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The bubble diameter at the time of detachment from

the surface can be worked out from the relation
proposed by
a) Stanton
b) Fritz
c) Fourier
d) Nusselt

Answer: b
Explanation: It is given by Fritz, an American scientist.
2. The nucleate pool boiling is influenced by the following factors
(1) Pressure
(2) Liquid properties
(3) Material
Identify the correct statements
a) i, ii and iii
b) ii only
c) i and ii
d) ii and iii

• Answer: a
Explanation: It depends on pressure, material and liquid properties.
3. Consider the following phenomena
(i) Boiling
(ii) Free convection in air
(iii) Forced convection in air
(iv) Conduction in air
Identify the correct sequence (heat transfer coefficient)
a) iii – iv – i – ii
b) iv – i – iii – ii
c) iv – iii – ii – i
d) iv – ii – iii – i

• Answer: d
Explanation: Heat transfer coefficient is maximum for conduction in air
and is least for boiling.
4. The bubble diameter at the time of detachment
from the surface can be worked out from the
relation proposed by Fritz and is given by
a) C d β [2 σ/g (p t – p v)].
b) C d β [2 σ/g (p t – p v)] 3/2
c) C d β [2 σ/g (p t – p v)] 1/2
d) C d β [2 σ/g (p t – p v)] 5/2
• Answer: c
Explanation: The constant C d has the value 0.0148 for water bubbles.
5. In spite of large heat transfer coefficient in
boiling liquids, fins are used advantageously when
the entire surface is exposed to
a) Film boiling
b) Transition boiling
c) Nucleate boiling
d) All modes of boiling

• Answer: d
Explanation: Here all modes of boiling i.e. film, transition and nucleate are
of great importance.
6. With increase in excess temperature, the heat
flux in boiling
a) Increases continuously
b) Decreases and then increases
c) Decreases, then increases and again decreases
d) Increases, then decreases and again increases

• Answer: d
Explanation: It first increases to 50% then decreases not to zero and again
increases to its maximum value.
7. The excess temperature range 50 degree
Celsius < d t < 200 degree Celsius is
indicative of the region of
a) Interface evaporation
b) Nuclear boiling
c) Partial film boiling
d) Stable film boiling
• Answer: c
Explanation: The physical phenomenon of pool boiling is generally divided
into four different regions based on the excess temperature.
8. Heat flux increases with temperature
excess beyond the Leiden-frost point due to
a) Radiation effect becomes predominant
b) Occurrence of subcooled boiling
c) Vapor space become large
d) Promotion of nucleate boiling
• Answer: a
Explanation: Heat flux increases with temperature excess beyond the
Leiden-frost point due to radiation effect becomes predominant.
9. Leiden-frost expansion is related to
a) Condensation of vapor on a cold surface
b) Exchange of heat between two solids
c) Evaporation of a solution
d) Boiling of liquid on a hot surface

• Answer: d
Explanation: It is related to boiling of liquid on a hot surface.
10. Consider the following statements regarding nucleate boiling
(i) The temperature of the surface is greater than the saturation temperature of the
(ii) Bubbles are created by the expansion of entrapped gas oil vapor at small cavities
in the surface
(iii) The temperature is greater than that in film boiling
(iv) The heat transfer from the surface to the liquid is greater than that in the film
Which of these statements are correct?
a) i and iii
b) i, ii and iv
c) ii, iii and iv
d) i, ii and iii

• Answer: b
Explanation: The temperature must be less than that in film boiling.
For flow of viscous fluid over a flat plate,if the fluid temperature is
the same as the plate temperature,the thermal boundary layer is
(I)thinner than the velocity boundary layer
(II)thicker than the velocity boundary layer
(III)of the same thickness as the velocity boundary layer
(IV)not formed at all less of all surface

• Answer : not formed at all

 In a shell and tube heat exchanger, baffles are provided on the shell side
(i) Improve heat transfer
(ii)Provide support for tubes
(iii)Prevent stagnation of shell side fluid
(iv) solid-Liquid

• Answer: Prevent stagnation of shell side fluid

In a heat exchanger with one fluid evaporating or condensing, the
surface area required is least in
(i) parellel flow
(ii) counter flow
(iii) cross flow
(iv) All of these

• Answer: All of these

In counter current flow heat exchanger, the
logarithmic temperature difference between the
fluids is ________ as compared to parallel flow heat
(i) Same
(ii) Less
(iii) Greater
(iv) Equal

• Answer: Greater
If only hot fl;uid intlet & cold fluid inlet
temperature is give , which method is easy to
applicable for solving & finding heat flow rate
(i) correction factor method
(ii) LMTD method
(iii) fouling factor method
(iv) NTU method

• Answer: NTU method

The temperature of the liquid is below the saturation
temperature and boiling takes place only in vicinity
of the heated surface. This type of boiling is known
Some examples of heat exchanger are
(i) Condensers and evaporators in refrigeration units
(ii) Evaporator of an ice plant and milk chiller of a pasteurizing plant
(iii) Automobile radiators and oil coolers of heat engines
Identify the correct answer

(i) i only
(ii) ii and iii
(iii) i, ii and iii
(iv) i and ii

• Answer: i, ii and iii

What are the compact heat exchangers?
(i) the heat exchangers having
small surface area per unit volume  
(ii) the heat exchangers having large
surface area per unit volume  
(iii) the heat exchangers having small
surface area per unit weight
(iv) the heat exchangers having
large surface area per unit weight

• Answer: the heat exchangers having large surface area per unit volume  
What is the purpose of using baffles in shell-
and-tube heat exchangers?
(i) to maintain uniform spacing between tubes
(ii) to enhance heat transfer
(iii)both a. and b.
(iv) to reduce weight

• Answer: Both a and b

Which side is suitable to provide fins on to
enhance heat transfer, when heat exchanges
between gas and liquid?
(i)Gas side
(ii)Liquid side
(iii)None of the sides
(iv)Either liquid or gas side

• Answer: Gas Side

The scales form in heat exchangers after a period of operation
and provide additional resistance to heat transfer with some
heat transfer coefficient. The reciprocal of this scale heat
transfer coefficient is called as
(i) scaling factor
(ii) fouling factor
(iii)forming factor
(iv)resisting factor 

• Answer: Fouling factor

Choose the correct match for boiling curve
Onset of Nucleate Boiling A. Maximum heat flux
Critical heat flux B. Bubble formation begins
Leiden first pointC. Minimum heat flux
(i)1 – A, 2 – B, 3 – C
(ii)1 – A, 2 – C, 3 – B
(iii)1 – B, 2 – A, 3 – C
(iv)1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – A

• Answer: (iii) 1 – B, 2 – A, 3 – C
For the same inlet and outlet temperatures of hot and cold fluids, the
Log mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) is
(i) Greater for parallel flow heat exchanger than for counter flow heat
(ii) Greater for counter flow heat exchanger than for parallel flow heat
(iii)Same for both parallel and counter flow heat exchangers
(iv)Dependent on the properties of the fluids.

• Answer: (ii) Greater for counter flow heat exchanger than for parallel
flow heat exchanger
Match List-I (Heat exchanger process) with List-II (Temperature area diagram)
and select the correct answer: (2)

• Answer: A – 3, B – 4, C – 1, D – 2
This is the most common type of heat exchangers in which the
hot and cold fluid do not come into direct contact with each
other but are separated by a tube wall or a surface

(i)Direct contact heat exchanger

(ii)Indirect contact heat exchager
(iv)Shell and tube heat exchanger

• Answer: (iii) Recuperator

In which type of boiling, the fluid is stationary, and
any motion of the fluid is due to natural convection
currents and the motion of the bubbles due to the
influence of buoyancy
(i) Forced convection boiling
(ii)Pool Boiling
(iii)Nucleate boiling
(iv)Film boiling

• Answer:
10. Consider the following statements regarding nucleate boiling
(i) The temperature of the surface is greater than the saturation temperature of the
(ii) Bubbles are created by the expansion of entrapped gas oil vapor at small cavities
in the surface
(iii) The temperature is greater than that in film boiling
(iv) The heat transfer from the surface to the liquid is greater than that in the film
Which of these statements are correct?
a) i and iii
b) i, ii and iv
c) ii, iii and iv
d) i, ii and iii

• Answer: b
Explanation: The temperature must be less than that in film boiling.
10. Consider the following statements regarding nucleate boiling
(i) The temperature of the surface is greater than the saturation temperature of the
(ii) Bubbles are created by the expansion of entrapped gas oil vapor at small cavities
in the surface
(iii) The temperature is greater than that in film boiling
(iv) The heat transfer from the surface to the liquid is greater than that in the film
Which of these statements are correct?
a) i and iii
b) i, ii and iv
c) ii, iii and iv
d) i, ii and iii

• Answer: b
Explanation: The temperature must be less than that in film boiling.
10. Consider the following statements regarding nucleate boiling
(i) The temperature of the surface is greater than the saturation temperature of the
(ii) Bubbles are created by the expansion of entrapped gas oil vapor at small cavities
in the surface
(iii) The temperature is greater than that in film boiling
(iv) The heat transfer from the surface to the liquid is greater than that in the film
Which of these statements are correct?
a) i and iii
b) i, ii and iv
c) ii, iii and iv
d) i, ii and iii

• Answer: b
Explanation: The temperature must be less than that in film boiling.
10. Consider the following statements regarding nucleate boiling
(i) The temperature of the surface is greater than the saturation temperature of the
(ii) Bubbles are created by the expansion of entrapped gas oil vapor at small cavities
in the surface
(iii) The temperature is greater than that in film boiling
(iv) The heat transfer from the surface to the liquid is greater than that in the film
Which of these statements are correct?
a) i and iii
b) i, ii and iv
c) ii, iii and iv
d) i, ii and iii

• Answer: b
Explanation: The temperature must be less than that in film boiling.
1. Boiling refers to a change from the
a) Solid to a liquid phase
b) Vapor to a liquid phase
c) Liquid to a solid phase
d) Liquid to a vapor phase

• Answer: d
Explanation: Boiling is a convective heat transfer process that is
associated with a change in the phase of a fluid.
2. The boiling process has wide-spread applications in
(i) Production of steam in nuclear and steam power plants for generation
and for industrial processes and space heating
(ii) Absorption of heat in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems
(iii) Concentration, dehydration and drying of foods and materials
Identify the correct statements
a) i and ii
b) ii and iii
c) i, ii and iii
d) i and iii

• Answer: c
Explanation: Boiling constitutes the convective heat transfer process that
involves a phase change from liquid to vapor state.
3. Maximum heat transfer rate in a modern
boiler is about
a) 2 * 10 5 W/m2
b) 3 * 10 5 W/m2
c) 4 * 10 5 W/m2
d) 5 * 10 5 W/m2
• Answer: a
Explanation: Greater importance has recently been given to the boiling
heat transfer.
4. Which type of boiling occurs in steam
boilers employing natural convection?
a) Forced convection
b) Pool
c) Local
d) Saturated
• Answer: b
Explanation: The liquid above the hot surface is essentially stagnant and
the only motion near the surface is because of free convection.
5. In which type of boiling the fluid motion is
induced by external means?
a) Pool
b) Local
c) Forced convection
d) Subcooled
• Answer: c
Explanation: The liquid is pumped and forced across the surface in a
controlled manner.
6. The temperature of the liquid is below the
saturation temperature and boiling takes place only
in vicinity of the heated surface. This type of boiling
is known as
a) Subcooled
b) Forces
c) Saturated
d) Pool
• Answer: a
Explanation: The vapor bubbles travel a short path and then vanish, apparently they
condense in the bulk of the liquid which is at a temperature less than the boiling point.
7. In which type of boiling the temperature of
the liquid exceeds the saturation temperature?
a) Forced
b) Saturated
c) Pool
d) Saturated
• Answer: d
Explanation: The vapor bubbles generated at the solid surface are transported
through the liquid by buoyancy effects and eventually escape from the surface.
8. The phenomenon of stable film boiling is
referred to as
a) Nucleate effect
b) Boiling regimes
c) Leiden frost effect
d) Von karma effect

• Answer: c
Explanation: This is the region of stable film boiling.
9. For water evaporating at atmospheric
pressure, the burnout occurs at temperature
excess slightly above
a) 25 K
b) 55 K
c) 75 K
d) 105 K
• Answer: b
Explanation: The burnout point on the boiling curve represents the point of
maximum heat flux at which transition occurs from nucleate to film boiling.
10. The boiling phenomenon is known to
occur in how many forms?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

• Answer: d
Explanation: Pool, forced convection, subcooled and saturated boiling.
1. Reynolds number is replaced by a modulus
significant of the agitation of the fluid particles in
nucleate boiling. Such a dimensionless modulus is
defined by the relation
a) Re b = 2 D b G b/δ f
b) Re b = D b G b/δ f
c) Re b = ½ D b G b/δ f
d) Re b = 3 D b G b/δ f
• Answer: b
Explanation: This nucleate boiling regime is of great importance because of the very high heat fluxes
possible with moderate temperature differences. Where, D b is the average bubble diameter, G b is the
mass velocity of the bubble per unit area and δ f is the fluid viscosity.
2. The bubble diameter has been expressed by
Fritz as
a) D b = C d β [2 σ/g (p f – p g)] 1/2
b) D b = C d β [2 σ/g (p f – p g)] 3/2
c) D b = C d β [2 σ/g (p f – p g)] 5/2
d) D b = C d β [2 σ/g (p f – p g)] 7/2
• Answer: a
Explanation: C d is a constant which has been evaluated as 0.0148 for hydrogen and water bubbles.
Where, C d is a constant, σ is surface tension of the liquid and β is the bubble contact angle measured
through liquid in degrees.
3. What is the value of surface fluid constant
for water-copper combination?
a) 0.010
b) 0.011
c) 0.012
d) 0.013
• Answer: d
Explanation: The surface fluid regime is of great importance because of
the very high heat fluxex possible with moderate temperature differences.
4. What is the value of surface fluid constant
for water-brass combination?
a) 0.004
b) 0.005
c) 0.006
d) 0.007
• Answer: c
Explanation: For H 2 O and Brass combination, this value must lie between
0.0056 to 0.00062.
5. Spherical bubbles of 3 mm diameter are observed in the bulk fluid boiling of
water at standard atmospheric pressure. Assuming pure water vapor in the bubble
and vapor pressure equal to 101.325 k N/m2, calculate the temperature of the vapor
a) 100.217 degree Celsius
b) 200.217 degree Celsius
c) 300.217 degree Celsius
d) 400.217 degree Celsius

• Answer: a
Explanation: T v – T sat = (2 σ/r – p g) R v T V2/p v h f g.
6. An electric wire of 1.25 mm diameter and 250 mm long is laid
horizontally and submerged in water at 7 bar. The wire has an
applied voltage of 2.2 V and carries a current of 130 amperes. If
the surface of the wire is maintained at 200 degree Celsius,
make calculations for the heat flux
a) 0.0915 * 10 6 W/m2
b) 0.1915 * 10 6 W/m2
c) 0.2915 * 10 6 W/m2
d) 0.3915 * 10 6 W/m2

• Answer: c
Explanation: Q= V I = 286 W and A = 9.81 * 10 -4 m2. Therefore heat flux =
7. Consider the above problem, find the
boiling heat transfer coefficient
a) 5330 W/m2 K
b) 6330 W/m2 K
c) 7330 W/m2 K
d) 8330 W/m2 K

• Answer: d
Explanation: Q = h A d t. So, h = 8330 W/m2 K.
8. Which of the following parameters affect burnout heat flux in the
nucleate boiling region
(i) Heat of evaporation
(ii) Temperature difference
(iii) Density of vapor
(iv) Density of liquid
(v) Surface tension at the vapor-liquid interface
Mark the correct answer from the codes indicated below
a) i, ii, iii and v
b) i, iii, iv and v
c) i, ii, iii and iv
d) i, iii and v

• Answer: b
Explanation: Acc to Zuber relation, burn out (Q/A) = 0.18 p g h f g [p (p f –
p g)/p g 2] 0.25 [p f/p g + p f] 0.5.
9. All the following statements are correct, except
a) Nucleate boiling gets promoted on a smooth surface
b) In subcooled heating, the temperature of the heating surface is
more than the boiling point of the liquid
c) Film boiling region is usually avoided in commercial equipment
d) There occurs transition from nucleate to film boiling burn-out
point on the boiling curve

• Answer: a
Explanation: A rough surface gives a better heat transmission than when the
surface is either smooth or has been coated to weak its tendency to get wetted.
10. Milk spills over when it is boiled in an
open vessel. The boiling of milk at this instant
is referred to as
a) Interface evaporation
b) Sub-cooled boiling
c) Film boiling
d) Saturated nucleate boiling
• Answer: b
Explanation: This is an application of sub-cooled boiling.
The heat flux in nucleate boiling varies in
accordance with
a) h f g
b) (h f g) 0.5
c) 1/(h f g) 2
d) (h f g) 3
• Answer: c
Explanation: Q/A = δ f h f g [(p f – p g) g/σ] 0.5 [C f d t/h f g p C s f] 3.
 In nucleate pool boiling, the heat flux depends
a) Liquid properties, material and condition of
the surface
b) Material of the surface only
c) Material and roughness of the surface
d) Liquid properties and material of the surface
• Answer: a
Explanation: The heat flux must depends on liquid properties material
and condition of the surface.
Identify the wrong statement with respect to boiling heat transfer?
a) The steam boilers employing natural convection have steam
raised through pool boiling
b) Boiling occurs when a heated surface is exposed to a liquid
and maintained at a temperature lower than the saturation
temperature of the liquid
c) Leiden-frost effect refers to the phenomenon of stable film
d) The nucleation boiling is characterized by the formation of
bubbles at the nucleation sites and the resulting liquid agitation

• Answer: b
Explanation: For boiling to occur, the heated surface must be exposed to a liquid and
maintained at a temperature higher than the saturation temperature of the liquid.
Estimate the peak heat flux for water boiling at normal atmospheric
pressure. The relevant thermo-physical properties are
p f (liquid) = 958.45 kg/m3
p g (vapor) = 0.61 kg/m3
h f g = 2.25 * 10 6 J/kg
σ = 0.0585 N/m
a) 1.53 * 10 8 W/m2
b) 1.53 * 10 7 W/m2
c) 1.53 * 10 6 W/m2
d) 1.53 * 10 5 W/m2

• Answer: c
Explanation: (Q/A) = 0.18 p g h f g [σ (p f – p g)/p g 2] 0.25.
 Condensation refers to a change from the
a) Solid to a liquid phase
b) Vapor to a liquid phase
c) Liquid to a solid phase
d) Liquid to a vapor phase

• Answer: b
Explanation: Condensation is a convective heat transfer process that is
associated with a change in the phase of a fluid.
The convective coefficients for condensation
usually lie in the range
a) 30-300 W/m2 K
b) 60-3000 W/m2 K
c) 300-10000 W/m2 K
d) 2500-10000 W/m2 K
• Answer: d
Explanation: The convective coefficient for condensation should be high
because condensation refers to a change from the vapor to a liquid phase.
Drop wise condensation usually occurs on
a) Oily surface
b) Glazed surface
c) Smooth surface
d) Coated surface

• Answer: a
Explanation: It generally occurs on oily surface. It is the convective heat
transfer process that is associated with a change in the phase of a fluid.
Saturated steam is allowed to condense over a vertical flat
surface and the condensate film flows down the surface. The
local coefficient of heat transfer for condensation
a) Remains constant at all heights of the surface
b) Decreases with increasing distance from the top of the surface
c) Increases with increasing thickness of film
d) Increases with increasing temperature differential between the
surface and vapour

• Answer: b
Explanation: It decreases with increasing thickness of condensate
In condensation over a vertical surface, the value of convection
coefficient varies as
a) k 0.25
b) k 0.33
c) k 0.75
d) k -0.5

• Answer: a
Explanation: h = 0.943 [k 3 p 2 g h f g/δ l (t sat – t s)] 0.25.
For film wise condensation on a vertical plane, the film thickness
δ and heat transfer coefficient h vary with distance x from the
leading edge as
a) δ decreases, h increases
b) Both δ and h increases
c) δ increases, h decreases
d) Both δ and h decreases

• Answer: c
Explanation: Thickness increases and heat transfer coefficient decreases.
The energy transfer between the hot fluid and cold fluids is
brought about by their complete physical mixing in
a) Direct contact heat exchanger
b) Regenerators
c) Recuperators
d) Boilers

• Answer: a
Explanation: In this type of heat exchanger, there is a simultaneous
transfer of heat and mass.
Many types of heat exchangers have been developed to meet
the widely varying applications. Based upon their
(i) Operating principle
(ii) Arrangement of flow path
(iii) Design
Identify the correct statements
a) i, ii and iii
b) i and ii
c) ii and iii
d) i and iii

• Answer: a
Explanation: Heat exchanger is a process equipment designed for the
effective transfer of heat energy between two fluids.
How many fluids remain at a constant temperature during the
process of boiling and condensation?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

• Answer: a
Explanation: During the process of boiling and condensation, only a phase
change takes place and one fluid remain at a constant temperature.
Hot water having specific heat 4200 J/kg K flows through a heat
exchanger at the rate of 4 kg/min with an inlet temperature of 100
degree Celsius. A cold fluid having a specific heat 2400 J/kg K
flows in at a rate of 8 kg/min and with inlet temperature 20 degree
Celsius. Make calculations for maximum possible effectiveness if
the fluid flow conforms to parallel flow arrangement
a) 0.533
b) 0.633
c) 0.733
d) 1

• Answer: a
Explanation: Maximum possible effectiveness = 1 – exponential (-
infinity)/1 + C = 0.533.
A counter flow heat exchanger is used to col 2000 kg/hr of oil
(c p = 2.5 k J/kg K) from 105 degree Celsius to 30 degree Celsius
by the use of water entering at 15 degree Celsius. If the overall
heat transfer coefficient is expected to be 1.5 k W/m2 K, find out
the water flow rate. Presume that the exit temperature of the
water is not to exceed 80 degree Celsius
a) 1680.2 kg/hr
b) 1580.2 kg/hr
c) 1480.2 kg/hr
d) 1380.2 kg/hr

• Answer: d
Explanation: Mass flow rate of coolant = 2000 (2.5) (105-30)/4.18 (80-15)
= 1380.2 kg/hr.
A cold fluid (specific heat 2.95 k J/kg K) at 10 kg/min is to be
heated from 25 degree Celsius to 55 degree Celsius in a heat
exchanger. The task is accomplished by extracting heat from hot
water (specific heat 4.186 k J /kg K) available at mass flow rate 5
kg/min and inlet temperature 85 degree Celsius. Identify the type
of arrangement of the heat exchanger
a) Concentric tubes
b) Parallel flow
c) Counter flow
d) Shell and tubes

• Answer: c
Explanation: m h c h (t h 1 – t h 2) = m c c c (t c 2 – t c 1).
In a food processing plant, a brine solution is heated from – 12
degree Celsius to – 65 degree Celsius in a double pipe parallel
flow heat exchanger by water entering at 35 degree Celsius and
leaving at 20.5 degree Celsius. Let the rate of flow is 9 kg/min.
Estimate the area of heat exchanger for an overall heat transfer
coefficient of 860 W/m2 K. For water c P = 4.186 * 10 3 J/kg K
a) 1. 293 m2
b) 0.293 m2
c) 7. 293 m2
d) 8. 293 m2

• Answer: b
Explanation: Q = m c P d t = 9104.5 J/s. A = Q/ U α m.
For what value of end temperature difference ratio, is the
arithmetic mean temperature difference 5% higher than the log-
mean temperature difference?
a) 2.4
b) 2.3
c) 2.2
d) 2.1

• Answer: c
Explanation: α 1/ α 2 = 2.2.
For evaporators and condensers, for the given conditions, the
logarithmic mean temperature difference for parallel flow is
a) Does not depend on counter flow
b) Smaller than counter flow
c) Greater than counter flow
d) Equal to counter flow

• Answer: d
Explanation: The temperature of one of the fluid remains constant during
the flow passage.
A cross flow type air heater has an area of 50 cm2. The overall
heat transfer coefficient is 100 W/m2 K and heat capacity of both
hot and cold stream is 1000 W/m K. The value of NTU is
a) 1000
b) 500
c) 5
d) 0.2

• Answer: b
Explanation: NTU = A U/C MIN = 5.
In a balanced counter flow heat exchanger with m h c h = m c c c,
the NTU is equal to unity. What is the effectiveness of heat
a) 0.5
b) 1.5
c) 0.33
d) 0.2

• Answer: a
Explanation: Effectiveness = NTU/NTU – 1 = 0.5.
 In a surface condenser, the water flowing through a series of tubes at the rate of
200 kg/hr is heated from 15 degree Celsius to 75 degree Celsius. The steam
condenses on the outside surface of tubes at atmospheric pressure and the
overall heat transfer coefficient is estimated at 860 k J/m2 hr degree. Find the
number of transfer units of the heat exchanger. At the condensing pressure,
stream has saturation temperature 0f 100 degree Celsius and the latent heat of
vaporization is 2160 k J/kg. Further, the steam is initially just saturated and the
condensate leaves the exchanger without sub-cooling i.e. only latent heat of
condensing steam is transferred to water. Take specific heat of water as 4 k J/kg K
a) 3.224
b) 2.224
c) 1.224
d) 0.224

• Answer: c
Explanation: Effectiveness = 1 – exponential [- NTU].
Consider the above problem, find the steam condensation rate
a) 52.22 kg/hr
b) 42.22 kg/hr
c) 32.22 kg/hr
d) 22.22 kg/hr

• Answer: d
Explanation: m h f g = m c c c (t c 2 – t c 1).
 NTU is a number of transfer units, dimensionless parameter
defined as
a) U A/C MIN
b) 2 U A/C MIN
c) 3 U A/C MIN
d) 4 U A/C MIN

• Answer: a
Explanation: The number of transfer units is a measure of the size of the heat
exchanger, it provides some indication of the size of the heat exchanger.

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