Monarquías y Dictaduras: 5.1B La Dictadura de Franco

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Monarquías y dictaduras

5.1B La dictadura de Franco

Este capítulo
  Language Grammar Skills Page

5.1 La dictadura de Understand the Revise the Improve your 90

Franco impact of the civil preterite skills in
war tense speaking and
Discuss life under writing about a
Franco’s dictatorship historical
5.2 La evolución de la Describe and Form and use Recognise and 94
monarquía en España discuss the changes the imperfect use ordinal
from monarchy and subjunctive numbers
republic to
Describe the
transition from
dictatorship to
5.3 Dictadores Discuss Use a Read for gist 98
latinoamericanos dictatorships in Latin sequence of for
America, particularly tenses comprehension
in Panama, Chile
and Argentina
Repaso 102
Esta página
Spread number 5.1 B (pages 92–93)
Language Understanding the impact of the civil war
covered Discussing life under Franco’s dictatorship
AQA Theme Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world
Topic Monarquías y dictaduras
Grammar Revise the preterite tense
Vocabulary Page 106
Audio files and 5.1B Student Book audio: Activity 2
transcripts 5.1B Student Book transcript: Activity 2
Unit 5 Bilingual vocabulary list
Unit 5 Bilingual vocabulary list audio

5.1B Grammar interactive activity: The preterite tense

1a Lee la introducción al extracto y busca en
el texto cómo se expresan las siguientes
palabras y frases.
 Reading activity. Students read the introduction to the extract from 'Soldados de
Salamina' by Javier Cercas, and then the extract itself, and find the Spanish for
the words and phrases listed. The vocabulary box will help with comprehension.
 Answers
 1 invernizo
 2 cerrados a cal y canto
 3 triscan como lobos
 4 derrotados
 5 vehículos desahuciados
 6 insondable fatiga
 7 envidioso de su comodidad
 8 escupe unas ráfagas de ametralladora
 9 desmentida
 10 campo a través
1b Contesta las siguientes
 Reading activity. After reading the extract again, students answer the
questions. Their responses should include the points below.
 Suggested answers
 1 Wintry sky; icy wind; overcoats
 2 Escaping from the Nationalists; as supporters of the Republicans
they would be in danger if they stayed
 3 Prisoners being taken to their death
 4 Because they are in the comfort of a bus – no, not justified because
they are in fact going to their execution
 5 With a stampede of panic, or a flash of hope that it might give them
a chance to escape
1c Traduce al inglés las dos frases del texto
desde “La caravana avanza” hasta “alguien
los insulta”.
 Translation activity. Students translate the two sentences indicated.
 Suggested answer
 The caravan advances interminably slowly. Sometimes it stops;
sometimes, with a mixture of disbelief, hatred and immeasurable
weariness someone stares at the occupants of the bus, envying their
comfort and shelter, unaware of their fate at the firing squad; sometimes
someone hurls an insult.
2a Escucha el reportaje sobre la censura
durante la dictadura y decide qué seis
afirmaciones son correctas.
 Listening activity. Students listen to the report on censorship during the
dictatorship and decide which six statements are true.
 A transcription of the recording can be found on Kerboodle associated
with Unit 5.1.
 Answers
 The six correct statements are 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 10.
2b Corrige las cuatro afirmaciones
 Listening activity. Following on from Activity 2a, students correct the
incorrect statements.
 Suggested answers
 3 No permitían escenas sensuales …
 5 El divorcio era un tema muy raro …
 8 ... Humphrey Bogart dijo que había participado en la Guerra Civil
 9 … estuvo vigente hasta 1966
2c Escucha el reportaje de nuevo y haz un
resumen de 90 palabras. Debes utilizar tus
propias palabras.
 Listening and writing activity. After listening to the report again, students
write a summary in 90 words, using their own words in so far as possible
and including the following information:
 The censorship affected all media; writers and playwrights had to adapt
their work or go/publish their material abroad. Films had to be cut,
especially scenes showing kissing or women's bodies, and certain themes
were banned.
 Mogambo: the dubbing was changed to hide the part adultery plays in the
film; married couple changed to brother and sister / Casablanca: Humphrey
Bogart's comment about the Spanish Civil War changed to Austria.
 Ley de Prensa: all types of publications were put under government control,
everything had to be presented to the censors, certain events were not
mentioned, or were highlighted if favourable to the governement, official
texts had to be added.
The preterite tense

Students are reminded of the uses of the preterite tense and the
fact that it is often used together with the imperfect to contrast
an ongoing state or action with a completed action or event in
the past.
Ask them to identify the examples in the introduction to the
extract on the previous page (preterite: escapó, hubo, se vieron
forzados; imperfect: cómo era).
More information is given on pages 149–151 of the 'Grammar'
section. Activity 3 provides practice in writing sentences with
preterite tense verbs, and there is an interactive activity on
Kerboodle for extra practice.
3 Traduce las siguientes frases al
 Grammar activity. Students translate sentences 1–6 into Spanish, paying
attention to the correct formation of preterite tense verbs.
 Suggested answers
 1 Más de medio millón de españoles perecieron en la Guerra Civil.
 2 Los italianos y los alemanes firmaron un acuerdo de no intervención
en 1936 pero no obstante apoyaron al ejército de Franco.
 3 Los nacionalistas asesinaron a Lorca en un lugar cerca de donde
 4 Antonio Machado escribió su poema “El crimen fue en Granada” en
memoria de su amigo Federico García Lorca.
 5 Cuando la guerra terminó, muchos republicanos temieron
represalias y se marcharon de España.
 6 Durante la dictadura, Franco introdujo muchas leyes estrictas, por
ejemplo, prohibió el divorcio.
4a Investiga con un(a) compañero/a algunos
aspectos de la vida bajo la dictadura y luego
presenta vuestras conclusiones a la clase.
 Research activity. In pairs students research some aspects of life during
the dictatorship and prepare a presentation on their findings. Some
possible aspects include the rights of women and workers, the power of
the Church, the laws and censorship introduced.
 This could serve as inspiration for the Individual research project, or at
least a short activity in effective research. Try to direct students to
websites or print sources in Spanish, and particularly for more dense
sources encourage them to pick out the essential details by making brief
4b Utiliza lo que has aprendido en tus investigaciones y en las
presentaciones para escribir unas 300 palabras sobre este tema:
Describe algunos aspectos de la represión sufrida por los ciudadanos
españoles durante la dictadura. En tu opinión ¿cuáles eran peores?
Justifica tu respuesta.

 Writing activity. Following on from their work in Activity 4a, students bring
together what they have learned from their research and elsewhere in
the section by producing a written piece of around 300 words. They
should give information on the repression suffered during the
dictatorship and also give their own opinion on what was the worst thing
the Spanish people had to suffer, justifying their views. Some useful
phrases are provided in the 'Key expressions'.

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