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DzKnowing things is overrated.

dz Aesthetics
- From the Simpsons Movie

Science Emotion

Revelation Reason

Definition of Knowing
°eing aware of the truth of something; having a belief
or faith in something; regarding as true beyond any
doubt -
Interpenetrating Magisteria (IMA)

Reason Emotion

My model:
All connected with Revelation as the center


Science Revelation Emotion

1. Union of the Ways of Knowing
2. Order: Revelation, Science, Reason, Aesthetics, Emotion
3. Knowledge filtered through scripture
4. Test everything!
However, as it is written: DzNo eye has seen, no
ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God
|roblems: prepared for those who love

1 Corinthians 2:9
1. Science:
_ Can be proved incorrect
_ Uses human understanding
_ Can mislead with false facts
_ Example: Evolution and Scripture
_ Martin Luther:
DzI believe that God has made me and all creatures; that He has
given me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my limbs, my
reason, and all my senses, and still preserves them; ǥdz
However, as it is written: DzNo eye has seen, no
ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God
|roblems: prepared for those who love

1 Corinthians 2:9
2. Reason:
_ Uses fallible, limited human mind
_ °ased on assumptions
_ DzI think, therefore, I amdz Ȃ Descartes
_ Reason only? (Descartes) No!
3. Aesthetics?
_ Requires agreement on Dzbasic truthsdz
_ Needs artistic vision
_ Descartes challenged the senses as a source of knowledge
4. Emotion?
_ A way of knowing?
_ May be used to interpret other ways of knowing
However, as it is written: DzNo eye has seen, no
ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God
|roblems: prepared for those who love

1 Corinthians 2:9
. Revelation
_ Aquinasǯ DzSacred Doctrinedz
_ DzSince this science (Sacred Doctrine) is partly
speculative and partly practical, it transcends all other
sciences, speculative and practicaldz - Aquinas
_ DzThis doctrine is wisdom above all human wisdoms not
merely in any one order, but - Aquinas
_ DzThe word is our treasure, our pearl of unsurpassed - Gail Ramshaw
However, as it is written: DzNo eye has seen, no
ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God
Final Model: prepared for those who love

1 Corinthians 2:9





_ Aesthetics and Emotion need one of the other 4 Ways to be properly used
_ Harmony model applies to all (Dowe)
Thank you!

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