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Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6


Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Creating shapes

Using custom shapes

Choosing A Color For The Shape

Photoshop's geometric Shape tools

Creating logos

Flaming Hot Fire Text in Photoshop

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Adobe Photoshop is a bitmap editor but it has some vector
graphics tools too. For example, the Custom Shape tool.

The Photoshop vector tools are located in one section of the

Tools Panel. There are some simple forms like Rectangular
Tool, Line Tool, etc.

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

What is a shape?

Shapes are vector graphics, which means they are made up of

lines and curves instead of individual pixels.

Vector graphics can be scaled to any size and printed at any

resolution without losing detail or clarity.

With the shape tools in Adobe Photoshop Elements, you can

draw perfect five geometric shapes, regardless of your artistic
ability or illustration experience.

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Drawing basic shape

The shape tools include the Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle,
Ellipse, Polygon, Line, Custom Shape, and Shape Selection
tools (Figure 1).

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Vector Shapes

1. Rectangle: Draws squares and other rectangles.

2. Rounded Rectangle: Draws rectangles with rounded corners.
3. Ellipse: Draws perfect circles and other ellipses.
4. Line: Draws perfectly straight lines and arrows.
5. Custom Shape: Draws a variety of objects, including borders,
frames, animal shapes, music notes, and more.

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Setting shape tool options

Each shape tool provides specific options; for example, you can

set options that allow you to draw a rectangle with fixed
dimensions or a line with arrowheads. The available options vary
by tool.

Photoshop actually lets us draw three very different kinds of

shapes -vector shapes, paths, or pixel-based shapes.

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

The Polygon Tool

 The Polygon Tool is where things start to get interesting.
While the Rectangle Tool is limited to drawing four-sided
polygons, the Polygon Tool lets us draw polygons with as
many sides as we like.

It even lets us draw stars, as we'll see in a moment.

Enter the number of sides you need for your polygon shape into
the Sides option in the Options Bar. The default value is 5,
but you can enter any value from 3 to 100:

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Increasing the star's indent value to 90%.

We can create a starburst shape by increasing the indent of the

points using the Indent Sides By option. The default value is
50%. I'll increase it to 90%:

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

A star shape with Smooth Indents enabled.

We can create a starburst shape by increasing the indent of the

points using the Indent Sides By option. The default value is
50%. I'll increase it to 90%:

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

The Line Tool

the Line Tool, which is the last of Photoshop's geometric Shape

tools, lets us draw simple straight lines, but we can also use it to
draw arrows. Set the thickness of the line by entering a value, in
pixels, into the Weight option in the Options Bar. I'll set mine to
16 px:

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

The Line Tool

To add arrowheads to the lines, click on the small arrow in the

Options Bar to bring up the Arrowheads options. Photoshop lets
us add arrowheads to either the start or end of a line, or both. If
you want the arrowhead to appear in the direction you're drawing
the line, which is usually the case, select the End option. Make
sure you select this option before drawing the line, since
Photoshop doesn't let us go back and add arrowheads after the line
has already been drawn:

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

The Line Tool

Select End in the Arrowheads options to add an arrowhead in the

direction the line was drawn.
Here's a line shape similar to the previous one, this time with an
arrowhead on the end:

If the default size of the arrowhead doesn't work for you, you can
adjust it using the Width and Length options. We can also make
the arrowhead appear concave using the Concavity option. The
default value is 0%. I'll increase it to 50%:

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

The Line Tool

Increase the Concavity option to change the shape of the

This changes the shape of the arrowhead. Again, make sure you
set the Concavity option before drawing the line, otherwise you'll
need to delete the shape and draw it again:

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

The Line Tool

Increase the Concavity option to change the shape of the

This changes the shape of the arrowhead. Again, make sure you
set the Concavity option before drawing the line, otherwise you'll
need to delete the shape and draw it again:
Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit
Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

custom shapes

Custom Shapes are pre-made vector based elements that you can
install to save yourself time.
The Custom Shape Tool is nested in with Photoshop's other shape
tools in the Tools panel.

When you're using the Custom Shape tool, you can choose from
a variety of preset shapes. You can also save shapes that you
create as preset shapes.

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Creating Path Shapes

Path Shape
A path is a straight or curved shape. It is rather like a road - it can
curve one way or the other but it is always part of the same path.
There are sections in a path defined by anchor points.
A path also is made up of one or more straight or curved
The beginning and end of each segment are marked by 
anchor points, which work like pins holding a wire in place.

A path can be closed (for example, a circle), or open, with

distinct endpoints (for example, a wavy line).

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Creating Path Shapes

A path consists of segments and vertices. Segments are the lines
or curves that connect vertices.

Vertices define where each segment of a path starts and ends.

Some Adobe applications use the terms anchor point and path
point to refer to a vertex.

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Text Layer
Text Layers are a bit different from others and will be identified
by ‘T’ on its thumbnail. The text of this layer can still be changed
and effects can be applied to it. But if you want to use any tools
such as Brush, or Erase on this layer it will not be possible.

To use them you will need to rasterize the Text layer. Once you
rasterize it, you will not be able to edit the text.

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Text Layer

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

Step 1: Create A New Blank Photoshop Document

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

2. Fill The New Document With Black

Go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and

choose Fill, or press Shift+F5 to select the Fill
command with the keyboard shortcut:

Step 3: Select The Type Tool

Step 5: Set Your Text Color To White

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

Add Your Text

Step 7: Resize And Move The Text If Needed With Free Transform

Go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and choose Free Transform, or
press Ctrl+T:

Step 8: Rasterize The Text

To convert the text into pixels, go

up to the Layer menu at the top
of the screen, choose Rasterize, Unit
Design with Adobe Photoshop

and then choose Type:

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

Duplicate The Text Layer

press Ctrl+J.

Turn The Copy Off For Now

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

Select The Original Text Layer

Rotate The Canvas 90° Clockwise

Go up to the Image menu at the top of the screen,

choose Rotate Canvas, and then choose 90° CW
Go to Image > Rotate Canvas > 90° CW.

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

Apply The Wind Filter

We're ready to apply the Wind filter. Go up to the

Filter menu at the top of the screen, choose Stylize,
and then choose Wind:
Go to Filter > Stylize > Wind.

Re-Apply The Wind Filter A Couple More Times

The streaks are too small and subtle after applying the
Wind filter once, so let's re-apply it a couple of times.
To quickly re-apply the last filter you used, simply
press Ctrl+F

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

Rotate The Canvas 90° Counterclockwise

We're done with the Wind filter, so let's

rotate our image back to the way it was
Go to Image > Rotate Canvas > 90° CCW.

Apply The Gaussian Blur Filter

Go up to the Filter menu at the top of the

screen, choose Blur, and then choose
Gaussian Blur:
Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
This brings up the Gaussian Blur dialog box.
All we want to add is a small amount of
blurring, so I'm going to enter a Radius value
of about 1.2 pixels down at the bottom of the
dialog box: Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit
Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

Duplicate The Background Layer

Use the same keyboard shortcut we used earlier, Ctrl+J to

duplicate the Background layer.

Merge The Text Layer With The Background Copy Layer

To merge the two layers together, first

click on the text layer in the Layers
palette to select it. Then go up to the
Layer menu at the top of the screen and
choose Merge Down near the bottom
of the list of options:
Go to Layer > Merge Down.
Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit
Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

Draw A Rectangular Selection Around The Text

We simply drag a selection around the area

that we want to work with! First, we'll need
the Rectangular Marquee Tool, so either
select it from the Tools palette or press the
letter M on your keyboard to select it with the

Apply The Liquify Filter

With the area that we want to work

with selected, go up to the Filter
menu at the top of the screen and
choose Liquify:
Go to Filter > Liquify.

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

Click inside the streaks at different spots and drag

your mouse a short distance either left or right to
gently warp the streaks and give them some subtle,
random curves. Click inside the streaks at different
spots and drag your mouse a short distance either
left or right to gently warp the streaks and give them
some subtle, random curves.
Go back over to the Brush Size option on the right of the dialog box and choose a much
smaller brush size. I'm going to set mine to around 15:

Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit

Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

Duplicate The Background Layer

Use the same keyboard shortcut we used earlier, Ctrl+J to

duplicate the Background layer.

Merge The Text Layer With The Background Copy Layer

To merge the two layers together, first

click on the text layer in the Layers
palette to select it. Then go up to the
Layer menu at the top of the screen and
choose Merge Down near the bottom
of the list of options:
Go to Layer > Merge Down.
Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit
Chapter 4 Shape tools-Adobe Photoshop CS6

Flaming Hot Fire Text In Photoshop

Duplicate The Background Layer

Use the same keyboard shortcut we used earlier, Ctrl+J to

duplicate the Background layer.

Merge The Text Layer With The Background Copy Layer

To merge the two layers together, first

click on the text layer in the Layers
palette to select it. Then go up to the
Layer menu at the top of the screen and
choose Merge Down near the bottom
of the list of options:
Go to Layer > Merge Down.
Design with Adobe Photoshop Unit
Chapter Assessment questions


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