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No Job Security

Minimum Wage Is Not Indexed To


Number Of Labour Inspectors.

Lack of safety

Gender pay gap

Fixed-term contracts prohibited for permanent No
Maximum length of a single fixed-term contract(months) No Limit
Standard workday 8 hours
Premium for night work (% of hourly pay) 0%
Premium for overtime work (% of hourly pay) 100 %
Unemployment protection after one year of employment No
Paid annual leave (average for working days with 1, 5 and 10 years of tenure, in working days) 17
Determination of Minimum Wages

 Negotiation between the employers and the employees

 Under the law of government
 The agreement between the trade unions and the employers

Composition of Minimum Wages Board

 The Chairman
 One independent member;
 One member to represent the employers
 One member to represent the workers
 One member to represent the employer connected with the industry concerned
 One member to represent the workers engaged in such industry

Fixing minimum rates of wages

• In Bangladesh collective bargaining by workers is legal on the
condition that their unions are legally registered as collective
bargaining agents

• Collective bargaining occurs occasionally

• Workers often do not practice collective bargaining due to

concerns over job security

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