Unit II-Boron Family: Instructor: Ms. Revathy T

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Unit II-
family Instructor:
Ms. Revathy T
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Auxilium College,Vellore


Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 1

Welcome to
today’s Class!

Today’s Agenda
1. Learn about writing electronic
2. Analysing the similarities in physical
properties of Boron family

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 2

Let’s get into the syllabus!!
Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 4
Boron family elements
Electronic configuration


General configuration: ns2 np1

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 5
Similarities in Physical properties
1. Physical state:

2. Atomic volume, atomic radii, ionic radii &

Increases from B to Tl

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 6

Similarities in Physical properties
3. Melting point
Decreases from Increases from
 B to Ga Ga to Tl

\low m.p of Ga\formation of Ga2

Boiling point & Heats of sublimation:

Decreases from B to Tl

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 7

Similarities in Physical properties
4. Ionisation Energy
Decreases from Increases from
 B to Al Ga

 First ionisation energy (I1)

          ns2np1  ns2np0  M+
 Second & Third ionisation energy (I2),(I3)
          ns2np0   ns0np0  M3+
 (I1) is less compared to (I2),(I3)

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 8

Similarities in Physical properties
5. Oxidation state:
B - small size & High I.E - do not lose all 3e -s
Al - lose all 3e-s    - M3+
Ga, In, Tl - lose 1 or 3e-s    - M+ &  M3+

       it is           
capable of donating 3 Inert Pair Effect
electrons, it donate 1
electron to form M+ ?

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 9

Similarities in Physical properties
• Inert Pair Effect
In M+ cation only outer valence shell electron
is removed, ns electrons remains undisturbed
(inert). This phenomenon observed in heavier
elements.  Why s
observ that
nt e only
If an eleme 3+ , heavie in
form M + and M
e le m e r
at e will nts?
W hi c h s t
m o r e s t a ble?

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 10

Similarities in Physical properties
• Relative Stability of M+ & M3+cations:

B3+>Al3+ > Ga3+> In3+>Tl3+

B+< Al+ < Ga+ < In+ < Tl+

More Stable, Less Reactive M + st

or M 3+
Less Stable, More Reactive stable

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 11

Similarities in Physical properties
• Relative Stability of M+ & M3+cations:
Tl+ is more stable than Tl3+
B3+ is more stable than B+
Tl3+ compounds + 2e-  Tl+ compounds
Unstable Stable
M + st
or M 3+

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 12

Similarities in Physical properties
6. Bond Nature:
According to Fajan’s rule:
Smaller cation  more covalent
Size of M3+ increases, Covalent character decreases
7. Electropositive(Metallic) Character:

Increases from Be
                         to Ra
B - Semi metal
Other – Metallic & Good conductor

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 13

Try and Learn

• Learn minimum two uses of
each group III A element.
• Will be asked to submit in chat
box in next class

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 14

 Write note on anomalous behaviour
Assignment for the of beryllium
 Scan/take photo of it and send me
in pdf format.
•Be HONEST to you

• Name of pdf:

Use any “image to pdf” converting app (or)

simple “scanner app”
Unit II- Alkaline Earth Metal - Part 5 15
Thank You..

Unit II- Boron family- Part 1 16

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