing certain processes will

increasingly be forced to do so.

e US Congress approved a revised $700 billion package to bail out

t e US financial sector. is means major opportunity for
India-based services companies

he global financial meltdown will mean some tough times for
its suppliers, but the fittest will survive - and emerge stronger.

he global financial crisis can be turned into a great opportunity

for growth in India.

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