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Who would be the audience for your

media product and how did you
attract/address your audience?
Action movies is probably in the top three genres in the world and because of
this I would like our film to be produced and distributed by a large company
such as Universal, Columbia or Warner Brothers. This is because these
companies have the funding and the ability to get our film seen by as many
people as possible. The intended audience for my film would be the types of
people that watch action movies, probably men between the ages of 15-40.
If we had the funding I would compare our film in the way it would be made
and its audience to the Transporter films. In both our filming and our editing
we tried to make our film as appealing as possible to people that watch films
of the genre ‘action’, we used effects such as a grainy tinge and a
screeching noise to indicate that it is a flashback, fans of action films would
be familiar with this effect. Also in both the editing and the filming where
Adam is running we made it seem that he is running/moving through the
woods fast even when he wasn’t during the filming, this is done using quick
edits so one frame isn’t focused on Adam for too long and the use of point of
view shots when he is running also helps to create the illusion of speed; this
adds to the fast pace of the film and makes it feel more like an action film. In
the next slide are two examples from our film where we have used these
effects and edits.

What have you learnt about

technologies from the process of
constructing this product and
Looking back at your preliminary
task, what do you feel you have
learnt in the progression from it to
the full product?
In creating our film I have learned how to efficiently use technologies such as
using all aspects of the camera, including the 180 degree rule which I have
learned about since the pleminary exercises. In GCSE I learned how to use
adobe premiere pro and had a basic knowledge of editing, since AS my
knowledge of editing is now extensively more, and in our pleminary we used
in camera editing very effectively and were considering using it for our final
piece. I am aware of the use of a tripod after a series of failed attempts from
my peer Matt Hill. I have learned the importance of good continuity and on a
few occasions we had to edit out sections of the film where we had the tripod
or a member of the team in the background. One thing that I have learned
that I was not aware of at all is that unless you are aiming to get a handheld
feel the tripod must be used in every single shot, like the shot below, we
wanted a hand held feel as it was a point of view shot.

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