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Biological Classification

Kingdom Protista
Part II
Kingdom Protista
• Unicellular eukaryotes
• Protists are mainly aquatic
• They have flagella or cilia for locomotion
• They can reproduce both sexually and asexually
Classification of Kingdom of Protista
• It includes diatoms and golden algae,desmids
• They are mainly photosynthetic

Diatoms Golden algae Desmids

Diatoms (Phyto planktons)
• They have cell walls embedded with silica
• Cell walls – indestructible
• The siliceous indestructible cell wall pile up
at the bottom of waterbodies and form big heaps
called diatomaceous earth.
• They are known as the jewels of the plant kingdom
• Mostly marine and photosynthetic
• They are of different colours – red, green, yellow, brown
• They have cell wall, which consists of cellulose plates
• Most of them have two flagella, one transverse and other longitudinal
Red dinoflagellates
• Rapid multiplication of red flagellates in the sea , make the seas appear red (red
• Eg – Gouyaulax
• Formation of red tides in sea, kill marine
• Mostly freshwater
• Lack cell wall
• Posses a protein rich layer called pellicle which makes their body flexible
• They are photosynthetic when sunlight is available
• They behave like heterotrophs when deprived of sunlight
Slime Moulds
• Are Saprophytes
• Under favourable conditions, they form an
aggregate called plasmodium which spread over
several feet
• During unfavourable conditions plasmodium
of slime moulds develop fruiting bodies which
have spores in them
• Spores are dispersed by air currents
• All protozoans are heterotrophs and live as predators or parasites. There are four
major groups of protozoans.

• Amoeboid protozoans:
• Flagellated protozoans
• Ciliated protozoans
• Sporozoans:
Amoeboid protozoans:

• Found in fresh water, sea water and moist soil

• Marine forms have silica shells on their surface
• Locomotion with the help of pseudopodia (false feet)
• Some are parasitic

Flagellated protozoans
• Members of this group are free living or parasitic
• Use flagella for locomotion
• Parasitic forms can cause disease (sleeping sickness)

Trypanosoma Leishmania
Ciliated protozoans

• These are aquatic organisms

• They use cilia for locomotion
• Eg Paramoecium
• They do not have any locomotory organs as such
• They are endoparasites
• The sporozoans are able to form spore-like cells, from which they get
their name.
• Eg -Plasmodium

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