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Introduction of E-Commerce
• The term e-commerce was coined back
in the 1960s, with the rise of electronic
commerce – the buying and selling of
goods through the transmission of data –
which was made possible by the
introduction of the electronic data
interchange. Fast forward fifty years and
e-commerce has changed the way in
which society sells goods and services.
• Definition:-
• Ecommerce, is known as electronic
commerce or internet commerce, refers to
the buying and selling of goods or services
using the internet, and the transfer of
money and data to execute these
transactions. Ecommerce is often used to
refer to the sale of physical products online,
but it can also describe any kind of
commercial transaction that is facilitated
through the internet.
Advantages of E-Commerce
• 1. A Larger Market
e Commerce allows you to reach customers all
over the country and around the world. Your
customers can make a purchase anywhere and
anytime, especially more people are getting
used to shopping on their mobile devices.
2.Customer Insights Through Tracking And Analytics
:-There is a way to track traffic and customer’s
entire user journey to get insights into keywords,
user experience, marketing message, pricing
strategy, and more.
• 3. Fast Response To Consumer Trends And Market
Demand:-The streamlined logistics, especially for
merchants who do "drop ship," allow businesses
to respond to market and e-Commerce trends and
consumer demands in a nimble manner.
Merchants can also create promotions and deals
on the fly to attract customers and generate more
• 4. Lower Cost:-
• With the advance in eCommerce platform
technologies, it has become very easy and
affordable to set up and maintain an e-
Commerce store with a low overhead.
Merchants no longer have to spend a large
budget on TV ads or billboard, nor worry
about the expense for personnel and real
• 5. More Opportunities To "Sell"
• Merchants can only provide a limited
amount of information on a product
in a physical store. On the other
hand, e-Commerce websites allow
the space to include more
information such as demo videos,
reviews, and customer testimonials
to help increase conversion.
• 6. Personalized Messaging:-
• E-Commerce platforms give merchants the
opportunity to serve up personalized content
and product recommendations to registered
customers. These targeted communications
can help increase conversion by showing the
most relevant content to each visitor.
• 7.Increased Sales With Instant
Gratification :-
• For businesses that sell digital goods, e-
Commerce allows the delivery of
products within seconds of making a
purchase. This satisfies consumers' need
for instant gratification and helps
increase sales, especially for low-cost
items that are often "impulse buys.“
• 1. Lack Of Personal Touch:-
• Some consumers value the personal touch
they get from visiting a physical store and
interacting with sales associates. Such
personal touch is particularly important for
businesses selling high-end products as
customers not only want to buy the
merchandise but also have a great experience
during the process.
• 2. Lack Of Tactile Experience:-
• No matter how well a video is made,
consumers still can't touch and feel a
product. Not to mention, it's not an
easy feat to deliver a brand
experience, which could often
include the sense of touch, smell,
taste, and sound, through the two-
dimensionality of a screen.
• 3. Price And Product Comparison:-
• With online shopping, consumers can compare
many products and find the lowest price. This
forces many merchants to compete on price and
reduce their profit margin.
• 4. Need For Internet Access:-
• This is pretty obvious, but don't forget that.
customers do need Internet access before they can
purchase from you! Since many eCommerce
platforms have features and functionalities that
require high-speed Internet access for an optimal
customer experience, there's a chance you're
excluding visitors who have slow connections.
• 5.  Credit Card Fraud :-
• Credit card fraud is a real and growing
problem for online businesses. It can lead
to charge backs that result in the loss of
revenue, penalties, and bad reputation. 
• 6. IT Security Issues:-
• More and more businesses and organizations
have fallen prey to malicious hackers who
have stolen customer information from their
database. Not only could this have legal and
financial implications but also lessen the trust
customers have in the company.
• 7. All the Eggs In One Basket :-
• E Commerce businesses rely heavily (or solely) on
their websites. Even just a few minutes of downtime
or technology hiccups can cause a substantial loss of
revenue and customer dissatisfaction.
• 8. Complexity In Taxation, Regulations, and
• If an online business sells to customers in different
territories, they'll have to adhere to regulations not
only in their own states/countries but also in their
customers' place of residence. This could create a lot
of complexities in accounting, compliance, and
E-Commerce Payment
•Credit Card
•The most popular form of payment for e-commerce
transactions is through credit cards. It is simple to use; the
customer has to just enter their credit card number and date
of expiry in the appropriate area on the seller’s web page. To
improve the security system, increased security measures,
such as the use of a card verification number (CVN), have
been introduced to on-line credit card payments. The CVN
system helps detect fraud by comparing the CVN number
with the cardholder's information .
• Debit Card
• Debit cards are the second largest e-commerce
payment medium in India. Customers who want
to spend online within their financial limits
prefer to pay with their Debit cards. With the
debit card, the customer can only pay for
purchased goods with the money that is already
there in his/her bank account as opposed to the
credit card where the amounts that the buyer
spends are billed to him/her and payments are
made at the end of the billing period.
• Smart Card
• It is a plastic card embedded with a
microprocessor that has the customer’s
personal information stored in it and can be
loaded with funds to make online transactions
and instant payment of bills. The money that
is loaded in the smart card reduces as per the
usage by the customer and has to be reloaded
from his/her bank account
• Net banking
• This is another popular way of making e-
commerce payments. It is a simple way of paying
for online purchases directly from the customer’s
bank. It uses a similar method to the debit card
of paying money that is already there in the
customer’s bank. Net banking does not require
the user to have a card for payment purposes but
the user needs to register with his/her bank for
the net banking facility. While completing the
purchase the customer just needs to put in their
net banking id and pin.
• Mobile Payment
• One of the latest ways of making online
payments are through mobile phones. Instead
of using a credit card or cash, all the customer
has to do is send a payment request to his/her
service provider via text message; the
customer’s mobile account or credit card is
charged for the purchase. To set up the mobile
payment system, the customer just has to
download a software from his/her service
provider’s website and then link the credit card
or mobile billing information to the software
• E-Wallet
• E-Wallet is a prepaid account that allows the
customer to store multiple credit cards, debit
card and bank account numbers in a secure
environment. This eliminates the need to key
in account information every time while
making payments. Once the customer has
registered and created E-Wallet profile, he/she
can make payments faster.
• Amazon Pay
• Another convenient, secure and quick way to
pay for online purchases is through Amazon
Pay. Use your information which is already
stored in your Amazon account credentials to
log in and pay at leading merchant websites
and apps. Your payment information is safely
stored with Amazon and accessible on
thousands of websites and apps where you
love to shop.
Gateway of E-Payments
• A payment gateway is an online
payments' service that, when integrated
with the e-commerce platform, is
devised as the channel to make and
receive payments. The procedure to
receive payments includes the customer
requiring to fill in some details, like
credit/debit card number, expiry date,
Threats and Protections in E-Payment
• Although banks try to protect their
customers, attacks against individual
users are still quite common. Hacking a
bank is more time-consuming and
expensive and the risk of being caught is
higher. By contrast, many individual
customers use computers with numerous
vulnerabilities, which are easier to
Meaning of Digital Marketing
• Digital marketing, also called online
marketing, is the promotion of brands to
connect with potential customers using the
internet and other forms of digital
communication. This includes not only email,
social media, and web-based advertising, but
also text and multimedia messages as a
marketing channel.
• A few examples of digital marketing
include social media, email, pay-per-click
(PPC), search engine optimization (SEO), and
• Digital marketing is the use of the Internet,
mobile devices, social media, search engines,
and other channels to reach consumers.
Some marketing experts consider digital
marketing to be an entirely new endeavor that
requires a new way of approaching customers
and new ways of understanding how
customers behave compared to traditional
• Digital marketing is the use of the Internet to
reach consumers.
• Digital marketing is a broad field, including
attracting customers via email, content
marketing, search platforms, social media, and
Understanding Digital Marketing

• Digital marketing targets a specific segment of

the customer base and is interactive.
• Digital marketing is on the rise and includes
search result ads, email ads, and promoted
tweets – anything that incorporates marketing
with customer feedback or a two-way
interaction between the company and
• Internet marketing is advertising that is solely
on the Internet, whereas digital marketing can
take place through mobile devices.
• In the parlance of digital marketing,
advertisers are commonly referred to as
sources, while members of the targeted ads
are commonly called receivers.
Set of Activities in Digital Marketing
• Content Is King. Content is everything to
your customers; it’s the reason they
choose to interact with you. Content also
needs to be relevant and of the highest
and best value. If the content you
produce is weak—perceived to be of
little or no value—it dilutes your brand.
As a result, your relationship with your
customer suffers.
• Keep It Simple. Advertisers have long
known that a simple message is the
best message. Writing for the Web
requires communicators to be
succinct. The digital space is
increasingly crowded, and customers
will grant you only limited
opportunity to connect with them.
Use words, images and technology
• Give Customers What They Want.
Over half of visitors to your website
are looking for basic information
about your business: phone number,
location map, street address. Do you
make it easy for them to find this
info? Is your website’s navigation
simple and effective? Is it easy for
customers to do business with you.
• Find Strength in Partnerships. It is
called the World Wide Web for a
reason. Just as the web of a spider is
strengthened by what it connects,
the connections, relationships and
alliances made online not only
support your digital brand, but are
also a reflection of it.
• Video Tells Your Story. Video has
become the leading channel to
inform, educate and entice targeted
audiences to take action. Video lets
potential customers see your
product and service, meet your
people, learn from your customers,
and hear your philosophy and
approach to business.
• Know Your Customer. The digital
space allows us to target specific
groups of customers, or “schools of
fish.” Is your digital presence
targeted to your precise audience?
Do your images, words, tone and
layout speak directly to your
• Media Drives Brand. Don’t focus solely
on the “social.” All media—including
online and off-line communications,
including print, digital, press,
broadcast, and yes, “social media”—
drive the growth of your online brand
and reputation with consumers.
• Establish a Strong Foundation. You
don’t get a second chance to make a
first impression. From one-page
websites to multilingual,
international sites, always put your
best face forward. All content should
be of the highest quality, from
imagery and words to navigation and
page design.
• Aim for Consistency. Being
consistent with your audience
ensures continued online growth.
The online medium is not a one-way
street; it is a relationship. If you want
to improve and build your
relationship with your audience, you
must be consistent in what you do.
• Stay Young. As the digital space continues
to evolve, dedicate 5 to 10% of your time
to research. Observing and responding to
small changes today will benefit your
business in the future. Ten years ago we
didn’t have Google, five years ago we
didn’t have Facebook, and three years
ago we didn’t have Twitter. Don’t wait for
your competitors. Be open to new ideas
and challenge your present-day thinking.
Purpose of the objective phase

• The objective phase sits at the heart

of the process of creating a digital
strategy. Setting clear objectives for
your digital marketing activity should
be the starting point to build an
appropriate digital strategy.
• Objective setting activities
• These objectives should be business
objectives that can be realized through digital
marketing, for example, increase e-commerce
sales, drive more leads, build audience
engagement with your brand. The objective
phase should be focused clearly on beginning
with your key success outcome and then
identifying your KPIs. Once you have achieved
this, then you can begin designing the strategy
that is measurable and clear.
• Some key objectives throughout a digital
marketing strategy are:
• Conversion/sales: That is commercial success.
• Consideration: That is evaluating if the
product or brand meets your needs.
• Awareness: This is about audience reach
• Retention: This enables you to establish
customer engagement.
• SMART goals
• Objectives are the resulting outcome of a
number of KPIs combined to create an
outcome that is used as a marker of
success. Firstly, you should create a
rough list of all the possible success
outcomes that are relevant to your
brand. Then, using the SMART goal
system, you should stress-test your
• As a quick reminder, SMART goals are:
• Specific: Is the goal clear and singular. Try to avoid
multiple results and being vague like to want more
site traffic and positive sentiment”.
• Measurable: How are you collecting and generating
data from your activity?
• Achievable: Is the goal feasible given the
circumstances and the resources available to you?
Can you do it?
• Realistic: Is this a goal that is realistic for the
• Timely: Can you achieve results within your given
time period?
• Search engine optimization (SEO) is
the art and science of getting pages
to rank higher in search engines such
as Google. Because search is one of
the main ways in which people
discover content online, ranking
higher in search engines can lead to
an increase in traffic to a website.
• Search Engine Marketing:-Internet
marketing refers to marketing efforts that
businesses and other organizations do
solely over the Internet. With search
engine marketing, businesses pay for
their adverts to appear alongside search
queries in search engines. Google,
Yahoo, Safari, and Bing, for example, are
search engines.
• Google Ads is an online advertising platform
developed by Google, where advertisers bid
to display brief advertisements, service
offerings, product listings, or videos to web
users. It can place ads both in the results of
search engines like Google Search and on
non-search websites, mobile apps, and
videos. Wikipedia
• Developer(s): Google
• Initial release: October 23, 2000; 20 years
• Face book is defined as an online social
networking website where people can
create profiles, share information such as
photos and quotes about themselves,
and respond or link to the information
posted by others.
• What mean by social media marketing?
• The term social media marketing (SMM)
refers to the use of social media and social
networks to market a company's products
and services. Social media marketing provides
companies with a way to engage with existing
customers and reach new ones while allowing
them to promote their desired culture,
mission, or tone.
• LinkedIn is a social networking
website designed for business
professionals. It allows you to share
work-related information with other
users and keep an online list of
professional contacts. ... Profiles also
list your connections to other
LinkedIn users, as well as
recommendations you make or
receive from other users.
• What is YouTube ?
• YouTube is a video sharing service that
allows users to watch videos posted by
other users and upload videos of their
own. ... Videos that have been
uploaded to YouTube may appear on
the YouTube website and can also be
posted on other websites, though the
files are hosted on the YouTube
• Display Advertising
• Display advertising (banner
advertising) is a form of advertising
that conveys a commercial message
visually using text, logos, animations,
videos, photographs, or other
graphics. Display advertisers
frequently target users with
particular traits to increase the ads’
• Contextual advertising refers to the
practice of placing ads on web pages
based on the content of those pages. For
example, it could be ads for laptops on a
tech ecommerce site. This is done
through contextual targeting on an ad
network, which involves segmenting ads
based on parameters like keyword or
website topic.
• Behavioral advertising (online
behavioral advertising or “OBA”)
allows advertisers and publishers to
display highly relevant ads and
personalized marketing messages to
users based on their web-browsing
behavior. The primary purpose is to
deliver targeted ads to the
behavioral market segments most
likely to be interested.
• Targeted advertising is a form of
online advertising that focuses on
the specific traits, interests, and
preferences of a consumer.
• 1-Customers on line
• 2.Two way communication created
• 3.Personilizing audience experience
• 4.To drive quality traffic
• Content marketing
• A type of marketing that involves the
creation and sharing of online
material (such as videos, blogs, and
social media posts) that does not
explicitly promote a brand but is
intended to stimulate interest in its
products or services.
• Blog:- In 1994, when blogs began, a
blog was more of a personal diary
that people shared online. In this
online journal, you could talk about
your daily life or share about things
that you were doing. Then, people
saw an opportunity to communicate
information in a new way online.
Thus began the beautiful world of
• Definition | Meaning of blog:
• A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”)
is an online journal or informational
website displaying information in reverse
chronological order, with the latest posts
appearing first, at the top. It is a platform
where a writer or a group of writers
share their views on an individual
• Types of Blogging:-
• Personal Blogging- Life style
• Business Blogging- Business related
• Professional-Information about profession
• Niche Blogging-To share information on a
particular segment like,Food,Life style….
• Reverse Blogging-Expert members group of
person work on a particular area
• Affiliate- Review on products and
• Media - Video,Instagram…….
• How to start Blogging???
• Select a domain- God AD
• Hosting name-Site ground, Blue House
• Blog Designing-
• Write blog-
• Promote the blog-Word (SEO
• Platform –Free, Paid
• Objective:- Self Promotion,Income,Helping
people,as career.
• Lead Generation:-In digital marketing,
lead generation is the process of
identifying, attracting, and transforming
online users into prospects for a
business. The method utilizes online
channels, tactics, and strategies such as
email campaigns, paid social media ads,
or even offering downloadable content
through a landing page
• In digital marketing, a landing page is
a standalone web page, created
specifically for a marketing or
advertising campaign. It’s where a
visitor “lands” after they click on a
link in an email, or ads from Google,
Bing, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, or similar places on the web.
• Online Marketing Offers:-Digital
marketing, also called online marketing,
is the promotion of brands to connect
with potential customers using the
internet and other forms of digital
communication. This includes not only
email, social media, and web-based
advertising, but also text and multimedia
messages as a marketing channel.
•  A thank you page is the page your visitors,
leads, and customers see right after filling out
and submitting a form on a landing page/web
page. Think of it as the last step in your
conversion process
• Email marketing is the act of sending a
commercial message, typically to a group of
people, using email. In its broadest sense, every
email sent to a potential or current customer
could be considered email marketing. It involves
using email to send advertisements, request
business, or solicit sales or donations.
• Video marketing means using videos for
promoting and telling people about your product
or service. It helps increase engagement on your
digital and social channels, educates your
audience, and allows you to reach them with a
new medium.
• Responsive design is a graphic user interface
(GUI) design approach used to create content
that adjusts smoothly to various screen sizes.
Designers size elements in relative units (%) and
apply media queries, so their designs can
automatically adapt to the browser space to
ensure content consistency across devices.
• Google Analytics is a web analytics service
offered by Google that tracks and reports
website traffic, currently as a platform inside
the Google Marketing Platform brand. Google
launched the service in November 2005.
• 1. On-page SEO
• This is the kind of SEO that you're probably
familiar with. On-page optimization includes
all of the things that your readers will see
when they visit your website. For the most
part, that means content.
• The most important part of on-page SEO is
making sure your content is awesome. But
there are a lot of other factors that go into
getting a page to rank well in search results.
The example I gave earlier, keywords, is an
important one. If you're writing a detailed
piece on a topic, you're going to include a lot
of relevant and related keywords. But making
sure that those keywords are totally optimized
to meet your goals can provide a big boost to
your SEO.
• 2. Off-page SEO
• Defining off-page SEO is a bit more
difficult. The first—and arguably most
important—part of off-page optimization
is link-building. This is a huge part of SEO,
and it's also one of the most difficult.
Getting links to your site helps bring in
visitors, and it shows Google that other
people around the internet value your
content, and that your site is
• Social media is another off-page signal
that can make a big difference in your
SEO, as well. If people are talking about
your content on Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, or other social networks,
search engines take that to mean that
it's worth talking about and help other
people find it. Having a piece of content
that's popular on social media gets you a
lot of traffic, too, which can help your
SEO as well.
• 3. Technical SEO
• Some people classify technical SEO as a subset
of on-page SEO, but we'll be treating it as a
unique type here. Technical SEO, in short, is
related to on-page factors but has to do with
things that go on behind the scenes.
• For example, search engines may give some
preference to sites with a responsive
design that scales well to mobile devices. Page
speed is also an important factor; if your page
loads slowly, you're going to lose visitors, and
you might be penalized by ranking algorithms.
• 4. Local SEO
• While many businesses only operate online, there are still
thousands of companies that have a physical location
where they need customers. If customers aren't coming
through your door, you're not making money. So it's
important to take that into account when doing your SEO.
• There are a number of steps that are important for local
SEO that you won't need to think about in a more
traditional SEO campaign. For example, making sure that
you've claimed your Google My Business page, which
ensures that your name, address, phone number, opening
hours, reviews, and other useful information is
prominently displayed in search results and on Google
• 5. App store optimization
• Google and Bing aren't the only search engines out
there. App stores—especially Apple's App Store
and Google's Play Store—get a phenomenal
amount of searches every day. And if you have an
app, you need to do what you can to make sure
that those stores are showing it to people who
might be looking for it.
• App store optimization is very similar to on-page
SEO. While it's not always clear which factors are
used in app store search algorithms, there are
fewer factors that you can influence, so you need
to focus on those.
• 6. YouTube SEO
• Much like app store optimization, YouTube
SEO is a niche type of optimization, but it can
make a big difference in how much traffic
you're getting. Many people don't realize that
YouTube is one of the world's most popular
search engines, and that ranking for a popular
search there is absolute gold.
• The topic of duplicate content confuses a lot
of people. For Google, it mostly has a technical
origin, but it will also look at the content itself.
“I have two URLs for the same article, which
one should I choose?” While most regular
people will probably think of pieces of similar
content that appear elsewhere on a site. “I
have used this piece of text in several other
places, is that bad?” This is all duplicate
content, but for determining rankings, search
engines make a distinction between duplicate
content, copied content and thin content.
• Local SEO is all about increasing search visibility for
businesses that serve their communities face-to-
face. These can be brick-and-mortar businesses
with physical locations, like a grocery store or
dentist's office, or service-area businesses that
operate throughout a certain geographic area, like
an electrician or house cleaning company.
• This includes everything from claiming a business
listing to ensuring a franchise location appears in a
local search on Google (a process known as location
data or citation management). It also extends to
managing online ratings and reviews, local-centric
social media engagement, and beyond.
• A Google algorithm update is a change made
to Google's search engine in order to improve
the quality, relevance, and overall user
experience of its search results.
• SEO tools provide data and alerts about the
overall health and success of your website.
They help uncover areas of opportunity and
identify weaknesses or issues that may
prevent you from ranking and earning visibility
in the Searc Engine Result Pages.
• UNIT -5
• Google Analytics:-Google Analytics is a
website traffic analysis application that
provides real-time statistics and analysis of
user interaction with the website. Google
analytics enables website owners to analyze
their visitors, with the objective of interpreting
and optimizing website’s performance. Google
analytics can track all forms of digital media
and referring upstream web destinations,
banner and contextual advertisements, e-mail
and integrates with other Google products.
• A dashboard is a type of graphical user
interface which often provides at-a-glance
views of key performance indicators (KPIs)
relevant to a particular objective or business
process. In other usage, "dashboard" is
another name for "progress report" or
"report" and considered a form of data

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