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Recap on

Writing Research Proposal:

Style,Methodology and Norms.
Session Conducted By
Dr.Mehdi Masud
PhD,(Deputy Director)

Recap By
Md.Basirul Haque
Deputy Secretary
15TH December 2021
Learning Objectives

 To understand the basic structure & style of a research proposal .

 To understand relationship of a research proposal with research .
 To comprehend the steps/components of a research proposal.
 To understand what to include/exclude in the various sections of a
research proposal .
 To realise the difference between a research proposal and research report .
What is Research

• Research comes from the French word “RECERCHE’ means search closely and

• Research is a systematic search of problem to fill the knowledge gap to give the
exact suggestion.

• Research is Scientific and systematic search for knowledge; to answer certain

question, to solve a problem and to develop new device / process.
What is a Research Proposal

• A research proposal “is a document that outlines how you

propose to undertake your research studies” (Mouton 2001).

• It is like an outline of the entire research process that gives the

reader a summary of the information discussed in a project
Relationship of research proposal with
research report

• -Research proposal is a plan, and research report is outcome.

• -Research proposal is compulsory for approving proposed
• -Research proposal is a schedule and research report is activity .
• -Research proposal is a mirror of the research.
Components of Research Proposal
-Abstract and keywords(For Research Proposal only)
*Problem Statement.
*Hypothesis, ROs, RQS.
3.Literature Review
Conceptual/Theoratical/Analytical framework
Components of Research Proposal &
Research paper

5. Results/Findings.
• The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of the study.

• Precise and accurate.

• Unambiguous.

• Avoid extremely long titles.

• Title predicts the contents.

• Title should catches readers attention.

Types of Title
A) Declarative- Gives findings of the paper
Example-Research on Smoking is the cause of Cancer
Findings-Cancer by Smoking.

B) Descriptive- Main things of the paper.

C) Interrogative- Research question in the title

Example-Does Smoking causes Cancer?
• ▸ Orient the readers to the topic
• ▸ Provide a miniature description of your research
• ▸ Explain the importance and relevance of the topic
• ▸ Hypothesis, ROs, RQs
• ▸ Problem statement
• ▸ Rationale
• ▸ Limitation
• ▸ Scope (coverage)
Literature Review
*It shares with the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the study being
*A literature review is an objective, critical summary of research literature relevant to a topic under
consideration for research.
*It prevents the duplication of work that has been done before.

A typical literature review consists of the following components:

1. Introduction
2. Main Body.
3. Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the key findings of the review in general terms
Research Methodology

● Philosophical Issues & Research Paradigm (epistemological and ontological assumptions)

● Research Design (Research Master plan).
● Sources of data and data collection methods,
population, sampling, sample Size
● Instrumentation
● Data Management and Analysis Techniques
(Quantitative and qualitative data analysis).
Thank you all

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