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Hello Everyone!

Take the Social

Media Survey!
Researchers have found a correlation
between rising social media and declining
mental health.

– Poor mental health in teens is a huge issue.

– Social media is growing.
– Almost everyone has social media.
Public Service Announcement

To create this video, I

I chose a PSA because it’s brainstormed ideas and created
impactful. a plan, filmed, compiled, and

A PSA is most effective because

it’s visual.
– I researched a lot and found articles that showed the other side of the
– Social media isn’t all bad.
– I suggest participation in a 7-day social media fast.
– Try spending your time doing more productive things.
– Encourage others and spread the word.
Think about it:

– What are 5 productive things you can do instead

of being on social media?

– What are 3 ways you can use social media in a

healthy way? 
Works Cited
– Bekalu, Mesfin Awoke. “Social Media Use Can Be Positive for Mental Health and Well-Being.”
News, 28 May 2020,
– Daniels, Micajah, et al. "Social Media and Substance Use Among Adolescents: Implications for
Research." Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education, vol. 65, no. 1, Apr. 2021, pp. 9+. Gale In
Context: High School,
u=onlinelibrary&sid=bookmark-SUIC&xid=a60eb34f. Accessed 9 Nov. 2021.
– Masarweh, Lexi. “Social Media Negatively Affects Mental Health.” The Baylor Lariat, The Baylor
Lariat, 23 Sept. 2021,
– Mir, Elina, et al. “Social Media and Adolescents' and Young Adults' Mental Health.” National
Center for Health Research, National Center for Health Research, 18 Oct. 2021, 
– Mundell, E. J. (2020, October 27). More evidence links social media use to poorer mental health
in teens. HealthDay. Retrieved November 3, 2021, from
– "A Rise In Depression Among Teens And Young Adults Could Be Linked To Social Media Use." All
Things Considered, 14 Mar. 2019. Gale In Context: High School,
SUIC&xid=5e550a2c. Accessed 9 Nov. 2021.

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