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Business as Stewardship and Mission Training Course

Christ Commission Fellowship November 19, 2009

"The Lord had said to Abram, 'Leave your country,
your people and your father's household and go
to the land I will show you. 'I will make you into
a great nation and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you." (Gen.12:1-3)
 His faith had to overcome the ties of nature

 God's call was for him to leave his country and his
 His faith was tried by stress of circumstances

 there was a famine in Canaan.

 He had to meet a trial respecting a brother.

 Frictionbetween his herdsmen and the herdsmen of

his nephew might lead to "strife" between brethren,
and how he met this by his magnanimous offer to Lot
 Testing of his courage, as well as his love for
his nephew

 Lot had been captured by a powerful warrior, but

Abram hastens to his rescue and delivers him.
 The King of Sodom offered to "reward" him
for overcoming Chedorlaomer.

 He remained faithful to his oath to the Lord

 The test of the patience of his faith

 God promised him that his descendants will be

innumerable yet 10 years passed and he still had no
 Fervor of his faith
 Sufficiency of his faith
 Humility of his faith
 Boldness of his faith
 Dignity of his faith
 Patience of his faith
It is when we have received some special mark of
the Lord's favor, or immediately after we have
enjoyed some unusual season of communion
with him, that we need most to be on our
Abraham never waivered in 5 of the 6 tests

He waivered in the last but repented and accepted the

consequences of his actions
His actions were based on his TRUST,
CONFIDENCE and FAITH in God. Not really to
have innumerable descendants and the promise of
fame or glory or even “immortality” but his deep
faith in the Lord. He believes all the promises
made to him by God and holds on to this despite
and in spite of the consequences and the tests.
1. Is his deep relationship with God that transcends
trials. God chose Abraham to become the
conduit of His blessings.
2. God has been very faithful to His promise that
even if Abraham waivered in his faith, God still
held on to his promise.
 To serve God
 To follow His will
 Believe in His promise
 Have a personal and intimate relationship with God
who will never abandon him
Heavenly Father, help me to live with the bold,
daring faith of Abraham. Show mercy on me that
I might not settle down before I've reached the
destination to which you have called me. Let me
go when you want me to go -- and wherever you
put me, whomever is around me, let me be
unafraid to call upon the name of the Lord. We
ask this through Christ our Lord who lives and
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God
forever and ever. AMEN
May the darkness of sin and the night of
unbelief vanish before the light of the
Word and the Spirit of grace and may
Jesus live in the hearts of all.


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