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Programming Logic and

Fourth Edition, Introductory

Chapter 4
Designing and Writing
a Complete Program
• Plan the mainline logic for a complete program
• Describe typical housekeeping tasks
• Describe tasks typically performed in the main loop
of a program
• Describe tasks performed in the end-of-job module
• Understand the need for good program design

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Objectives (continued)
• Appreciated the advantages of storing program
components in separate files
• Select superior variable and module names
• Design clear module statements
• Understand the need for maintaining good
programming habits

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Understanding the Mainline Logical
Flow Through a Program
• Understand what the goals are
– Ask the user to clarify if necessary

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Understanding the Mainline Logical
Flow Through a Program (continued)
• Ensure you have all the data required to produce
the desired output

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Understanding the Mainline Logical
Flow Through a Program (continued)
• Understand the big picture first

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Understanding the Mainline Logical
Flow Through a Program (continued)
• Procedural program: one procedure follows
another from beginning to end
• Mainline logic has three distinct parts:
– Housekeeping: steps to get ready
– Main loop: instructions executed for every input record
– End-of-job: steps taken at end of program
• Break the logic down into at least three modules

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Understanding the Mainline Logical
Flow Through a Program (continued)

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Understanding the Mainline Logical
Flow Through a Program (continued)
• Modularization of the program:
– Keeps the job manageable
– Allows multiple programmers to work simultaneously
– Keeps the program structured

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Housekeeping Tasks
• Housekeeping tasks: include all steps that occur
at the beginning of the program
– Declare variables
– Open files
– Perform one-time-only tasks such as printing
– Read the first input record

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Declaring Variables
• Assign identifiers to memory locations
• Specify the name and data type
• Use meaningful names and follow standards
• Prefixes may be used to group related variables
• Declare a variable for each field in a data file

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Declaring Variables (continued)

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Declaring Variables (continued)
• Group name:
– Name for a group of associated variables
– Can handle the entire group with a single instruction

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Declaring Variables (continued)
• Initializing (or defining) the variable: providing an
initial value
• Some languages provide default initial values
• Other languages leave variables with an unknown or
garbage value
• Variables representing data fields in files do not need
to be initialized

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Declaring Variables (continued)
• Can use variables for report headings
• Embed any required spaces

• Heading can be printed using these variables

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Declaring Variables (continued)
• Every language provides methods for:
– Advancing the paper to top of page
– Printing single, double, or triple spaced lines
• Use annotation symbol to show variables

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Opening Files
• Specify file name and path (location)
• Issue a file open command
• If no input file is opened, input may be accepted
from the standard input device (e.g., keyboard)
• You must open both input and output files to be
used, including printer output device
• If no output file is opened, standard output device
(e.g., monitor) may be used

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A One-Time-Only Task -- Printing
• Printing headings for reports usually is done at
beginning of the program

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Reading the First Input Record
• Reading the first input record is the last
housekeeping task
• Interactive application:
– Interacts with users via keyboard or mouse input
– Program pauses when the read command is
executed until the user enters data
• Delimiter: a character designated as a separator
between data values
• Prompt: an output statement that asks the user to
enter specific data

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Reading the First Input Record
• Interactive input:

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Reading the First Input Record
• Input from a data file:

• Input from a data file using a group name:

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Checking for the End of the File
• First task after housekeeping
• For an interactive program, EOF may be determined
– User enters a predetermined sentinel value
– User selects a screen option using a mouse
• For input from a file, the input device recognizes EOF
• If no data in the file, EOF occurs on the first read
• If there is data, each record is processed before the
next read occurs

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Checking for End of File (continued)

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Checking for End of File (continued)

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Checking for End of File (continued)

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Checking for End of File (continued)
• Handling the report headings in a separate module:

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Writing the Main Loop
• Each data record passes through the main loop
• Inventory program main loop steps:
1. Calculate the profit for an item
2. Print the item’s information on the report
3. Read the next inventory record

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Writing the Main Loop (continued)
• Must declare additional variables for calculation

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Writing the Main Loop (continued)

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Writing the Main Loop (continued)

• Detail lines are printed one line at a time:

• Calculations can be done within the print statement:

• Work variable (or work field): a variable used to

temporarily hold a calculation

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Performing End-of-Job Tasks

• End-of-job tasks may include:

– Printing summaries or grand totals
– Printing “End of Report” message
– Closing any open files
• Footer line (or footer): end-of-job message line

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Performing End-of-Job Tasks

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Performing End-of-Job Tasks (continued)

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Performing End-of-Job Tasks (continued)

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Understanding the Need for Good
Program Design
• Good design is:
– Critical for very large programs
– Needed to guarantee that components work together
• Well-designed program modules should work:
– As stand-alone modules
– As part of larger systems

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Storing Program Components in
Separate Files
• Large programs may contain hundreds of variables
and thousands of lines of code
• Manage lengthy programs by breaking into modules
• Many languages allow program components to be
stored in separate files
• Storing components separately simplifies reuse
• Accessing modules from separate files is done with a
statement like include, import, or copy

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Storing Program Components in
Separate Files (continued)

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Storing Program Components in
Separate Files (continued)
• Advantages of storing components separately:
– Simplifies reuse
– Can be provided in compiled form only, to hide details
• Implementation hiding: hiding details of how a
program or module works

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Selecting Variable and Module Names

• Using meaningful names:

– Improves code readability
– Is a form of self-documenting the program
• Use pronounceable names
• Commonly used abbreviations are ok (e.g., SSN)
• Avoid digits in a name to avoid confusing:
– Zeros and O’s
– Ones and lowercase L’s

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Designing Clear Module Statements
• Follow these rules:
– Select good identifier names
– Avoid confusing line breaks
– Use temporary variables to clarify long statements
– Use constants where appropriate

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Avoiding Confusing Line Breaks
• Free-form coding allows programmer to decide
where to break lines of code

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Using Temporary Variables to Clarify
Long Statements
• Use temporary variables to store intermediate

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Using Constants Where Appropriate
• Named constant: a constant whose value never
changes during execution
• Advantages
– Improves code readability
– If the value changes later, there is only one place in
the code to make the change
• Usually written with all uppercase letters

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Using Constants Where Appropriate

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Maintaining Good Programming Habits
• Program will be better written if you plan before you
• Walk through program logic on paper before coding
• Select good variable and module names for

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• Three steps to designing a good program:
– Understand the output that is required
– Ensure you have the necessary input data
– Plan the mainline logic
• Housekeeping tasks done at the beginning of the
program: declaring variables, opening files, printing
• Main loop is controlled by EOF decision
• Each data record passes through the main loop once

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Summary (continued)
• End-of-job steps done at end of the program:
printing summaries, closing files
• Good design becomes more critical as programs
get larger
• Program components can be stored in separate
• Select meaningful, pronounceable names
• Avoid confusing line breaks, use temporary
variables, and use constants where appropriate

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