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 Counseling is the creation and maintenance

of an environment in which a person can
help themselves to overcome the difficulty
that led them to seek assistance for as long
as the person seeking help requires that
 Counseling is a helping process that assists
the client to function effectively.
 Counseling is providing psychological
services. (thinking, feeling, doing).
 Counseling is a process of helping a man to
see through himself so that he can see
himself through.
What counseling is NOT.
 Not giving advice or opinions
 Not telling or sharing experiences
 Not preaching or moralizing or threatening.
 Not solving problems or making decisions
for the client.
Who are counselors?
 Counselors are trained professionals.
 Guided by theory and ethics.
Psychoanalytic, Adlerian, Person Centered Counseling
Gestalt, Transactional analysis, Behavior Counseling,
Rational Emotive therapy, Eclectic counseling etc.
 Nurses
 Medical Assistants
 Teachers
 Doctors
 All those who use counseling skills.
Core conditions of helping relationships :
 Empathy, Unconditional positive regard,
genuineness (Congruence).
 Empathy – Clients like to feel understood on their
own terms by the helpers. Empathy is the capacity
to identify oneself mentally with and fully to
comprehend the client’s inner world.
 Show empathy by restatement and reflection.
Unconditional positive regard.
 Warmth and caring – Warmth is a condition of
friendliness and considerateness manifested by
smiling, eye contact and nonverbal attending
 Non-judgmental acceptance of the clients
experiences and disclosures.
 Compassion for human frailty.
 Respect and valued.
Congruence / genuineness – Honesty and
 Verbal and body language sends message of
 Helpers have self-awareness. If they have
problems they may decide to postpone
Skills / Competencies
 Communication competence. – verbal and
non verbal communication.
 What you say and how you say.
 Face, and behavior.
 Knowledge of culture, race, religion,
 Problem solving skills.
 Theories of counselling.
Who need counseling
 Normal people with problems.
 “ I’m feeling depressed and lonely”
 “ I’m very anxious about my forthcoming
 “I have a problem with my wife”
 “Feel frustrated because I did not get a
 Victim of violence.
1. Paracounselors
 To be able to counsel effectively need
– A good personality
– Needs basic counseling skills
Listening and responding
Solving problems together.
 Human beings capable of deciding their own
 Dignity, self esteem and individual right, or the
right to refuse or reject help render.
 Help to understand oneself potential.
 Focus on client’s self development and your
personal improvement.
 self acceptance / self understanding. Strength /
 Friendliness and warmth.
 Sincere.
 Empathy.
 Unconditional acceptance.
 Caring and committed.
 Knowledgeable.
 Patience.
 Trustworthy.
Objectives of counseling
 To help client to help himself.
 To facilitate & help client begin change to positive
behaviors .
 To help to improve coping skills.
 To help client increase their capabilities to make their
own decision.
 To improve interpersonal relationship.
 To realize their own potential – strength & weakness.
 To help to see through himself so that he can see
himself through.

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