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Media Evaluation

By Jack Otway
1) Who might the audience be for your product?

The audience for my piece is targeted at teenagers and young adults, based on
the results of my questionnaire. Predominantly, it is these people who may find
dark comedies amusing and fully understand their unique approach to comedy.
This is because in the modern day serious issues such as murder and rape can be
presented as amusing by the media, and distastefully it appeals to younger
-The film opening would appeal more to men than women, because women are
more sensitive about serious issues such as murder. Older men may also find the
film amusing rather than distasteful, but there is a greater chance that younger
men do instead.
2) How does the film opening relate to our target audience?

As the target audience are younger people, this means they have a lower
attention span than older people, therefore need to be gripped, entertained and
amused from a very early point. My film does this by establishing an amusing
character via the use of a soundtrack. However, in not seeing his face nor body
creates an element of mystery and intrigue which is a regular theme in comedies.

The character’s anti-religious personality also relates to the target audience. This
is because younger people of today’s world find it a lot harder to believe or
associate themselves with religion, therefore the young people will be able to
understand and comprehend the character, and agree with his views.
3) How did you attract your audience?
In my film opening, I was able to attract my audience by creating an amusing
character via a voiceover. Comedies, no matter what type, always possess a
crazy/deranged/funny character, and in my opening, via a voiceover, this sort of
character is introduced.

Young people also like for there to be a sense of mystery and intrigue within a
comedy. This is established due to the fact he confesses to a murder, leading to
the audience wishing to know who he killed or how he did it. Also, other
characters are mentioned, hinting at their introduction later within the film.

The audience are also attracted by a slow, musical introduction seen in black
comedies. This hints at a sombre tone and atmosphere, making the young people
seem further mystified and interested.

Use of place also has a sense of amusement and comedy. Filmed at the abbey it
hints at religion – when in fact the central character loathes it with a passion.
4) Main Characters?

The main and central character of mine is called just ‘the narrator,’ and his name
is never specified due to his loathing of himself. Instantly, he fits the conventions
of a comedy character, for the audience are permitted to engage with him. He is
presented as anti-religious, which the target audience of young people can
sympathise or empathise with., due to it is predominantly these people who
question the concept of religion. Also he feels guilt, and a lot of teenagers or
young adults feel guilty about things and struggle to cope. He is also represented
as a bit irrationate and unstable – again things younger audiences find amusing
and entertaining.

Another character Chloe is mentioned by name, and when briefly mentioned

represents a return to normality, and romance.
5) What is the opening sequence? What defines
It as such?

The opening scene is rather dark, with a variety of shots of the St Albans abbey.
This helps establish the setting, as well as setting a sinister and dark mood to the
dark comedy. Also it shows scenes of both the exterior and interior of a house –
signalling a return to normality for the character. The character’s voiceover helps
establish the sort of character he may be, his views about life and also help
establish the plot line, talking about how he murdered someone and his mission
to achieve redemption.

All of these things help define it as an opening sequence. In tandem with this are
the credits and titles. It states, ‘A Jack Otway Production,’ signalling it to be the
start of the film, whereas the opening ends with the title ‘Karma’ further
reiterating this. The slow music also does this.
7) How does it adhere to, develop or challenge
the codes and conventions?

My piece adheres to the codes and conventions of comedy because it helps

establish setting, character and tone and mood. The character is as mentally
unstable/amusing as you can expect in a comedy. The setting adheres to it
because it is a domestic setting – in a church and in the home.

However, it also challenges the codes and conventions of comedy as a whole, but
fits into the sub-genre of dark comedy. This is because it covers dark areas like
murder, with a dark scenario and dark character. Within comedies the characters
are usually amusingly upbeat and positive, in dark comedies less so, with the
central character in my film certainly less so.
8) What research was carried out prior to

Prior to the production, a variety of research was carried out. I researched and
analysed three films and their codes and conventions of each, including ‘In
Bruges,’ ‘Dodgeball’ and ‘Wedding Crashers.’ I then researched the directors and
alternative comedy films. Following this I conduced further research into what
are the regular occurrences within comedy films, as well as exploring alternative
sub genres (including dark comedy, which is what my piece fits into.) I also did a
mood board to demonstrate my understanding of comedy.

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