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Espejon, Emerson E.
Prof. Ada Campos
Is a police operation wherein the investigator
assumes a fictitious identity in order to infiltrate the
ranks of the criminals for the purpose of obtaining
This is only resorted to as, a final option if no other
effective means of obtaining
information is available.

Is a person who conducts an undercover

He should be knowledgeable on the
language or dialect, customs and habit,
physical appearance and others, which are
very important in the assignment.
1. Counter Intelligence – Is a means to identify the double-crossers. It includes the protection
of its documents and information that could affect a certain organization.

2. Gather desired information – Through undercover operation, desired information through

installation of surveillance equipment may be collected as basis of issuing warrant or
conducting raid.

3. Conduct Loyalty Check – This is an investigation on private or government employees

who are security risk, especially those involved in intelligence work.

4. Penetrating Subversive Organizations – This is a clandestine means of entering the

criminal syndicates or gangs for the purpose of knowing their criminal activities that can be
used in their elimination.

5. Basis for Conducting Raid - The information obtained by the undercover agents are direct,
hence they are important basis in the planning and in execution of future raids.
1. Temperament = a calm, enduring and affable personality.

2. Photographic memory = he must have a photographic memory

because most often, he could not use written notes about his activities
and observations.

3. He must be able to adapt himself in the field of hid assignment.

4. A good actor and a psychologist

5. Knowledge that is above to ordinary in terms of general information

and the varied ways of life, profession and occupation.

1. Workplace Assignment – A type of undercover assignment

where agent may be employed as janitor or any other work. The
agent must know his work and as such he should appear as such,
focusing his mentality and habit.

2. Social Assignment – This refers to places of amusements such

as bars, nightclubs and other places of entertainment where the
subject frequents. These are places where criminals do the
sharing of their respective loot or shares after a crime has been
committed. The hostesses are usually girl friends of the
3. Subversive Organizations – The target here is a syndicate or organization.
The agent must know the ideologies of the organizations in order that he
could suit his philosophies and actions while inside the said organization.

4. Residential Assignment - This concerns the neighborhood of the suspect

where he will fit himself as a new resident without generating suspicion. His
purposes are to be friend those who could give information and possibly
getting closer to the subject.

5. The Fictitious Personality - The preparation should include the fictitious

background of the undercover agent. He must discard all papers and affects
such as identification cards, etc.
1. Don’t Drink too Much – The agent must be moderate in
drinking specially when engaged in a sensitive mission. It is
normal to attend drinking sessions specially when subject is
present. It is proven that alcohol is a “tongue” loosener.

2. Don’t Court Women - This may invite jealousy from others

and may lead to a dangerous situation. This could avoid
temptations by women, as it might be a test for the agent.
3. Don’t Utilize Women Agent - To some elected cases, due to the
nature of the job, women should not be employed as a general rule.
The subject may become interested with the woman-agent.

4. Do not brag - Is the claiming of a person to be somebody that

should be respected and given attention. This may lead to the
verification of his fictitious identity, and may lead to “burn out” of
the agent.

5. Do not Spend too much - The spending of money should be

commensurate with the role being played to avoid suspicion of other
keen observers.

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