BITS Pilani: Discrete Structures For Computer Science

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Discrete Structures for Computer Science

(CS F222)
Topic: Graph Theory
Dr. Raghunath Reddy
BITS Pilani
Hyderabad Campus

 Bridges of Konigsberg (today’s Kaliningrad): walk all 7 bridges

without crossing a bridge twice.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


 Definition: A graph G = (V, E)

 V, a nonempty set of vertices (or nodes) and
 E, a set of edges.
 Each edge has either one or two vertices associated with it, called its endpoints.
 An edge is said to connect its endpoints.

 Note: In this course, we assume that V is a finite set (G is a finite graph)

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Undirected Graph

 Each edge is of the form {u, v},

 We say the edge incident with the vertices u and v and
 The edge is said to connect u and v.
 Further, we say u and v are adjacent

 Whenever, there is an edge {u, v} in the graph, we can also say

that {v, u} is also an edge in the graph.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Undirected Graph

 Graphs that may have multiple edges connecting the same vertices are called multigraphs.

 An edge which connects to itself is called a self-loop.

 A graph that has no self-loops and multiple edges between every pair of vertices is called a simple graph.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Directed Graph

 A directed graph (or digraph) (V, E) consists of a nonempty set of vertices V

and a set of directed edges (or arcs) E.
 Each directed edge is associated with an ordered pair of vertices.
 The directed edge associated with the ordered pair (u, v) is said to start at u
and end at v.
 The vertex u is called the initial vertex of (u, v), and v is called the terminal
or end vertex of (u, v). The initial vertex and terminal vertex of a loop are
the same.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Directed Graph

 Directed multigraphs

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Degree of a vertex (undirected graphs)
 The degree of a vertex in an undirected graph is the number of edges incident with
it, except that a loop at a vertex contributes twice to the degree of that vertex.
 The degree of the vertex v is denoted by deg(v).

 Isolated vertex: degree is zero

 Pendent vertex: degree one

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Degree of a vertex (undirected graphs)

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Degree of a vertex (undirected graphs)

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Degree of a vertex (directed graphs)

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Simple Graphs: Revisit

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Special Graphs

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Special Graphs

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Bipartite Graphs

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Bipartite Graphs
 Is the following graph bipartite?

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Complete Bipartite Graphs

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Job Assignment Problem as a bipartite graph

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Job Assignment Problem as a bipartite graph

 Assign an employee to each job so that every job has an

employee assigned to it, and so that no employee is assigned
more than one job.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Matching in a graph

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Matching in a graph

 A vertex that is the endpoint of an edge of a matching M is said

to be matched in M; otherwise it is said to be unmatched.

 A maximum matching is a matching with the largest number of


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Complete Matching in a bipartite graph

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Perfect Matching in a graph

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New graphs from old

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New graphs from old

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Representation of graphs

 Adjacency list

 Adjacency Matrix

 Incidence Matrix

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Adjacency List Representation of graphs

 Adjacency lists, which specify the vertices that are adjacent to

each vertex of the graph.

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Adjacency Matrix Representation of graphs

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Adjacency Matrix Representation of graphs

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Incidence Matrix Representation of graphs

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Isomorphism of Graphs

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Graph Isomorphism
 Do the given two graphs have the same structure (when we ignore
the identities of their vertices)?

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Graph Isomorphism

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Checking two Graphs are Isomorphic ?
 It is often difficult to determine whether two simple graphs are

 Sometimes it is not hard to show that two graphs are not

isomorphic. In particular, we can show that two graphs are not
isomorphic if we can find a property only one of the two graphs

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Checking two Graphs are Isomorphic ?

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Connectivity in Graphs

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Simple Path

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Circuit and cycle

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Paths and Simple paths

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Connected graphs
 An undirected graph is called connected if there is a path
between every pair of distinct vertices of the graph.
 An undirected graph that is not connected is called disconnected.

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Connected graphs
 Theorem: There is a simple path between every pair of distinct
vertices of a connected undirected graph.

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Planar Graphs

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Planar graphs

 Is it possible to join these houses and utilities so that none of the

connections cross ?

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Planar graphs

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Planar graphs

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Planar graphs

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Planar graphs: regions
 A planar representation of a graph splits the plane into regions,
including an unbounded region.

 Degree of a region: The number of edges in the closed path that

forms the boundary of the region.

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Planar graphs: regions

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Planar graphs: Euler’s formula

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Planar graphs: Euler’s formula

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Planar graphs: Euler’s formula

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Graphs coloring

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Vertex coloring

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Chromatic number

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Chromatic number

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Thank You!!

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

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