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Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science &
SUBJECT NAME:- Disruptive Technologies – I
Prepared By: Dr. Ekta Thakur


 Writing a Program in Python
 Brief Introduction to Concept of Functions
 Variable Declaration and Print
 Errors
 Different types of Operators in Python
 Arithmetic Operators
 Basic Arithmetic Operators
 Difference Between ‘/’ and ‘//’ Operators
 Use of ‘**’: Power Operator

Writing a Program in Python
 We will be using the software Google Colaboratory also known as
Google Colab
 The opening window will be shown something as below
 In this window we will start writing the code

Writing a Program in Python
 In the home scree, there are three buttons:
 File Button
 Code Button
 Run Button
File Button
Code Button
Run Button

Writing a Program in Python
 In the home scree, there are three buttons:
 File Button: Press File New Notebook. A blank window as shown below will appear
 Code Button: Press the Code Button before writing the code/ or to select the option to write the code.
 Run Button: The Run Button is used to execute the program after you have completed the code.
File Button
Code Button
Run Button

Writing a Program in Python
 Lets try and start writing the first code:
 Type: 1+1
 Press the Run Button

Writing a Program in Python
 Lets try and start writing the first code:
 Type: 1+1
 Press the Run Button

Writing a Program in Python
 Lets try and start writing the first code:
 Type: 1+1
 Press the Run Button
 Python has evaluated the expression and now it is displaying the result (2).
 Now we can use the Code button to write the next code.
 This is what we have done. But is this the actual process that is taking place.

Writing a Program in Python
 Lets try and start writing the first code:
 Type: 1+1
 Press the Run Button
 Python has evaluated the expression and now it is displaying the result (2).
 Now we can use the Code button to write the next code.
 This is what we have done. But is this the actual process that is taking place.
 Normally every Python program is a loop following the series of steps:
 Python reads the code entered at the prompt.
 Python evaluates the code.
 Python prints the result and wait for more inputs
 This complete process is known as “Read, Evaluate Print loop” also known as REPL.

Writing a Program in Python
 Lets try and start writing the first code:
 Type: 1+1
 Press the Run Button
 Python has evaluated the expression and now it is displaying the result (2).
 Now we can use the Code button to write the next code.
 This is what we have done. But is this the actual process that is taking place.
 Normally every Python program is a loop following the series of steps:
 Python reads the code entered at the prompt.
 Python evaluates the code.
 Python prints the result and wait for more inputs
 This complete process is known as “Read, Evaluate Print loop” also known as REPL.

Writing a Program in Python
 Lets try the code that we have taken as an example in the previous class, wherein we
have to print the phrase: Hello, World
 For this we need to type: print followed by a set of parenthesis with the text ‘Hello,
World’ and press the Run Button
 Something as follows

Writing a Program in Python
 Now we have written two programs so far.
 So, what are the differences between these two programs.

Brief Introduction to Concept of Functions
 In the first program we have directly given two numerical inputs and an output was
 In the second program, we printed the desired word/ phrase.
 Some important points in second code.
 The word print followed by parenthesis: print()
 print() is a function.
 Function in a code performs some specialized task.

 It can be invoked/called by using its name.

 In the second code we invoked/ called the function print() to get the output, Hello, World

 In this function whatever is written within inverted commas “” will be displayed on the screen.

 It also denotes, that what ever we have written on then screen is text and nothing else.
Variable Declaration and Print
 In Python, variables are names that can be assigned a value and then used to refer to
that value throughout your code. Variables are fundamental to programming for two
 Variables keep values accessible: For example, you can assign the result of some time-consuming operation to
a variable so that your program doesn’t have to perform the operation each time you need to use the result.

 Variables give values context: The number 28 could mean lots of different things, such as the number of
students in a class, the number of times a user has accessed a website, and so on. Giving the value 28 a name
like num_students makes the meaning of the value clear .

Variable Declaration and Print
 A variable is something that can hold a varying value.
 For ex: a = 30. Here letter ‘a’ is a variable. Its present value is 30 and it can hold any
 So let’s see how can we declare variable and print its value
 a = 300 #Assignment; No output will be shown at the moment
 a # The statement will print the value of a

 300
 This will be the required output. Similarly
 b = “Shayam” # Assignment, No output will be shown at the moment
 b # This statement will print the value of variable b

 ‘Shayam’

Variable Declaration and Print
 What is the difference between the variable ‘a’ and variable ‘b’.

Variable Declaration and Print
 What is the difference between the variable ‘a’ and variable ‘b’.
 Here variable ‘a’ is an integer type variable, whereas, variable ‘b’ is string type.
 So integer type variable holds numerical values on which we can perform calculations.
 String type variables are unable to perform normal mathematical operations.

Variable Declaration and Print
 Here as well we can use the print() function to print both the variables together.
 A=300
 A
 B=“Shayam”
 B # So if I will run the code till here, it will print only the value of B
 Print(A,B) # If I will use the print statement, it will print both the values.

Variable Declaration and Print
 Let’s see: Problem 1  Let’s see: Problem 2

 A=300  A=“300”
 B=400  B=“400”
 C=A+B  C=A+B
 C  C
 What will be the output?  What will be the output?

Variable Declaration and Print
 Let’s see: Problem 1  Let’s see: Problem 2

 A=300  A=“300”
 B=400  B=“400”
 C=A+B  C=A+B
 C  C
 What will be the output?  What will be the output?
 Output: 700  Output: ‘300400’

Variable Declaration and Print
 Problem 1

 A=300
 B=400
 C=A+B
 C
 What will be the output?
 Output: 700

 Here the ‘+’ sign is known as the operator which is working on the operands ‘A’ and ‘B’
 Since it is performing an arithmetic operation, therefore, it is called Arithmetic operator.

 Many a times while writing a program, mistakes can happen.
 These mistakes in a program is called an Error.
 Basically, in the start we will encounter two basic types of errors:
 Syntax Errors
 Runtime Errors

 Many a times while writing a program, mistakes can happen.
 These mistakes in a program is called an Error.
 Basically, in the start we will encounter two basic types of errors:
 Syntax Errors
 Runtime Errors
 Syntax Error:
 This type of error occurs when you write a code that is not allowed in Python language.
 For ex.
 print(“Hello, World)
 If we run the above statement then the system will give error as following:

 Syntax Error:
 This type of error occurs when you write a code that is not allowed in Python language.
 For ex.
 print(“Hello, World)
 If we run the above statement then the system will give error as following:
 There are two parts of this error:
 In first part it is showing in red color that there is error in line 1 print(“Hello, World)
 The second part shows that it’s a syntax error. EOL here stands for End of Line.
 Thus, the message tells us that, Python got to the end of line while reading the string literal.
 It also tells that string literal must be terminated with a quotation marks, otherwise everything after the
first quotation marks including the parenthesis is part of the string.

 Many a times while writing a program, mistakes can happen.
 These mistakes in a program is called an Error.
 Basically, in the start we will encounter two basic types of errors:
 Syntax Errors
 Runtime Errors
 Runtime Error:
 Syntax error occurs before a program starts running.
 But the run time error occurs while a program is running.
 Lets see an example:
 print(Hello, World)
 This will show error as following

 Many a times while writing a program, mistakes can happen.
 These mistakes in a program is called an Error.
 Basically, in the start we will encounter two basic types of errors:
 Syntax Errors
 Runtime Errors
 Runtime Error:
 Syntax error occurs before a program starts running.
 But the run time error occurs while a program is running.
 Lets see an example:
 print(Hello, World)
 This will show error as following

 Runtime Error:
 Syntax error occurs before a program starts running.
 But the run time error occurs while a program is running.
 Lets see an example:
 print(Hello, World)
 When we write this wrong statement, the text color changes.
 Whenever, such error occurs, Python stops executing the program and displays several lines of text called
 This traceback shows useful information about the error.
 Best way to read the tracebacks is bottom up.
 The last line of the traceback tells you the name of the error and the error message.
 In the present case a NameError occurred because the name Hello is not defined anywhere.
 The second to last line shows the code that produced that error.
 In the present code there is only one line, so one can guess the error is in that line. But for large codes, this information is
 The third to last line tells the name of the file and the line number, so that one can go to the spot in the code where the error
Different types of Operators in Python

 Similar to C, C++ and Java, there are a wide variety of operators used in

 These are broadly categorized as:

 Assignment Operators

 Arithmetic Operators

 Bitwise Operators

Assignment Operator
 Values are assigned to variable names using a special symbol called the assignment
operator ‘=’.
 The ‘=’ operator takes the value to its right and assign it to the variable name on the left.
 For example:
 greeting = “Hello World”
 print(greeting)
 In this case the output will be:

Assignment Operator
 Values are assigned to variable names using a special symbol called the assignment
operator ‘=’.
 The ‘=’ operator takes the value to its right and assign it to the variable name on the left.
 For example:
 greeting = “Hello World”
 print(greeting)
 In this case the output will be:
 Thus, we have created a variable named greeting and assigned it the value “Hello
 If we would have not used line 1 and directly used line 2, it will show error.
 It is important to note that these variable names are case sensitive.
 Thus, the variable greeting is different from the variable Greeting 30
Assignment Operator
 It is important to note that these variable names are case sensitive.
 Thus, the variable greeting is different from the variable Greeting. Ex.
 greeting = “Hello World”
 print(Greeting)
 Output will be:

Assignment Operator
 It is important to note that these variable names are case sensitive.
 Thus, the variable greeting is different from the variable Greeting. Ex.
 greeting = “Hello World”
 print(Greeting)
 Output will be:

Rule for Valid Variable Names
 Variable names can be as long or as short as you like, but there are a few rules that you
must follow.
 Variable names may contain uppercase and lowercase letters (A–Z, a–z), digits (0–9),
and underscores (_),
 But they cannot begin with a digit.
 For example, each of the following is a valid Python variable name:
 String1
 _a1p4a
 list_of_names
 The following aren’t valid variable names because they start with a digit:
 9lives
 99_balloons 33
Rule for Valid Variable Names
 In addition to English letters and digits, Python variable names may contain valid Unicode characters.
 Unicode is a standard for digitally representing characters used in most of the world’s writing systems.
 This include letters such as é and ü, and even Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic symbols.
 Since all the systems cannot show these characters, it is good idea to avoid these.
 Use descriptive names: These are basically used in complex problems.
 There we use proper long name to variable instead of simple single variable.
 Ex. ‘Sum’ for addition of two numbers instead of letter ‘s’.
 Variable Naming Convention: In many programming languages, it’s common to write variable names in
 In this system, you capitalize the first letter of every word except the first and leave all other letters in
 For example, numStudents and listOfNames are written in mixedCase.

Arithmetic Operators
 Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction and so on.

 These are also of varying category.

 Basic Arithmetic operators:

 ‘+’: Addition,

 ‘-’ Subtraction:

 ‘*’: Multiplication,

 ‘/’: Division,

 ‘%’: Modulus)

 Lets see their usage in program.

Arithmetic Operators
 Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction and so on.

 These are also of varying category.

 Basic Arithmetic operators:

 ‘+’: Addition,

 ‘-’ Subtraction:

 ‘*’: Multiplication,

 ‘/’: Division,

 ‘%’: Modulus

 Lets see their usage in program.

Basic Arithmetic Operators
 Use of basic arithmetic operations in coding: Addition
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A+B
 print (A, “+”, B, “=”, C)
 So the output will be

Basic Arithmetic Operators
 Use of basic arithmetic operations in coding: Addition
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A+B
 print (A, “+”, B, “=”, C)
 So the output will be

Basic Arithmetic Operators
 Use of basic arithmetic operations in coding: Subtraction
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A-B
 print (A, “-”, B, “=”, C)
 So the output will be

Basic Arithmetic Operators
 Use of basic arithmetic operations in coding: Subtraction
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A-B
 print (A, “-”, B, “=”, C)
 So the output will be

Basic Arithmetic Operators
 Use of basic arithmetic operations in coding: Multiplication
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A*B
 print (A, “*”, B, “=”, C)
 So the output will be

Basic Arithmetic Operators
 Use of basic arithmetic operations in coding: Multiplication
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A*B
 print (A, “*”, B, “=”, C)
 So the output will be

Basic Arithmetic Operators
 Use of basic arithmetic operations in coding: Division
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A/B
 print (A, “/”, B, “=”, C)
 So the output will be

Basic Arithmetic Operators
 Use of basic arithmetic operations in coding: Modulus
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A%B
 print (A, “%”, B, “=”, C)
 So the output will be

Basic Arithmetic Operators
 Use of basic arithmetic operations in coding: Modulus
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A%B
 print (A, “%”, B, “=”, C)
 So the output will be

Basic Arithmetic Operators
 Use of basic arithmetic operations in coding: Modulus
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A%B
 print (A, “%”, B, “=”, C)
 So the output will be

Difference Between ‘/’ and ‘//’ Operator
 Both these operators are used to perform division operation.
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A/B
 D=A//B
 print (A, “/”, B, “=”, C, “and”, A, “//”, B, “=”, D)
 So the output will be

Difference Between ‘/’ and ‘//’ Operator
 Both these operators are used to perform division operation.
 A=220
 B=16
 C=A/B
 D=A//B
 print (A, “/”, B, “=”, C, “and”, A, “//”, B, “=”, D)
 So the output will be

Use of ‘**’: Power Operator
 Both these operators are used to perform division operation.
 A=9
 B=2
 C=A**B
 print (A, “**”, B, “=”, C)
 So the output will be

Bitwise Operators
 In computer programming, a bitwise operation operates on a bit string, a bit array or a binary numeral at the
level of its individual bits.
 It is a fast and simple action, basic to the higher level arithmetic operations and directly supported by the
 For example if we write:
 A=1
 B=2
 A ANDB = ???

Bitwise Operators
 In computer programming, a bitwise operation operates on a bit string, a bit array or a binary numeral at the
level of its individual bits.
 It is a fast and simple action, basic to the higher level arithmetic operations and directly supported by the
 For example if we write:
 A=1
 B=2
 A ANDB = ???

 Binary of A=1  0001

 Binary of B=2  0010
 A&B = 0000  0

Bitwise Operators
 Following Bitwise operators are used in Python

 AND (&)

 OR (|)

 Not (~)

 XOR (^)

 Shift Right (>>)

 Shift Left (<<)

Bitwise Operators
 AND (&)
 This operator will perform the AND operation according to the truth table:
 Example:
 A=0
 B=1
 D=1
 C=A&B
 print (A, “&”, B, “=”, C)
 Output will be:

 If we add the following line the code:

 A=0
 B=1
 D=1
 C=B&D
 print (A, “&”, B, “=”, C)
 Output will be:
Bitwise Operators
 OR (|)
 This operator will perform the OR operation according to the truth table:
 Example:
 A=0
 B=1
 D=1
 C=A|B
 print (A, “&”, B, “=”, C)
 Output will be:

 If we add the following line the code:

 A=0
 B=10
 D=20
 C=B|D
 print (A, “&”, B, “=”, C)
 Output will be:
Bitwise Operators
 NOT (~)
 This operator will perform the 1’s compliment operation of the desired number.
 Example:
 A=0
 B=1
 C=~A
 print (“~”, A, “=”, C)
 Output will be:

 If we add the following line the code:

 A=0
 B=1
 C=~B
 print (“~”, B, “=”, C)
 Output will be:

 Link to check working of Bitwise Operators:

 55
Bitwise Operators
 XOR (^)
 This operator will perform the 1’s compliment operation of the desired number.
 Example:
 A=0
 B=1
 D=1
 C=A^B
 E=B^D
 print (A, “^”, B, “=”, C, “and”, B, “^”, D, “=”, E)
 Output will be:

Bitwise Operators
 Shift Right (>>)
 This operator will perform the shift right operation: i.e. new bit enters from left and old bit falls off from
 A>>B means shift the bits of A towards
right by B number of Bits.
 Example:
 A=10 # 1010
 B=1 #Shift right by 1 bit
 C=A>>B # 0101 = 5
 print (A, “>>”, B, “=”, C)
 Output will be:

Bitwise Operators
 Shift Left (<<)
 This operator will perform the shift left operation: i.e. new bit enters from right and old bit falls off from
 A<<B means shift the bits of A towards
right by B number of Bits.
 Example:
 A=4 # 0100
 B=1 #Shift right by 1 bit
 C=A>>B # 1000 = 8
 print (A, “<<”, B, “=”, C)
 Output will be:

Input from Users
 In this user can provide the input during the runtime condition.
 Ex.
 a=input(“Enter Anything:”)
 print (a)
 print(“Your input is:”, a)

Input from Users
 In this user can provide the input during the runtime condition.
 Ex.
 a=int(input(“Enter Number:”))
 print (a)
 print(“Your input is:”, a)

If Else Conditional Check
 Following Bitwise operators are used in Python
 A=int(input(“Enter First Number:”))
 B=int(input(“Enter Second Number:”))
 if a>b
 print(A, “>”, B)
 else:
 print(A, “<”, B)

Else If Else Statement
 Ex.
 A=input(“Enter First No.:”)
 B=input(“Enter Second No.”)
 if A==B:
 print(“A==B”)
 elif A>B:
 print(“A>B”)
 else:
 print(“A<B”)

Logical Operators
 Use of AND
 Ex.
 A=10
 B=20
 if A==10 and B==20:
 print(“Accepted”)
 elif a>=b:
 print(“Rejected”)
 else:
 print(“On Hold”)

Logical Operators
 Use of AND
 Ex.
 A=0
 B=0
 Print(A and B)

Logical Operators
 Use of OR
 Ex.
 A=10
 B=20
 if A==10 or B==20:
 print(“Accepted”)
 else:
 print(“Rejected”)

Logical Operators
 Use of Or
 Ex.
 A=0
 B=0
 Print(A or B)

Logical Operators
 Use of NOT
 Ex.
 A=True
 Print( not A)

Identity Operators
 There are two identity operators: ‘is’ and ‘is not’
 Ex.
 A=10
 B=20
 Print(A is A)

 A=10
 B=20
 Print(A is not A)

 A=10
 B=20
 Print(A is B)

Membership Operator
 These are: ‘in’ and ‘not in’
 A=[10, 20, 30]
 print (10 in A)

 A=[10, 20, 30]

 print (40 in A)

File handling in Python
• Read a file and print its content line by line
• First create a file abc.txt and write some lines
• Ex

File handling in Python
• Another method to read a file
• First create a file abc.txt and write some lines
• Ex.

File handling in Python
• Absolute path
• First create a file abc.txt and write some lines
• Ex.

File handling in Python
• Write the file 1 to 20
• Download the file and check the output
• Ex.

File handling in Python
• Another method to write a file 1 to 20
• Download the file and check the output
• Ex.

File handling in Python
• Read from one file convert it to upper case and write to other file
• First create a file abc.txt and write some lines.
• Create second file.

File handling in Python
• Appending to a file
• Download the file and check the contend of ‘o.txt’ file.
• Ex.

File handling in Python
• Read an image
• Download one image (mountain.jpg)
• Ex.

File handling in Python
• Write one image to other
• Download two image (mountain.jpg and river.jpg )
• Ex.

Plotting Graphs In Python

• Graphs are used to represent data information and data in visual format.
• These can be of wide varying range such as:
Line Graph
Bar Graph
Pi Chart, etc.
• In Python, graphs can be easily plotted by utilizing "matplotlib" library and utilizing various
functions such as "plt.plot", "", etc.
• Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated and interactive visualization in

Importing matplotlib
There are a sequence of steps required for plotting the graph. These are:
• The primary task is to import the matplotlib library.
• It can be performed by following statement:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Here in this line import is the keyword that is used to call the particular
library and all its associated functions.
Thereafter, it is followed by the name of the library that needs to be

Plotting graph using matplotlib
• Once the particular library is called, one can start plotting the graphs.

Plotting graph using matplotlib

Plotting graph using matplotlib
• Plot multiples lines

Plotting graph using matplotlib
• Plot a bar chart
• Ex.

Plotting graph using matplotlib
• Plot multiple bar plot

Plotting graph using matplotlib
• Plot Scatter plot

Plotting graph using matplotlib
• Pie chart plot
• Ex.

Plotting graph using matplotlib

Data Manipulation using pandas
Pandas is an open-source Python Library providing high-performance data manipulation and
analysis tool using its powerful data structures
Working with data file (csv)
• First step is to import pandas

Read csv file

• Upload data set file “data14.csv”

Data Manipulation using pandas

Data Manipulation using pandas
• Show bottom 5 rows of the dataset

Data Manipulation using pandas
• Get all column names of the dataset

Data Manipulation using pandas
 Get the datatype of each column

Data Manipulation using pandas
 Get the dimension of the dataset

 Get the index

Data Manipulation using pandas
• Get the statistical summary of the dataset

Data Manipulation using pandas
• Transposing the dataset

Data Manipulation using pandas
• Accessing data from dataset - using loc - Column Names

Data Manipulation using pandas
• Accessing data from dataset - using iloc - Column position

Data Manipulation using pandas
• To get unique values in a Column (factors)

Data Manipulation using pandas
• To get unique count in a Column

Data Manipulation using pandas
• IsNull: This returns true or false depending on the status of the cell

Data Manipulation using pandas
•  Aggregate of all the values which are null

Data Manipulation using pandas
• Drop NA values (delete rows)

Data Manipulation using pandas

Data Manipulation using pandas
• Drop the columns where there are null values

Data Manipulation using pandas
• Fill the null values with '0‘

Data Manipulation using pandas
• Replace Values

Data Manipulation using pandas

• NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python.
• First step is to import pandas

• Convert list to array

• Replace value in list and array

• A nparray filled with all ones

• A nparray filled with all zeros

• Create nparray of n integer

• Creates np array of n elements, equally spaced between start and end

• Create 1 dimensional from random integer

• Create n dimensional array from random numbers between 0 and 1

Create array from random numbers between a and b

• Difference between list and numpy indexing


For queries


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