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Search for Truth

Segmenting the Indian Society

The Pyramid

Brahmin 3%

Kshtriya + Baniyas



Christians Muslims Buddhist Sikhs

)2.5%( )20%( )0.8%( )1.9%(
The Pyramid

• It is a typical representation of Indian society

• 3% Brahmin”Bhudevta” or “The living gods” are at the top and they want
to maintain that by Hinduizing the country in to a Hindu Rashtra
• The top two segments are true Hindu who came from the plains between
Caucasus mountain & Caspian lake. Rest are Mulniwasi or Original Children
of the Land (Study had proved Upper Cast genetics match with
• OBC economically slightly better off but still under Hindus & are
• There is a Push-Pull between the communities out side with the ones in
side The Pyramid.
- Hindu (Top two segments) pulling these communities of freedom &
equality to get them at the bottom by Hard as well as Soft ways
( explained vividly few slides later)
- From the lowest segment there is a constant out flow of the oppressed
who are in constant quest for Equality & Freedom
Hindu Rastra Impractical

• Under Original Hindu Law ( Manu Samhita); OBC, SC & ST will never know
what is equality.

• Hindu Terrorism will be more openly practiced.

• Disastrous Consequences on the integration of highly diversified non Hindu

majority federation.

• We can save our beloved motherland India from total disintegration by

foiling all the attempts of Sangh Parivaar to turn the secular state in to the
dreaded theological state (failure of theological states are in our very
neighborhood- Nepal & Pakistan)
Why no “Dawa” / Invitation works by
?these powerful religions
Why Muslims-Sikhs-Buddhists do not have missionary activities??

Their numbers would swell. In any democracy numbers matter.

• OBC-SC-ST are desperate to break out of “The Pyramid”
• Anti Conversion ( read Anti Fundamental Rights, Anti secular) Laws laid
by Brahmin dominated administration is very stringent!
• Still flow out from Dalit sector is very strong & unstoppable

• Christianity: Attraction of equality supported with extensive
missionary activities
• Islam: Attraction of equality
• Buddhism: Attraction of equality.
The Pull by Brahminical Forces is

• Sangh Parivaar is engaged in Inward-pull of the communities out side

pyramid to Dalit sub-segment
• Brahmins need slaves to maintain their supremacy.
• The pull uses all the tricks of Chanakya: Sam-Dam-Dand-Ved

Sam: (Samanta) false feeling of equality in the name of democracy

Dam: (Daman) through communal riots where ever so called minorities start rising economically,
academically. Upper cast dominated state police has started false encounters too.
Dand: The Soft ways to deprive so called minorities from opportunities like economic growth or jobs or

Ved: Rashtriya Muslim Manch, Muktar Naqvi, Shahnawaz Hussain; Great Scientist APJ Abdulkalam;

Tactfully as well as successfully

Creating the mindset that the largest community of India is the minority.
Dalits are being Hinduized enmass
Dalits are prohibited to enter in to any other faith by restrict their freedom through
stringent Anti Conversion Law
The Hard Ways adopted in the Pull

Hindu Terrorism / Militancy

(BMS;RSS; Hindu Jagaran Manch; Bajrangdal etc. It is a long list)

• Riots by dividing the Mulniwasi at the bottom of the pyramid.

Brainwash them and put them against each other. In recent
Orissa Anti Christian riot SC was rioting against ST very

• In any anti-Muslim riots these innocent SC & ST were brainwashed

and used as front line killers by Sangh Parivaar

• Wherever Christian-Muslims economic/ academic or demographic

growth becomes visible; anti Muslim or anti Christian riot applied
to bring them down!
Hindu Terrorism

• Hindu militancy is thousands of years old

• It killed millions in distant past during the struggle between

Aryans & non Aryans.

• Brutal Hindu militancy turned non-Aryan Mulniwasi- the very son

of the soil into untouchable Dalit

• The foreign invaders / Aryans became living gods.

Post Independence Soft Ways far more
• Sachar Commission Report is a glaring truth

• In six decades of Brahmin lead Congress rule; Muslims the ruling

community turned in to most back ward community

• 20% of the population (Muslims) labeled as minority community

• Hardly 13% of Indian population are the “REAL” Hindus (upper

two segments of the Pyramid) identified as the majority
Tactful Hinduization of SC-ST

Hinduization means

• Accepting slavery

• Submission to Brahmin supremacy!

• Making The Pyramid stronger than before

• Innocent Dalit population do not understand this tact of the

Democracy is nothing but game of
Benefits of “Great Unity”

• Dalit + Muslim + Christian + Sikh + Buddhists Unity is a must

• In any general election only 40% of the voters cast their valued votes
• If this “Great Unity” votes is secured enmass in favor of one party which
assures pro-unity rules; the situation will change instantaneously
• Sangh Parivaar can be banned by a single law passed by absolute majority
at Parliament & assemblies
• True Secularism, Democracy; Equality, Brotherhood will be a reality
• The Pyramid & its evil systems will vanish by law
• Brahmin imposed atmosphere of hatred will drive “Great Unity” in an
atmosphere of LOVE and FELLOW FEELING
• Communal riots will be history
• The true majority of Indians will be empowered, uplifted
• So called “Hindu Growth” or the single digit growth in GDP will turn in to
double digits
• India will shine in truest sense
• India will be a global power in our life time
A tiny step in that BIG direction

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