Exercise Present Perfect Past Simple

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1. I _______________ (always /
like) candy until I ______ (learn)
how bad it is for you.
2. Why _____ (you, not
study)last year?
3. The movie ______ (be)
amazing so far, at least until
Gabriel _______ (tell) me the
end a few minutes ago.
4. What is a book that you
_________ (always / want) to
5. Not long ago our friend
_____ (move) next to our
6. Amy ______ (try) to get into
the program, but it ____ (not,
be) possible back when the
school first ________ (open).
7. I’m sorry that we
____________ (not / talk) in a
while, but school ______ (be)
really crazy.
8. She knows she _________
(make) a lot of promises in her
9. Abe _______ (run) a lot of
marathons before, but his last
marathon _______ (be) the
most intense.
10. Since the 80s it ________
(be) prohibited to buy aerossol
11. Seeing that our money had
been stolen, we ________ (call)
the police right away.
12. How much _________
(you / spend) on transportation
last year?
13. Oh, man! It ______ (be) so
long since I _________ (see)
you last!
14. They had trouble starting
the construction until they
_______ (find) the plans.
15. Lui _______ (buy) popcorn
before the movie _____ (start).
1. 1. have always liked
2. 2. have you studied
3. 3. told
4. 4. have always wanted
5. 5. moved
6. 6. opened
7. 7. haven’t talked
8. 8. has made
9. 9. was
10.10. has been
11.11. called
12.12. did you spend
13.13. have seen
14.14. found
15.15. bought
1. The soccer team _______ (go
out) for dinner after the game.
2. I __________ (buy) lunch in a
restaurant this semestre
because I don’t have much
3. We ______ (not, write) to
Henry at all recently, I can’t
believe that the last time
______ (be) 5 months ago!
4. Not long ago he ______
(finish) all the books in the
5. He _______ (remember) last
week and he _________ (say)
anything yet.
6. I ______ (write) to all of my
representatives when the crisis
first _________ (begin).
7. He _________ (never / ride) a
motorcycle again since the
8. I _________ (make) a lot of
mistakes in my life.
9. René _____ (beat) a lot of
people at chess before, but the
game last week _______ (be)
the most exciting.
10. What is something that you
___________ (always / want) to
11. Where _______ (you / go)
during the break?
12. She _________ (never /
miss) a day of work except
when she ____ (get) the plague.
13. Ever since that day he
___________ (always / wish) to
return the favor.
14. Last week was crazy but Alex
________ (get) a lot of work
done at the office since then.
15. __________ (you / eat) this
afternoon? You are eating your
dinner so fast now!
1. 1. went
2. 2. haven’t bought
3. 3. was
4. 4. finished
5. 5. hasn’t said
6. 6. began
7. 7. has never ridden
8. 8. have made
9. 9. was
10.10. have always wanted
11.11. did you go
12.12. has never missed
13.13. has always wished
14.14. has gotten
15.15. did you eat
1. The Phillips ______ (want) to
remodel their house for years,
but after the recession they
______ (not / have) the money.
2. Are you hungry or ______
(you / eat) at school?
3. Guilherme and Lui _______
(solve) the mystery when they
______ (follow) the clues.
4. Theodore _____ (go) home
sick before school yesterday and
I ________ (not / see ) him
today at all.
5. We ________ (just / finish)
making plans for the new
hadron collider.
6. Lui ______ (fix) computers
before, but this problem
_______ (take) the cake!
7. The class _________ (be)
fascinating so far and I have
learned a lot!
8. They _________ (work) for
Samsung for many years, but
they ______ (find) something
different a long time ago.
9. It’s too bad that we
____________ (not / see) each
other in a while, but I _____
(hear) your news.
10. Visitors _________ (rate)
the hotel on its services and
then they _____ (win) prizes.
11. How much _________
(you / research) your project?
12. Since the war ____ (end)
veterans ________ (need) a lot
of social assitance.
13. Wow, I have been thinking
about how much I _____ (miss)
you in a while!
14. Guilherme _______ (buy)
popcorn before the movie
______ (start).
15. We ___________ (not / get
along) with them at the time,
but that’s all water under the
bridge now.
1. 1. didn’t have
2. 2. did you eat
3. 3. solved
4. 4. haven’t seen
5. 5. have just finished
6. 6. took
7. 7. has been
8. 8. worked
9. 9. have heard
10.10. rated
11.11. did you research
12.12. have needed
13.13. haven’t thought
14.14. bought
15.15. didn’t get along

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