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Lecture 24:

Angular Momentum
Val Anthony Balagon
Linear and Angular Motion Analogs
•  Displacement Angular displacement

• Linear velocity Angular velocity

• Linear acceleration Angular acceleration

Angular Momentum
•  Linear momentum is the quantity of linear displacement.

• Angular momentum is the quantity of rotation. 𝑦 

• For a point particle:

𝑂  𝑥 
• SI units: kg m / s.
Angular Momentum and Torque
  the time derivative of

The rate of change of angular momentum of a particle equals the torque of the
net force acting on it.
Analog to Linear Momentum
• Linear momentum is the quantity of linear displacement.

• Angular momentum is the quantity of rotation.


• If the torque is negative, the angular momentum of the particle

is decreasing.

• If the torque is positive, the angular momentum is increasing.

Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body
About an Axis of Symmetry 𝑦 

  a rigid body at a constant angular velocity 𝑣  𝑖
about the axis. 𝑟 𝑖 𝑚
So, each point moves in a circle. Consequently,
is always perpendicular to the linear velocity : 𝑧  𝜔 

Each particle has an angular momentum:

Net angular momentum:

Moment of Inertia of Simple 3D Shapes
Example 1: Calculating the Angular
Momentum and Torque
A turbine fan in a jet engine has a moment of inertia of 2.5 kg m^2 about
its axis of rotation. As the turbine starts up, its angular velocity is given
by rad.

a) Find the fan’s angular momentum as a function of time, and find its
value at s.

b) Find the net torque on the fan as a function of time, and find its value
at s.
Example 1: Calculating the Angular
Momentum and Torque
•• Setup:


• Angular velocity:

• Hence, the angular momentum points along the direction, .

• Torque is also in the direction, .

Example 1: Calculating the Angular
Momentum and Torque
  rad, .
Example 1: Calculating the Angular
Momentum and Torque
•• Recall
  the formula

• Then

• At s
Conservation of Angular Momentum
• If the net torque is zero, then the particle’s angular momentum
is conserved.

• In other words:
Example 2: Conservation of Angular
Here we have a professor spinning with
constant angular velocity. The
professor spins on a rotating platform
while holding up a dumbbell in each
arm. Suddenly he pulls the weights
close to his body and he starts spinning
faster. Why is this so?
Example 2: Conservation of Angular
•  Since there are no external
forces/torques, then the angular
momentum is conserved.

• We treat the professor and the

dumbbells as point particles.

• The total moment of inertia is

Example 2: Conservation of Angular
• Since the dumbbells are brought closer
to the professor’s body, then the
moment of inertia decreases.

• Conservation of angular momentum.

Thank you!

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