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Financial Accounting
Eleventh Edition

Chapter 1
The Financial

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The Walt Disney Company

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Explain Why Accounting Is the
Language of Business
• Accounting is an information system that:
– Measures business activities
– Processes data into reports
– Communicates results to decision makers

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Exhibit 1-1 The Flow of Accounting

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Who Uses Accounting Information?
• Individuals
• Investors and creditors
• Regulatory bodies
• Nonprofit organizations

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Two Kinds of Accounting (1 of 2)
Financial Accounting
• For decision makers outside the entity
– Investors
– Creditors
– Government agencies
– The public

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Two Kinds of Accounting (2 of 2)
Managerial Accounting
• For managers inside the entity
– Budgets
– Forecasts
– Projections

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Exhibit 1-2 The Various Forms of
Business Organization
blank Proprietorship Partnership LLC Corporation
1. Owner(s) Proprietor – Partners – Members Stockholders
one owner two or more – generally
owners many owners
2. Personal Proprietor is General Members are Stockholders
liability of personally partners are not personally are not
owner(s) for liable personally liable personally
business liable; limited liable
debts partners are

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Organizing a Business (1 of 5)
• Proprietorship
– Single owner
– Tend to be small retail stores or solo providers of
professional services
– Personally labile for all business’s debts
– Distinct entity for accounting purposes

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Organizing a Business (2 of 5)
• Partnership
– Two or more parties as co-owners
– Income and losses “flow through” to partners
– Many are small or medium-sized companies
– General partnerships have mutual agency and
unlimited liability
– In limited-liability partnerships, only liable up to the
investment put in

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Organizing a Business (3 of 5)
• Limited-Liability Company
– Business (not owners) is liable for debts
– May have one owner or many, called members
– Members have limited liability
– Income “flows through” to members

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Organizing a Business (4 of 5)
• Owned by stockholders (shareholders)
• Able to raise large sums of capital by issuing stock
• Formed under state law
• Legally distinct from its owners
• Stockholders have no personal obligation for the
corporation’s debts, limited liability

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Organizing a Business (5 of 5)
• Double taxation
– Corporation pays income tax
– Shareholders taxed on dividends
• Stockholders elect board of directors, which
– Sets policy
– Appoints officers

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Learning Objective 1.2
Explain and apply underlying accounting concepts,
assumptions, and principles.

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Professional Frameworks
• Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
– Formulated by the Financial Accounting Standards
Board (FASB)
• International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
– Formulated by the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB)

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Exhibit 1-3 Conceptual Foundation of

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Assumptions and Principles
• Entity Assumption
– An organization stands apart from other organizations
and individuals as a separate economic unit
• Continuity (Going-Concern) Assumption
– Entity will continue to operate for the foreseeable future
• Historical Cost Principle
– Assets should be recorded at their actual cost on the
date of purchase
• Stable-Monetary-Unit Assumption
– Assume the dollar’s purchasing power is stable over
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Learning Objective 1.3
Apply the accounting equation to business

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Exhibit 1-4 The Accounting Equation

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Apply the Accounting Equation to
Business Organizations (1 of 4)
The financial statements are based on the accounting
• Assets
– Resources expected to produce future benefit
• Liabilities
– Outsider claims – debts payable to outsiders
• Owner’s Equity
– Insider claims, stockholders’ interest in the assets

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Apply the Accounting Equation to
Business Organizations (2 of 4)
• Assets
– Cash and cash equivalents
– Inventories
– Property, plant, and equipment
• Liabilities
– Accounts payable
– Income taxes payable
– Long-term debt

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Apply the Accounting Equation to
Business Organizations (3 of 4)
Owner’s Equity
• The accounting equation can be rewritten as:
– Assets – Liabilities = Owners’ Equity
• Corporation’s equity is called stockholders’ equity and
it has two parts:
– Paid-in capital
– Retained earning

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Apply the Accounting Equation to
Business Organizations (4 of 4)
Owner’s Equity
• Paid-in capital
– The amount stockholders have invested in the
• Retained Earnings
– The amount of earned income kept for use in the

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Exhibit 1-5 The Components of
Retained Earnings

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Components of Retained Earnings
• Revenues
– Inflow of resources from delivering goods or
– Increase retained earnings
• Expenses
– Outflow of resources due to the cost of operations
– Decrease retained earnings
• Dividends
– Distribution of assets to stockholders
– Decrease retained earnings
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Learning Objective 1.4
Evaluate business operations through the financial

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Exhibit 1-6 Information Reported in
the Financial Statements
Question Financial statement Answer
How well did the company
Income statement − Expense
perform during the year?
Net income or (net loss)
Beginning retained earnings
Why did the company’s
Statement of + Net Income (-Net Loss)
retained earning change
retained earnings − Dividends declared
during the year?
Ending retained earnings
What Is the company’s
Assets = Liabilities + Owners’
financial position at year- Balance sheet
Operating cash flows
How much cash did the
Statement of cash ± Investing cash flows
company generate and
flows ± Financial cash flows
spend during the year?
Increase (decrease) in cash.

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Order of the Financial Statements
• Income statement
• Statement of retained earnings
• Balance sheet
• Statement of cash flows

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The Income Statement Measures
Operating Performance
• The income statement reports revenues and
expenses for the period.
– The bottom line net income (loss) for the period
Net income = Total Revenues and Gains − Total
Expenses and Losses

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Exhibit 1-7 The Walt Disney Company,
Consolidated Statements of Income

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The Statement of Retained
Earnings (1 of 2)
• Retained Earnings
– Portion of net income reinvested into the business
– Net income increases retained earnings
– Net losses and dividends decrease retained
– Net income (net loss) flows from the income
statement to the statement of retained earnings

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The Statement of Retained
Earnings (2 of 2)
Beginning retained earnings 1000
Add: Net income (loss) 300
Less: Dividends declared 200
Ending retained earnings 1100

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Exhibit 1-8 The Walt Disney Company,
Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings

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The Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet
• Also called the statement of financial position
• Reports three items:
– Assets
– Liabilities
– Stockholders’ equity
• Reflects the company’s position at a specific moment
in time

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The Balance Sheet – Assets (1 of 2)
• Current assets – expected to be used or converted to
cash within one business cycle
– Examples: cash and cash equivalents, short-term
investments, accounts receivable, prepaid
• Long-term assets – expected to benefit the company
beyond just the next fiscal year
– Examples: property, plant, and equipment, long-
term investments, intangible assets
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The Balance Sheet – Assets (2 of 2)

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The Balance Sheet – Liabilities (1 of 2)
• Current liabilities – debts due within one year
– Examples: accounts payable, salaries payable,
short-term notes payable, accrued liabilities
• Long-term liabilities – debts payable after one year
– Examples: long-term notes payable, long-term
bonds payable

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The Balance Sheet – Liabilities (2 of 2)

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The Balance Sheet – Equity (1 of 2)
Equity (Stockholders’ Equity)
• Represents the stockholders’ ownership of the
business’s assets
• Examples: common stock, additional paid-in capital,
retained earnings, treasury stock, accumulated other
comprehensive income (loss)

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The Balance Sheet – Equity (2 of 2)

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Exhibit 1-9 The Walt Disney Company,
Consolidated Balance Sheets

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The Statement of Cash Flows
• Measures cash receipts and payments
• Three types of activities:
– Operating activities: cash flows from selling
goods and services to customers
– Investing activities: cash flows from purchasing
and selling long-term assets
– Financing activities: cash flows from borrowing
or repaying funds or equity transactions

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Exhibit 1-10 The Walt Disney Company,
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

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Learning Objective 1.5
Construct financial statements and analyze the
relationships among them.

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Exhibit 1-11 Relationships among the
Financial Statements (in Millions of $)

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Financial Statements – Construction
and Analysis
Exhibit 1-11 Relationships among the Financial
Statements (in millions of $)

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Learning Objective 1.6
Evaluate business decisions ethically.

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Evaluate Business Decisions
Three factors influence business and accounting decisions
• Economics
– Decision should maximize the economic benefits
• Legal
– Free societies are governed by laws written to provide
clarity and prevent abuse of others’ rights
• Ethical
– Recognizes that even when economically profitable
and legal, some actions still may not be right

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AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
• The American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (AICPA) provides the industry a Code
of Professional Conduct with these principles:
– Responsibilities
– Public Interest
– Integrity
– Objectivity and Independence
– Due Care
– Scope and Nature of Services

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Questions and Answers

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(5 min.) S 1-12

O’Conner Services, Inc.

Income Statement
Year Ended December 31, 2016
Revenues ....................................................... $397
Expenses ....................................................... 164
Net income .................................................... $233

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(5 min.) S 1-13

Roam Corp.
Statement of Retained Earnings
Year Ended December 31, 2016
Retained earnings, December 31, 2015 ....... $230
Add: Net income ($490 − $340) ................... 150
Less: Dividends declared ............................. (54)
Retained earnings, December 31, 2016 ....... $326

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Aloha Enterprises
Balance Sheet
December 31, 2016
(in millions)
Current assets:
Cash ............................................................................ $ 50
Accounts receivable .................................................. 19
Total current assets ................................................... 69
Long-term assets ............................................................. 39

Total assets ...................................................................... $108

Current liabilities:
Accounts payable ...................................................... $ 13
Total current liabilities ............................................... 13
Long-term liabilities:
Long-term notes payable ........................................... 25
Total liabilities .................................................................. 38

Common stock ................................................................. 20
Retained earnings ............................................................ 50
Total stockholders’ equity .............................................. 70

Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity ....................... $108

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Harmon Corporation
Balance Sheet
September 30, 2016
(in millions)
Current assets:
Cash ................................ ....................................... $ 75
Accounts receivable ............................................. 22
Total current assets .............................................. 97
Property and equipment ............................................. 28
Other long-term assets............................................... 17
Total assets ................................ ................................. $142

Current liabilities:
Accounts payable ................................ ................. $ 33
Total current liabilities .......................................... 33
Long-term liabilities:
Long-term notes payable ...................................... 15
Total liabilities ................................ ............................. 48

Common stock ............................................................ 30
Retained earnings ....................................................... 64*
Total stockholders’ equity ................................ ......... 94
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity .................. $142

*Computation of retained earnings: Total assets ($142) − total liabilities
($48) − common stock ($30) = $64

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Req. 1

Ellen Samuel Realty Company

Balance Sheet
May 31, 2016
(Amounts in millions)
Cash $ 1.6 Current liabilities $ 2.6
Receivables 0.5 Long-term liabilities 102.8
Property and equipment, Total liabilities
1.7 105.4
Investment assets 135.7 STOCKHOLDERS’
Other assets 10.5 EQUITY
Common stock 27.7
Retained earnings 16.9*
Total stockholders’ 44.6
Total liabilities and
Total assets stockholders’ equity $150.
$150.0 0

*Computation of retained earnings:
Total assets ($150.0) − Total liabilities ($105.4) − Common stock
($27.7) = $16.9

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Req. 1
Ellen Samuel Realty Company
Income Statement
Year Ended May 31, 2016
(Amounts in millions)

Total revenue ............................................................... $37.9

Salary and other employee expenses ................... $13.6
Other expenses ...................................................... 5.4
Interest expense ..................................................... 0.4
Total expenses ....................................................... 19.4
Net income ................................ ................................... $18.5

Req. 2

The statement of retained earnings helps to compute dividends, as


Ellen Samuel Realty Company

Statement of Retained Earnings
Year Ended May 31, 2016
(Amounts in millions)

Retained earnings, beginning of year .........................

Add: Net income for the year (Req. 1) .........................
Subtotal 35.3
Less: Dividends declared ................................ ............
Retained earnings, end of year (from Exercise 1-
24A) ................................................................ ............... $16.9

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Carson Coffee Roasters Corp.
Income Statement
For the Month Ended August 31, 2017
Service revenue ....................................... $279,600
Salary expense ........................................
Utilities expense ...................................... 5,400
Rent expense ........................................... 1,900
Total expenses ........................................
Net income ................................................... $193,900

Carson Coffee Roasters Corp.

Statement of Retained Earnings
For the Month Ended August 31, 2017
Retained earnings, August 1, 2017 .................. $ -0-
Add: Net income for the month ....................... 193,900
Subtotal 193,900
Less: Dividends declared ................................. (2,300)
Retained earnings, August 31, 2017 ................ $191,600

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Req. 1
Carson Coffee Roasters Corp.
Balance Sheet
August 31, 2017
Assets Liabilities
Cash .............................. $ 5,900 Accounts payable ....................... $ 9,000
Office supplies ............. 7,500
Equipment .................... 200,400 Stockholders’ Equity
Common stock ............................ 13,200
Retained earnings ....................... 191,600
Total stockholders’ equity 204,800
Total liabilities and
Total assets .................. $213,800 stockholders’ equity ................ $213,800

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Req. 1
David Austin Realty Company
Balance Sheet
January 31, 2016
(Amounts in millions)

Cash $ 1.3 Current liabilities $ 2.1
Receivables .7 Long-term liabilities 102.1
Property and Total liabilities
equipment, net 104.2
Investment assets 135.6 STOCKHOLDERS’
Other assets 9.9
Common stock 25.1
Retained earnings 20.0*
Total stockholders’ equity 45.1

Total liabilities and

Total assets $149.3 stockholders’ equity $149.3

*Computation of retained earnings:
Total assets ($149.3) − Total liabilities ($104.2) − Common stock ($25.1) =

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Req. 1

David Austin Realty Company

Income Statement
Year Ended January 31, 2016
(Amounts in millions)
Total revenue ........................................................ $37.2
Salary and other employee expenses ............ $
Other expenses ................................ ............... 5.6
Interest expense ................................ .............. 0.5
Total expenses ................................ ................ 19.6
Net income ............................................................ $17.6

Req. 2

The statement of retained earnings helps to compute dividends, as


David Austin Realty Company

Statement of Retained Earnings
Year Ended January 31, 2016
(Amounts in millions)
Retained earnings, beginning of $16.9
Add: Net income for the year (Req. 17.6
Subtotal 34.5
Less: Dividends 14.5
Retained earnings, end of year (from Exercise 1- $20.0
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